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  1. Could you clarify what will happen with our 5 Netracell "credits" when these changes + Deep Archimidea go live? What I'm getting at is, should we plan to hold our "credits" for that week until the 27th to take advantage of the new stuff? Or will there be a mid-week reset, or maybe a delay in the changes taking effect until the next weekly reset?
  2. That's...literally what we have now. You people.
  3. Okay, so don't do the acts you don't want to do. There is more than enough time to skip such acts and still get every reward. That said, bit wild to call duviri a content island when you can get solid evergreen rewards from just a small amount of wyrm farming, but you do you.
  4. Absolutely not. Nightwave and the game at large are so much better having dropped the story element. We get more frequent NW reward rotations, and devs can spend more time on full updates instead of meaningless stories like Emissary and Glassmaker that *long* overstay their welcome.
  5. Posted above, but to add, during Sorrow he can be found on the ridge above the Thrax-faced cave mouth near Moirai Crossing. Seems a little random compared to the others. Anger is the weird camp on the castle, Fear is mocking Sythel, Envy is in front of Albrecht's gravestone - all meaningful places. The Thrax cave is spooky but not noticeably significant. Still missing his Joy location though.
  6. It's some manifestation of the Man in the Wall. Look closely and you can see he's missing a finger. As for locations, I've found him atop Thrax's palace during Anger, and behind Sythel's house during Fear. Looks like Sorrow puts him near Moirai Crossing. Haven't seen Joy or Envy yet. Update: found him in Envy. He's in front of Albrecht's (alleged) grave in the cave near Titan's rest.
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