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  1. I would like to ask: Where are the sporule avichaeas? (that and why there is a missing codex entry for the Deimos Jugulus Rex) aside from that, Great work as always mates.
  2. Care to explain why Viscid avichaeas are spawning in a vome cycle while I'm hunting sporule avichaeas? Because it is outright impossible to find sporule avichaeas for their tags (and floof.) this bug is current as of the WITW update. Could you look into their "migration patterns" if you would?
  3. If DE were to take requests for introducing Incarnon Genesis to any one weapon of your choice in the future, what would you, the players, want it to be? For me Personally, I would love to see an Incarnon Genesis for the infested "Hema" Rifle which is one of my personal favourite infested weapons out of many. (Even finished research on its blueprint replication in my ghost dojo.) Thoughts?
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