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Posts posted by Genesix6

  1. 6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    Sure mate. Whatever you say. You certainly didn't hoist yourself by your own petard. 

    Well you don't know what you are talking about so yeah

    6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    Still trying to read without comprehending. That's not good. 

    Well you not gonna read, so not gonna bother with this

    6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    Offensive play ≠ Nuking the map. 

    And yes you can use cc ability offensively. People have complained about it. 

    I wonder what is the current way to offensive play oh yeah, so I guess killing enemies with using weapon with cc is called offensive play

    6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    What's this? Good thing that links to time stamped posts exist. Behold:

    "Can we build limbo as nuker as instead of being cc, no" 

    When it's pointed out that you can, what did you do? 

    "Go ahead try using his catacylms against enemies with armor lvl 100" 

    Looks like a shifted goalpost. Pretty far out too. But hey whatever works, right? 

    I wonder what was the point of that post, what is to prove that some frames can't be benefit by some mods. 

    Well you ask why limbo can't nuke, because he can't to begin with, even lvl 50 doesn't do a thing at all. 

    6 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:


    And yes, I pointed out that was what you did. Now I have also quoted it and posted links to the originals. That should make it easier to find. 

    Yeah, you not much reading into of what I said,oh well 

    Have a good day tennogen of not reading into of what you said

  2. 1 hour ago, HEA-Devazone said:

    10% status mods should be addictive.
    +10 status chance instead of %10
    this would make a weapon with 5% base status chance viable with [weeping wound] built

    Funny enough, I always thought they were additive from the beginning

  3. 2 hours ago, Genesix6 said:


    10 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    No, but when you make multiple long winded posts about the skill tree in another game that you play a lot, and go on and on about the complexity of the skill tree, and then make a post not long after about adding skill trees to warframe....... 

    Wow so basically this skill tree idea came from that game, wow. 

    Btw you sure don't know the skill tree what I am talking the other with this though, why. Because you never played the game, before claiming that this skill tree based on that game, play the game and compare this idea with skill tree.


    10 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    And are you doing the rest of what was suggested? No? Ahhh well. 

    Let's see what I got previously

    2 hours ago, Genesix6 said:

    I only seen people said thing such as this

    A. We don't need this, we have augment, all we need is an augment slot

    B. That will take a lot of development, so it not gonna not happen

    C. Are okay with the idea, but not okay with the nerf (only 1)

    D. Wouldn't work well with many frame because of unbalance issue

    E. Mods is like a skill tree but works differently

    Add another one as well

    F. I can't access, so I don't want it

    So not much relevance to you post

    11 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    See above. You're looking at the words but not actually figuring out what was said. I showed how a bunch of frames with abilities that are usually not used offensively, became effectively offensive when players built them for that. 

    Yeah bunch of frames,  3 frames that, while only 1 that is can be a nuker. The other aren't, why because cc, which is not even offensive to begin with. 


    15 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    LOhhh I see we'll shift the goalpost. You said you want a nuke Limbo, but what you actually want an infinitely-scalable nuke Limbo. 

    I mean it's one thing to not bother reading what other people are telling you. It's really something different to not bother reading your own posts. 😁

    Nope, again looks like assuming is the best argument

    Well looks like someone is doing the same thing here, not reading post of what they say. Oh well 


  4. 27 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    So how would this work with frames that pretty much rely on their entire kit, such as Nidus or Harrow or even Limbo?  They kinda rely on their whole kit working together and this would seriously screw with it...

    Further there are some abilities that make no sense.  What would an "offensive" bless be?  Or a "defensive" bless?  Let alone a "support" bless...
    Or what about a "defensive" exalted blade?  Or a "support" exalted blade?
    Sure your idea works great on one of frosts abilities...but you have to consider the 30+ frames that are out there each with 4 abilities.

    And how would Equinox work at all?  Day form is offensive and night form is defensive...so how would this skill tree even begin to approach her?

    So basically "If you want to play support, dont!  It'll sap you of all of your energy!  And with practically no upside!", because please remember penalties like this are applied after mods are taken into consideration...so -100% energy means you have zero energy, not just +175% if you have primed flow equipped.  Same with health and shields...meaning if you go full offensive you will have literally 0 health and will die upon spawning into a mission.
    This is an extremely harsh punishment to support players...and for absolutely no reason.  Especially because support casters kinda...you know...need energy more than health or shields?

    While I agree there are frame that rely on their kit, this idea is used to grant more abilities like in my post, while it could have potential ruining them but it could work

    While the support, defensive and offensive might be confusing. Maybe having exacabur 4 the ability as support skill to change into a flying sword that protect your allies (a bit silly I know). I agree of putting a skill for 30+ frame with 4 ability is a bit much for de, as they have a lot of things to do this year.

    The idea of -health/energy/shield

    Was to make sure that player don't go full offensive/defensive/support, it also to make sure other players is able to use other abilities.

    While limiting the choice of players is bad, like -100% health is bad thing, but I like I said in the original post "Might, might be able to balance this", but I guess the idea of balance would backfire

  5. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Your post history. 

    Wow, so basically if you suggest an idea that is based from another game in the forum , all your ideas is basically from another games. Wow what a great detective skill. Also do you know where this idea came from.

    12 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Perhaps you should slow down, put yourself apart from the part of you that likes your suggestion, and then read and think about what people have said. 

    Huh, I read all the post so far, but has no relevance of what you said in your post. Like I said said in my previous post

    There's one that is recently just came

    13 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Trinity becomes Nuke Trinity, Rhino swaps from Ironclad-Reinforcing Stomp, to Ironclad-Shrapnel. I've seen a Loki go from having to sneak around backstabbing mobs to wtfpwnbbq-ing Hydron with his irradiating disarm. 

    Ok Trinity

    Rhino? Nuker not much at lvl 80 with armor above though

    Loki? Not a nuke, a cc but ok

    29 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Also Limbo wants to know why you say that he can't Nuke? 

    Go ahead try using his catacylms against enemies with armor lvl 100

    I am sure you can do it. 

  6. 44 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    We all know what a skill tree is and how they work. Most of us probably even know how abilities work in Warframe. Many of us even realise that you are trying to copy and paste content from another game you like into warframe, regardless of if that makes sense. 

    Where do you get the idea of me copy and paste content from another game to warframe, where Warframe already have a skill tree to begin with.

    44 minutes ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    What lots of people are trying to tell you, and what I demonstrated with Nova, is that using mods can redefine the ability, producing the same effect that you are trying to produce, ie switching from defensive to offensive play. 


    I only seen people said thing such as this

    A. We don't need this, we have augment, all we need is an augment slot

    B. That will take a lot of development, so it not gonna not happen

    C. Are okay with the idea, but not okay with the nerf (only 1)

    D. Wouldn't work well with many frame because of unbalance issue

    E. Mods is like a skill tree but works differently


    There's 2 frame that only benefit themselves from  -negative 

    Nova which negative power for enemies going faster

    Hydroid which negative range for corridor camping

    Switching to defensive to offensive, not a lot of frame can't even do this to begin with

    Let's see here can we build Vauban as a number instead of being focus cc, no

    Can we build volt as nuker toward high level enemies instead of cc, no

    Can we build limbo as nuker as instead of being cc, no 

    Can we build Loki as nuker with his 4th since it can damage,no. 

    Some mods don't even benefits for certain frames, power donation is a mod that can only be benefit by 1 frame (obviously it's nova)


  7. 5 hours ago, (PS4)guzmantt1977 said:

    Speed Nova / Slowva disagrees with you. 

    Because there's a fairly big difference in how they work. All based on just changing one of those stats using mods. 


    Well abilities have 4 things: duration, power, range, and effiency. 

    The frame skill still work the same, but the result is different. 

    The skill tree works differently than putting mods, it's more similar to augment (concentrated arrow is a good example)


  8. 2 hours ago, --Raid-Master-Qued said:

    Mods (especially augment mods) already work as a "skill tree". 


    Mods doesn't really change the skill of how they work, they changed the damage, duration and other thing

    Augment, I agree, but only some of them are good, while other augment are straight up minor buff or useless (shocking speed is a good example of a minor buff)



  9. 11 minutes ago, MBaldelli said:

    And the information you've provided makes me wonder if you've worked on the three configurations based on this idea?  

    If it's based on the past skill tree, no. Back then in order to progress in frame you need orokin calayst in order to unlock slot. This doesn't have that kind of progression


  10. The title says it, now not like the skill tree when it was years ago. A skill tree that allow you to upgrade your abilities into offensive/survival/support skill.

    For example

    Frost 3rd ability snowglobe

    Offensive, turn the snowglobe into bowling ball that deals are damage and proc cold on enemies when hit. Enemies that is frozen will deal damage aoe to surrounding enemies when kill

    Support, turn the snowglobe into an ice armor that can applied to ally as well. Granting 500 armor. As well giving them health regenation.

    Survival, turn the snowglobe into moveable snowglobe, the snowglobes moves along with the base frame. Enemies that is touched by snowglobe will be frozen

    Now I know there is gonna be power creep when this is implented, however I might ok, I MIGHT have a solution to this 

    Any abilities will downside, 

    Upgrade to offensive decrease your maximum health

    Upgrade to survival decrease your maximum shield 

    Upgrade to support decrease your maximum energy

    1st ability decrease 10%

    2nd ability decrease 20% 

    3rd ability decrease 30%

    4th abilities decrease 40%

    So what is your thought about this idea?^-^

  11. Chamber,  grip, loader

    Chamber determines what fire mode of the kitguns

    Grip determines of how many damage and fire rate of the kitgun

    Loader determine the crit and stat of the kitgun

    there is only 4 kitgun type, that provide a single different fire mode (auto, semi-auto, shotgun, continuas beam), you could say that using a different grip changes the weapon, but what they only changed is damage and fire rate. They dont change the bullet, for example the catchmoon is a arca plasmor on a secondary, Even if I changed the grip, they only change damage and fire rate, they don't really changed that much

    What I think that kitgun should be more variety, is that DE should just use the barrel for what bullet they use


    Catchmoon, shoot plasma bullet

    Gaze, shot a beam like an opticor

    Tombfingger, shoot heavy bullet

    Rattleguts, 4 small bullet

    Then use the grip for the fire mode

    Lovetap, spread shot

    Haymaker, charge shot

    Ramble, full auto 

    Gibber,  semi auto

    Ammo case are okay

    This way you have more variety when it comes building kitguns, so there is 16 ways of building kitguns 



  12. 13 hours ago, (PS4)Riko_113 said:

    There's time-gating because there's only like 40 hours of actual gameplay in the game when not locked behind time and RNG. That's the only way DE can have enough time to create new content for this free game. 

    Even with the time-gates and RNG most players still end up going to other games in between big updates because there isn't enough to consistently keep you busy forever. It's not a knock against DE, that's just the way it is. If you have to wait 3 days for a build, go farm for mods or prime parts you need or heaven forbid experience the real world and come back later.

    To be honest I would rather have RNG rather than time gating

  13. I would say this

    DE does listen to us for new content, however they don't really listen when it comes to execution of the content itself, they also hype things up when it comes to tennocon

    A lot of player were antipating that fortuna wasn't going use the bounties system from PoE. But DE still put it with mediocre rewards

    When the sacrifice was released, many players were expecting a new place to explore, and a new enemy to fight. But what we get is a frame with a boosted stat.

    In the end

    Primed dissapointment has always been a thing in Warframe, especially last year (2018) was just mediocre year for Warframe

  14. The problem with kurbow, helminth, and kavat is that they have only 10 mods slots, you need to have mods for survival and utilities at the same while sentinel doesn't experience this issue the reason why is because they have weapon that can be modded as well

    Honestly it looks cool, but kurbrow, kavat and helminth really need to have weapon mods so we can use this mods to the fullest 

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