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Posts posted by NevanChambers

  1. Silly, this game will never leave it's comfortable, convenient commercial beta stage.

    Nor is such an action needed.

    The best part is that there is no Beta tag on the PS4 version. So I guess we got the commercial release version while PC is still stuck in Beta?

    Something doesn't add up..

    Check the upper right of the log-in screen I think. It will have the version number and be preceded by beta. I don't think there's anything beyond that on the pc version to indicate beta either.

  2. I bet those people who bought the Cicero mods for like 500P each are hating themselves right now.

    It's unfortunate but everyone knew they were coming sooner or later. Hopefully they will be able look on the bright side of not having to go through a double rng wall 4 times to get them. Actually put that way maybe 500 a piece isn't so bad.

  3. Galatine works best with Cleaving Whirlwind, why would you use Rending Crane on it anyway?

    Edit: On topic, yes i do think they need to do something with most of the heavy melee weapons.

    May not have cleaving whirlwind.

    Edit: Tennoed

  4. And a bit too cliche.

    Why, in all of the things that can be stretched, must we have a boomerang shield for attack? Is a shield not mainly used for defence (and do not start to give me anything that is similar to "The best defence is a good offence" phrases/answers)? Can we have actual shield bash or true defending with the shield instead of another offensive tool to use?

    Appearantly not, and I couldn't be happier about it. What you want is why I didn't want silva and aegis to be in the finals let alone a winner. DE has surprised me and I think it's great. This actually even makes me look forward to the tonfas and regret the pilebunker well a little still would have voted for the mios over it.
  5. I'm going to offer the dissenting opinion. I love Melee 2.0 and think it works great. It just takes a bit of practice to really make it shine. I will agree it could be even better and the three things they mentioned in the last dev stream are exactly what I would like to be looked at so I'm happy with that. Beyond those points though it was somewhat silly to expect the Melee system to be re-worked again for a single weapon. If you keep your expectations realistic then you end up with less dissapointmet.

  6. Actually, if you read Codex careful enough, you can see that Tenno were transformed by the Void, not technocyte virus. We are not talking about Dark Sector here :D

    If you think about it a little more it states we get our powers from the void but does not preclude technocyte infection before hand. There is a train of thought that many in the community adhere to that it is the interaction between the technocyte infection and void energies that grants the Tenno their space magic. We aren't talking about dark sector but it is this games prequel and the Tenno are not named after Hayden for no reason.

  7. Interesting... I guess I touched a nerve there. Are you feeling better now for defending your precious Loki?

    I guess that's what I should have expected when I posted that comment.


    It seems that people who don't like Loki have no right to say something about him... isn't that right mister? But then again who am I to judge a coward who likes to stay invisible.

    Well you were being overly jerky about it. It wasn't "I don't like Loki" it was "You play as a Loki I won't rev you" that is being a terrible sport and lousy teammate. We're all on the same side here and refusing to rev someone because of frame choice is petty and selfish and hurts the whole team.

    So maybe that's the problem.

  8. I did not mention Orthos Prime, because that's not worth jack sh*t because the market is oversaturated. I could give you one for free if you were on the PC because nobody else wants this crap.


    I talked about stuff that's NOT available in large quantities.

    The point still stands if the impatient want to buy anything for stupid prices its their plat. Also if someone attempts to corner the market on something it's still a risky investment they may end up with a dozen Cicero sets but if the price isn't right they'll just sit there uselessly.

    I don't see why we need to interfere with natural economics.

  9. When I looked at the leader boards Sunday, I knew this was going to be a problem...


    DE has added a posh trophy room to the Dojos... This, unfortunately, serves a purpose for around 50 clans in the game total.


    This competition being so fierce to attain one of the trophies can't possibly come as a surprise to anyone.


    DE is going to have to come up with some different criterion for rewarding trophies.


    The "There Can Be Only One" methodology isn't working.

    I was about to come say something to this effect, mine is a little more specific. Time to end event leader boards all together. The element of competition will still be present with the new dark sector conflicts. Exploits have happened in the last three events in the name of coming out on top and it's just not worth the time or effort on anyone's parts to continue down this road. Want to award trophies? Make it like event reward and scale it to the size of the clan. None of this i dont have a chance because my clan has 3 or my clan members have lives. This special snowflake nonsense doesn't make for good people.

  10. Yes, yes we do. And the contest weapons were really cool. We had Sword and Board which is amazing, and then there were those bladed tonfa things that looked awesome, and then the drill thingy was cool, but for it too work you would have to have custom wounds on the bad guys when you stab someone with it.

    The drill thing did not win.
  11. It's going to be like Tranquil Cleave or the Gleaming Talon, if not worse.


    So you think that maxed Serration or Rare 10 mod is worth 60 plat max?

    That I hadn't considered, you are correct those are worth more. I was referring to unranked as I don't buy maxed mods which is why I didn't think about it. Forgot I'm not everyone there for a sec. Good point you win the Internet...... For now

    *narrows eyes*

  12. well i kinda afk sometimes because my mom is like shouting my name and if i dont go to her and help her, shell prob pull out a shotgun so yea.....u should prob sometimes think of afkers as that way

    Then take the 3 seconds to exit the mission and go take care of your business. Your excuse for sitting there doing nothing and still reaping the rewards does little to increase anyone's sympathy. I'm not asking you to do anything I don't either.

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