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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. even if Steve said that I want to assume that we play as multiple Tenno

    I do too so I keep this in mind. The statement quoted here was made about the focus system. In the answer he kind of stumbled over the wording (doesn't really come through in read quotes) when he said your Tenno. In subsequent references to the system they have replaced his "Tenno" with "account". It may be grasping at straws and I'll admit I was hunting for something like that but I did find what I was hunting for.

  2. As I said before, none of this can in anyway be confirmed.  If they had advanced tech to be able to do that, they would invest in it far more than only 2(3 if you count valkyr) creations.  Seems like a massive waste of profit to have that tech and not use it to its best extent.  Especially since Alad would have tried selling this technology along with his zanuka's because I'm sure all the other corpus heads would LOVE to have that kind of tech, yet no one does, there has never been a single mention of it.

    Ok here goes.

    No none of it can be proven but its actually not that much of a stretch to extrapolate it. We know the warframes do not grant powers but channel them (Excalibur and ember lore) this is further supported by the fact that the grineer have stripped Tenno from their suits and tried to use them to no avail (some vor lore). In essence the Tenno themselves seem to be like organic batteries that provide the power for the frames. It's safe to assume that there is a Tenno still in there cause all the lore indicates it would not work otherwise. Keep in mind now that no one alive knows really how the warframes work though undoubtedly Alad is closer than anyone.The technology associated with the Zanuka project would be unfinished research and development, that fell victim to political maneuvering which resulted in the ousting of Alad. The corpus heads would very likely kill for the tech but didnt feel keeping Alad around was worth it and where else are they going to get it? Given the nature of the glimpses of corpus politics that we've seen it's highly unlikely Alad was sharing his secrets on the Internet.

    The tech can easily exsist but as others have posited it would be expensive. We don't need lore for this it is simply the nature of new technology we see it around us all the time no reason DE would change that. Given the expense the average grunt wouldn't be a worthwhile investment. The grineer do similar things out of necessity and fare no better against the Tenno than the corpus. However the controllable power of a Tenno would be worth almost any investment, as our low numbers are the only thing keeping us from being the dominant military presence in the system.

    As far as theories go there's plenty that require more stretch that are accepted by the community.

  3. Just because i don't have alot of posts on the forums doesn't mean i haven't played for a while, iv been here for some time i just never post because like most forums in games you have people that cant wait to jump down your neck the moment you say anything that counters their opinion.

    Perhaps people would be less apt to jump down your throat if you didn't use inflamatory and accusatory language. Especially when you are wrong about the thing you're calling people out on. I mean I could call you a liar for this topic and actually have a far better arguement than you do.
  4. I didn't know Energy Restores gave you 184 Energy all at once

    Plus it doesn't take resources to build, I also wouldn't say it's faster, it also doesn't require you to stay within a certain area to obtain it's benifits.

  5. +1

    DE have REALLY 'jumped the shark' with this one..     

    The 'Hype train' hasn't crashed, its gone off the tracks, ran over a schoolyard of special needs children, hit a busload of nuns before finally stopping, wedged inside a nuclear reactor... and then exploded.

    The straw that broke the camels back? 

    $50 U.S for a Sugatra and a Sentinel Pack [$110 Value!!!]     That's FIVE HUNDRED PLATINUM EACH for a COSMETIC.



    That's only if you don't count the 2 90 day boosters. My clanmate did the math and it's actually a good deal just for those two.

  6. It continually baffles me why people think Wyrm is useless.  If I were less lazy I would go into your game profiles and see how many of you have actually used him.

    It's warframe man, everytime ANYTHING new comes out the forums jump to tell you how useless it is. It's really up to an individual to determine the relative value of one piece of equipment vs another.

  7. Well for starters, a void hijack mission for all 3 teirs would help with drop table dilution. We can do that before adding another, more difficult mission level. 

    Yes but the t4 provides 5 new areas with minimal programming changes. When the 3 other types get their key version then it will provide for 12 level spaces to distribute drops (15 with OD) instead of only 9. In terms of drop dillution doing this first makes more sense by 2 level spaces, then an additional 3 with new void missions. Honestly I feel the answer is to do both either way but it's also still only a temporary fix without starting to retire weapons and we all know how that will go over. None of the solutions however really help with grinding for the keys, I'm not sure what to do with that myself.

  8. And there is the behavior that makes people think founders are screaming mine and are selfish. You cant handle the arguments existence so you want it shut down instead of just ignoring the dang thread. (seriously just walk away and ignore it if it bugs you that much) There have been other compromises made yet other founders didn't like them. Just as much as some non founders didn't like the compromises that some founders made.

    I think the problem is more that the topic has been asked and answered many times. The non-founders (some not all obviously) simply refuse to accept the answer. It becomes extremely tiresome to see the topic come up over and over again.

  9. I'd like to as an option but I know people would complain. Purely because I want to see what it's like to be a space ninja.

    I like immersion me. and damn it'd make for good RP...

    Don't judge me.

    I'm with you in theory, however all of the melee tends to be acrobatic which is going to be terrible in first person. Even if you were to say switch to third person when you equip Melee that's still going to be a problem when coptering. If you copter and don't do a full (very fast usually) camera 360 I would find that immersion breaking. Flipping would be awful too.

  10. Balance the maximum.

    Don't have the Brakk yet? Tough luck, son--go and farm it.


    Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because you don't have something obtainable is acceptable.

    Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because there's literally nothing more you can get is not.

    Your still forgetting the most important part warframe is not and has been stated to never be pvp focused. It may include it but your trying to take, oh let's be generous here 15% (very generous) of the game and make it more important that the 85%. I am not a pvp player and I am miffed that the dark sectors are taking the direction they are. If the hard earned mastery I worked to get specifically for focus is pulled from me to balance a part of the game I have no intention of participating in I will be more than outraged.

    I do wonder why you are so intent on removing mastery from people who earned it while ignoring the even easier solution: turn focus off for pvp content

  11. The only ones they can are the Tethra's Doom items since those, out of every event, were the only ones NOT stated as exclusives, including the Gorgon Wraith.

    The only thing stated to be exclusives was the founders gear. It was point blank stated the rest is in the vault for potential (likely) future release.

  12. Good point, added. 



    Oh, I have 500 hours too, letter13. I feel kinda burned out on it. Once you've got all the stuff... you realise there isn't much to do. It's not like l4d or counterstrike where you can hop into a game which would be interesting and rewarding enough (without actual rewards) to play for long. It's a kind of "do i have gear? Yes. Bye"

    You described your view but you seem to have trouble accepting there are people, like me for example, that do in fact jump in to play a few rounds to have some fun with friends and find it just as rewarding as your example of l4d (waaaaaay more in my case I do not find l4d to be a good or enjoyable game)

  13. All I care for on this topic is equalisation of maximum potential Mastery between all players, because of the potential impact of the Focus system on future PvP content--such as the Solar Rail MOBA-style fighting. If Focus is a game-changer, then I want to know the playing field is level at all times and not that there will be months where sections of the community will have access to power levels other players simply can't access.


    I don't care for the items themselves. I myself have the Gorgon Wraith and Dex Furis; I would like for all removed, retired and exclusive items to have their Mastery stripped from them--or if it'd be too much hassle to take it from each account, I'd like for all players to have means of acquiring the Mastery credit for said items (such as clantech research or a Market blueprint to simulate levelling those items from 1 to 30 without needing the items themselves).

    So what is your plan to level the playing field for people who started the week after the pvp style dark sectors come online? What about the people who constantly ran on and on about how mastery doesn't matter. Shouldn't we level the playing field for them too, I mean mastery didnt matter and now it does how is that fair?

    There is usually about a month at max that anyone can have a level only obtainable by founders if even that long. That amount of time is not worth the ill will that stripping me and others of our hard earned mastery will certainly cause. If you've been here a while your going to have the advantage over someone just starting a month ago exclusive items or not. Ripping mastery will not change that and you have the same problem they will, you just haven't been here long enough.

    Fortunately I doubt DE is dumb enough to carry out a plan like this.

  14. supposedly the upcoming proxy wars will be a way to replay past events so maybe you will be able to get the rewards that way

    The only time this was spoken about it was mentioned as a section of the codex where you can play old event missions for lore purposes. They did not say that rewards would be part of it nor that it was part of the proxy wars. That being said proxy wars does seem to be the perfect way to re-introduce old event items of they decide to do so.

  15. It's highly likely it will be an earth-themed frame.


    But seriously, Typhus is getting too much hype. It's really good artwork but mediocre mechanics.

    This. I'm sure we're going to get it but if they make it how it is described it's going to be complained about incessantly (not that that isn't the case with every single warframe ever).

  16. Well, "hangable offense" would have been fine, as "lynch" is pretty specific to US race relations.

    Eh, I'm of two minds. I understand the association but that is quite divorced from the meaning of the word. Specifically lyching does not indicate a particular punishment as hanging does but more of the public spectacle. For example the practice of riding someone out on a rail is considered a lynching and not very commonly used to oppress minorities. As was tarring and feathering, a common practice against the Irish at one point. Neither of which were fatal.
  17. Could we not make lynching analogies/references?

    Apologies I didn't intend to offend. Knowing what they entailed I share your distaste but it was the most appropriate word for what the first image portrayed (which I also found distasteful). I suppose I could have said "community organized capital punishment" but they amount to the same thing either way.

    Please note: I wasn't promoting any ideas but interpreting a series of memes that someone said nothing when in fact they did.

  18. For the love of god this. I was wondering what happened to it and if it was intentional or not.

    The last dev stream they specifically stated they are bringing that back so yay.

    Today sounds like a 13.6.0 Update. We're still far away from U14 as devs said in Devstream#29. >D:

    Yeah imagine that, the thing they said happened the way they said it. It's almost like they have some sort of precognition or *tinfoil hat* they have some sort of info leak from the devs.

    For the record I'm being facetious.

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