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Posts posted by Genesix6

  1. 10 hours ago, Olphalarepth said:

    Are you trying to say that Vaulol has an OP ability? Cause that is how you argument for an OP ability. I agree with you and think it should be nerfed

    DE please nerf vauban bastille AND vortex

    What? Why. His half of his kit is already bad enough, and 3 is just the opposite of 4

    Why would nerf something that is already bad. This reminds me of when DE nerf hind, a weapon that is bad (better than krake at the time), has decent crit chance then nerf it by lowering the crit chance and raising the status chance instead. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

    And what kind of animations would that Titan's Grip use and not look ridiculous while swinging 2 galatines at once tho?

    As to answer simply why we have the same movement speed with all weapons:

    Consistency in freedom of choice

    Convenience in coding

    Players would meta to the smallest fastest weapons so they can maintain maximum freedom of movement, leaving big slow weapons to gather dust

    What look ridiculous? We have a stance that is basically a fidget spinner, we have a stance that basically for a Fan weapon, Jokes aside. 

    Combine carving mantis with dark souls 3 paired greatsword moveset.

  3. 6 minutes ago, TheRealShade said:

    We also run at the same speed whether we are carrying a Ceramic Dagger or a Gram but we sure as hell don't swing them at the same speed.

    True but that's because each weapon has different attack speed. I mean you can create a zaw dagger with the speed 0.733 (balla+korb+vargeet ruhang ll) boom the slowest dagger ever. Even Galatine prime has the same attack as the ceramic dagger for some weird reason

  4. 1 minute ago, TheRealShade said:

    Just because you can run with a 2-handed sword in both hands doesn't mean you can swing around 2 of them, 1 in each hand.

    What? If you run with 2 handed weapon the running spped will be different than running with 1 hand weapon, if its the same speed, it means that the 2 handed is being wielded with ease

  5. 1 hour ago, _Dan said:

    At this point it's just a mess, lets be honest, endgame is mostly down to what Rivens you have these days, my rubico /pyrana one shots everything thanks to my rivens, no matter the frame.

    I will never accept rivens as endgame, as they are nothing but lootboxes. 

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  6. 8 minutes ago, (XB1)Pugs Xbox said:

    Besides collecting wtf have you been doing for 7000 hours im confused

    Yeah, the issue with Warframe is just DE released content half bake then never really fix it. I started noticing this when I first play the sacrifices, as it was a quest that we waited for a year just to get a frame with boosted stat. I was expecting a new place to discover, didn't get any.

  7. +1, but the thing is what is the reward. I notice you said this idea came from the map system in PoE, in PoE you will get a currency like exalted orb, uniques, 6 link weapon or 6 armor 6 in maps, rarely but the reward is good

    But in warframe. What is there to offer? resources? No we already have many ways to get the resources

    Then Onlysolution I see is to make more weapons, game changing mods, or rivens

  8. 16 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    Why would they start bothering now after 6 years, when only a handful of people really want to play pvp and they don't have enough manpower to develop their pve mainline fast enough?

    Did I said DE have to fix lunaro or conclaive, I only said Conclaive and lunaro failed because they never really fix the problem with it.

    Well considering the fact DE focused on making content when the recent update (which is fortuna) is just PoE 2.0

  9. 1 minute ago, Gabbynaru said:

    I mean, you already have For Honor, a game specifically built for that combat system, why do you need it in Warframe, a game built around high speed and massacring thousands with ease?

    Wrong name I used, already fix it though

  10. 4 minutes ago, Gabbynaru said:

    I... is it just me or that sounds like For Honor? Never played the game, but that immediately jumped to mind when I read heavy > side > light attack.

    Anyway, no, thank you! Let PvP die.

    Yes but mix it with warfrma parkour

  11. 4 minutes ago, (XB1)Thy Divinity said:

    They failed because they community response was that PvP was not content that we wanted.  You cannot fix player preference.  No means no.

    Actually it was more than just that, Conclaive and lunaro was just badly done, there is the connection issue, the constant bullet jumping, not much of balanced

  12. 10 minutes ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    There are hundreds of other games focusing on pvp. Warframe is a PVE-focused game. Why does a small minority keep trying to make this game what is clearly does not want to be instead of playing another game that suits their needs?

    Because wanting a game to expand it's a good thing? I mean a game become so much more than a PvE focused, every type game has different kind of PvP experience and Warframe too could Excel at PvP

    I mean yeah Conclaive and lunaro failed but that's because DE never really to bother to fix the problem. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Mr.SpookSpook said:

    Which is tiny compared to most other companies.

    What, no it's not. Just because of other companies have more employees does not mean 200 is small. If you want a good example of game dev that have a small team and works on a huge game. Go take look at hollow Knight which is a game that is made by 3 people

    That's what I called small amount.

    200 is not small amount

  14. I made this post yesterday, in Conclaive but I decided to add more feature to the mode

    No primary, no secondary only melee

    With the upcoming melee 3.0 I suspect there's gonna be combo that is depends on the movement key. What this means if press W with attack it will do a heavy attack, pressA or D will do a side attack, press S will light attack

    So how does one counter in a match? A or D>S>W>A or D

    Now there is also another way of counter, parry which is blocking. However you cannot block all the time as the counter will not trigger, you have to block at the right time. 

    Now there is also another way of attacking, which is the upcoming melee air combo, so how this will work with blocking exactly?if your melee attack is counter during mid air you will knockback by the counter however there is way to recover, which is rolling, if you don't roll in the right time you will be vuberable for a certain amount of time.

    How does damage work in this mode? First off this fight will not use the regular health and shield, instead we only have 5 HP, so if you land an attack on your enemy, it will decrease by 1, if you attack the enemy while it's vunerable because of the counter, it will be decrease by 2

    Another movement attack, if you air attack has been counter and behind you is a wall, you have the option to use the space button to charge straight to your enemies with your weapon

    Now in this mode you will start off as unarmed, your first objective is to find a melee weapon, and fight the enemy. However you cannot use that weapon continuaslly, as the weapon has durability. If you or the enemy land a hit or it had been hit. You weapon will break, so you have to pick up another weapon once more.There is 20 weapon type in the room.

    Ideas for the arena 


    For now I have 4 arena (because I am bit confused of how the other arena elements would work)

    All element will not work as the same system, this idea also use counter (not the attack blocking). 

    1. Fire arena. 

    The arena is engulf with fire and geyser. If you receive a Fire damage, your HP won't be decrease, instead it builds a counter, when the counter reachs to 20, you will receive a blast damage decrease your HP by 1 and you will be knockback by the blast, in order to remove the counter, you need to find an item that removes the fire. Geyser, you can use the geyser to shoot yourself to the air, and you can use your melee slam at the enemy, however upon using the geyser you will receive 1 damage as well.

    2. Ice arena 

    The arena is surrounded by cold temperature, as you stay there, the counter will continue to build up. The more counter you have, the slower you move, however you can decrease the counter by using an item that can help you. The arena will be covered with blizzard, thus decreasing your vision

    3. Toxin arena 

    The arena is surrounded by plant that is toxic, and plants that can heal you. When you receive a toxin damage your HP will not be decrease instantly,  instead your HP will be decrease by 1 for every 15s, however for every 20 counter, the toxin damage will be increase by 1. In order to remove the poison, you need to have an antidote that is located somewhere in the plants. You can use some of the plant, as they will also Grant you buff, such as increase attack speed/ increase damage by 1/decrease any incoming damage by 1. How ever you can only use this buff once

    4. Lighting arena

    The arena is filled machine that generates lighting. If you receive a lighting damage, your HP will not be decrease instead it builds a counter, this counter will continue to build even when not receiving any lighting damage. The counter limit is 40, if you were to have a 40 counter, you will receive a shock that decrease your HP by 1 and stunned for a brief of time. You can hack the machine to generate lighting that can only directed to your enemy


    So what is your thought about this? Is it good or bad?


  15. 1 hour ago, (PS4)watt4hem said:

    People do that because all the current pvp modes are either ffa or team fights, which means standing still is death. If there're less people per match i'm sure people would spam bullet jump less, as it does have a sound que that could alert enemies.

    Well yeah, I understand that standing still means death. But that doesn't change the fact that the current PvP is broken. Go ahead try do this

    That's how you get people to read a pvp thread nowadays :clem:


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