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Posts posted by Rakawan

  1. "Well I guess it started with the Chancellor." The woman says. "My name's Maurice by the way."

    "Well the old Chancellor, Lord bless his soul, was a miner at a Grineer colony. Nasty brutes if you ask me, more like bullies than soldiers." She rambles. "Well he got it inot his head that he was fed up taking orders from tubemen, I hear that's what you call them."

    She shifted her grip on the box.

    "Found a few weapons, and friends, and formed up a little militia." She said. "Course we weren't Tenno, but we did what we could. Harassed the Grineer, stole supplies. Managed to eke out an existence in relative freedom. Doubt they really cared much that we were there. you see this was about the time the Tenno were coming back. They had other problems."

    She nods out a window as you both carry boxes down some circling stairs. You can see the city square, and the rock in the middle. Embedded in the rock is a single Dark Sword.

    "Found that blade down there, he did." She says. "Saw it as some signal, whether divine or simple luck I'll never know. Started training any who would find us. Made an army of sorts. Small enough to remain hidden, but big enough that the Grineer couldn't afford to ignore us. Sooner or later they realized the problem."

    You reach the storage room and she sets down her box.

    "And that." She says. "Was when He found us."

  2. 30 minutes ago, Luthim said:

    "Thank you, Grandmaster." She said and bowed to him. She then proceeded towards one of the nearby pads and sat down.

    Focusing on her mind, she calmed herself to better sense the surroundings. She had done this many times with a warframe. But outside one it felt like a new experience every time.

    You can sense, rather than see, several other energy forms settle down around you. They seem ethereal, as if they are not truly there. The closest you have ever encountered are cephelon projections. However you can also sense the presence of other tenno.

  3. The Tenno points to you and you both vanish in a flash of light.

    The light fades and you find yourself on a balconey overlooking the mountain side. The air is chilly but not cold. Tenno architecture similar to the arches and pathways found in the Dojo Gardens adorns the walls and railings. You see several circular pads with soft sand inside. One of these sits on the very edge of the balconey. A hooded figure sits there, a bladed staff across their lap. They seem to be oblivious to your arrival.

    "Wait here." The Grost says. "I will speak with the Grandmaster."

    He walks over and whispers something to the figure.

    The figure  throws back his hood. He is very young, but his eyes glow golden. You sense an ancient and mysterious power emanating from him. 

    "Welcome Sister Tenno, to the Monastery of the Ways." He says. "I am Grandmaster Tak. Please make yourself at home. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask."

    The you hear soft footsteps and a Tenno that appears to be composed of pure golden energy kneels on one of the pads. It is a young woman in ornate Orokin style robes.

    The Grost bows to you and then vanishes again in a flash of light.

  4. 4 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She charges up and blasts her Miasma power, cuaseing the spore to explode in a massive exollxaitpopn, hopeing to take out the infested in the room 

    The explosion staggers the creature and its other head falls limp. The one facing Namira manages to avoid the brunt of the spores, but soon sucumbs to the barrage of bullets. The creature sways and then collapses sideways. I'ts body dissolves into infested biomass. You can see several of the resources you where looking for.

  5. 20 hours ago, Luthim said:

    ((I'll just facepalm myself. I should have seen that reference.))

    Luna took a step back in surprise as well when she realized what he were refering to.

    "I- um- of course I do, somewhat. I just remembered it under a different word..."

    She threw a worried look at Ceda. "Is there something wrong with me?"

    "Hm? Not what I can tell, maybe your recent fight -allthough very interesting- took a heavier toll on your mind than you thought?"

    *Helios did some electronic chirps from beside Ceda but it wasen't more helpfull than that.*

    "If you want we have medical assistance available." The Grost says. "Our healers are very skilled."

  6. 1 minute ago, Luthim said:

    Luna smiled but declined it. "I appriciate the offer, but I think i'ts better if you save it for someone who -unlike me- can't restore it on their own."

    A Tenno in a Grost skinned Warframe walks up.

    "There is more than enough energy in that obelisk for a thousand Tenno." He says. "It's been sitting in the village absorbing power from the prisma jewellry for at least a year. Not to mention what I personally funneled into it before the Collapse."

  7. 1 minute ago, Luthim said:

    "It's not. But we are not invincible, and our powers came with a cost.." Luna said.

    She closed her eyes, reaching into herself. Her energy had been drained but she still had some left. Good, she would not be nearly as defenceless if something happened as if she had been dry. She opened her eyes from her brief insight and turned off her shield.

    "Few Tenno wield the void the same way, it's very much like practicing with any physical weapon but here the weapon is the mind. So a fight against one of us is never the same."

    Melanie gestures to a strange crystal obelisk.

    "These obelisks contain void energy if you need to replenish yourself." She says.

  8. 19 minutes ago, Luthim said:

    Luna were pushed back short distance as her shield absorbed the beam, but it were still holding. She looked annoyed for a moment before she spoke. "That may be true.. But I'll never transcend my limits If I don't." She said before fading out of view.

    "Did you know some of my siblings believe in 'victory at any cost', even in duels like this?" Her voice came from all around Melanie. "But what honour is there in that? It's a good question, but the answer is.. none." The last word was spoken normally but in a friendly tone as Luna reappeared from her void-walk a short distance behind Melanie and slowly descended back on the ground as the wing-like strands of energy retracted.

    "There is no honour in humiliation.. I'm rather gracefull in defeat than win just to prove a point." She said and bowed in the tenno way while her Gammacor powered down and positioned itself in it's holster.

    "DRAW!" Teshin declares, as Melanie raises her hand.

    The Chancellor removes her faceguard and leans over.

    "That." She said. "I was fun. It's been a while."

    She leaned on her staff.

    "There is no fair fight against a Tenno." She said. "How can a fight be fair when you can manipulate the very world?"


  9. 54 minutes ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She looks to her*..Very well..

    *She spawns a molt into the center of the beast and spams as meny spores she can as possible, waiting for the monster to eat it or start attacking it, she grabs a ball of mas, to proc viral and toxin onto the molt as well* 


    Namira fires rounds off, the beast roaring as its head splatters the wall. It hangs limp.

    She circles around as the beast attacks the molt and fires again.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Luthim said:

    "You underestimate me.." She said while her eyes begun to shimmer and small strands of energy moved around her before a blinding flash of void-energy lashed out from her body, pushing back and holding in place everything that was struck. Luna floated up and raised her now charged Gammacor. "I can't do this in a warframe.."

    You see the glimmering edge of the spear inches from your neck, too close to dodge the beam that is about to erupt. A visor slides up from Melanie's eyes.

    "Yes." She says. "But you wouldn't need to."

    The beam fires.

  11. 2 minutes ago, Luthim said:

    Realizing her few options she slammed the two forces together, causing a violent explosion that knocked her away from the "hot zone".

    She managed to land on her feet and immediately called void energies around her in case Melanie had avoided the explosion.

    Through the swirling dust you see a shift in the patterns. You can faintly see a flare of jets and the vague outline of wings.

  12. 8 hours ago, LegionCynex said:

    *She smacks the Con across the head* No Bad!

    And thank you, I will keep it on a tight leash.

    Ohhh Crap!. We need to purge this place, I got a Orokin Bomb, on my ship, it will wipe any organic matter within the rooms, but we'll need to leave, *She trys to touch the cloned Lephhaitns. .



    (( Hay guys, sorry for the delay, my fault this time, I've just been busy with life, but Im back on track now)) 



    *SUddenly the void trader turns around and flies away, something else called him away, Chuold it be the new Orokin Luronaro? 

    Namira looks at you. "The things in this lab... we can't bomb it." 

    She looks at the monster.

    "It's just a small one." She says. "Come on, shouldn't be that tough."

  13. Instead of resisting the pull the Chancellor instead charges downward. A flurry of plasma beams arc towards you as she locks the spear into place and fires.

    Her other hand swings around and you see a nullifier bubble expand around the thrown grenade. She seems to be gritting her teeth.

  14. 7 hours ago, Luthim said:

    As you wish..

    Luna leaped smoothly over the beam and gathered void energy in the air before she landed with her left hand on the ground, a pulse of energy erupted towards Melanie while Luna fired an arc of her own nearly at the same time.

    The Chancellor slides under the gammacore beam and then rockets high into the air, the thrusters firing. She begins to arc downwards towards you, her spear held in a tight grip. 

  15. 34 minutes ago, Luthim said:


    "Curious, I'll be looking forward to your intentions, operator." Ceda said before she flew to the side, ready to scan just about everything. She also called Helios, who hopefully would be able to arrive before it was over.

    Luna nodded to Ceda before she begun focusing her mind. And taking a quick read of the enviroment. The last thing she did before she stepped inside where to press the button on the side of her weapon holster, which raised a personal shield around her. Now she were ready.

    She stepped inside and held her right arm out from her side a few degrees as the Gammacor's pieces flew up and positioned themselves just behind her hand, the sigil of Cephalon Suda appeared and begun to move.

    The timer made a sound as the match officialy begun. Luna launched a quick bolt with her weapon straight towards Melanie before readying her next move. A quick diversion to assess her opponents reactions.

    Melanie strafes to the side, the effort appearing easy, and brings her staff around. You see a glowing orb clutched between the prongs of the blade and a beam of plasma erupts from it. 

    "A good shot." Melanie says. "But please don't hold back."

    Melanie sweeps this beam in a wide arc. The Chancellor seems unconcerned by your attack. A quick review of the file CALC sent Ceda shows that the Chancellor has an extensive military history.


  16. 1 minute ago, Luthim said:

    Luna smiled lightly and joined Melanie on the pad with Ceda just above her shoulder. "Wherever we end up, I'll be sure to let Helios know so it can join us." She commented before the pad activated.

    You appear on a grassy field. 


    Melanie wordlessly steps into a ring of bedrooms and beckons you.

    She rises a foot off the ground and holds her spear behind her, you hear a slight humming, and holds out her other hand in a "come at me" gesture.

    A timer starts counting down. It seems that entering the arena before it ends will start the match.

  17. 31 minutes ago, Luthim said:

    Luna's answer likely came as a surprise. "Actually no, I intend to do this without an extension."

    "Are you sure that's wise?" Ceda asked. "I've begun looking over the possible attendees and they are all very armed."

    "What of it? Teshin would expect me to pull off something like this, let's not disappoint him."

    "Is this that 'fight on a higher plane' kind of thing? Now i'm curious on what you are planing."

    Luna chuckled lightly at Ceda's surprise. "I have a few surprises In mind. And since i'm only doing one match - I can be more free."

    "Intriguing.." Ceda commented before turning to Melanie. "If you would kindly show us the way it would be most helpful. Otherwise a map would suffice." As I haven't made one myself...

    Melanie steps onto a teleport pad. She motions for you to join her.

    "Map?" She jokes. "Even I don't have a map of this place."

  18. 4 hours ago, kyrozon said:

    "Alright and please just call me by my name Katrina." She replied as she landed her ship in the tower's dock and walked out of it. She looked around to see if her help really was needed.

    You see several robed forms carrying crates from a Tenno ship. One of them waves you over.

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