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Everything posted by TomBartle

  1. can't we have an option to have this stats be separated instead of merged into "magazine" i also want to know the max ammo capacity honestly this change is just dumb
  2. can't we have an option to have this stats be separated instead of merged into "magazine" i also want to know the max ammo capacity honestly this change is just dumb
  3. it just doesn't make sense that to this day we don't have compatibility for both things, pistol skins should be shared between akimbo and singular ones
  4. seriously, it has no reason to be like that and it's a vastly disappointment compared with anything else
  5. why is it that randomly the last narmer bounty the dude we have to kill just goes invincible and we have to leave at 4th stage and not get the other bounties?
  6. as the title says, i haven't got the systems in straight up a whole week of farming gyre but somehow i got 4 alternox blueprints... one after the other...
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