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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. Aesthetic customization is endgame.

    Just because looks come second doesn't mean they shouldn't at all. I personally can't stand using a weapon if it looks ugly (Hind) or out of place on my warframe (Phage with just about anyone but saryn or nekros).


    If you're refusing to use weapons just because you don't like the way they look then you are really gimping yourself.

  2. I think its because... It feels like the faster you attack, the easier it is to start a combo with the pause one in it. Which is like most of them.

    Because the pause time gets shortened too.

    Atleast thats what it feels like


    The combos need to be changed to not have that stupid pause.  Bind a new melee attack to the "R" key or something and let the combos be combos of pressing "E" and pressing "R" or maybe do a Dynasty Warriors type combo system.




    DE is making these melee 2.0 combos WAY more complicated then they should be.

  3. All my stance transmutations had at least 1 reflex guard involved. First time I tried for a stance I got Flailing Forest which I was chuffed with.





    What people DID NOT tell you.


    If you try to transmute any rare mods that are acquired from low level survival missions (Reflex Guard for example) you have a high chance of getting crap.


    Call it RNG I don't really care.   But when I tend to transmute the REALLY rare mods and the Warframe Rare mods I get a rare (good) mod 90% of the time.


    You are talking to someone who transmuted 8 Rare Stance mods day one of U13.......oh and that was in a row



    Ok I'm getting mixed messages here.  One guy says to use reflex guard, another says not too. DE sure likes to F*** with us with their S#&$ty RNG.

  4. 250px-DecisiveJudgementMod.png


    Look guys, a new katanna stance! It's ...oh, its rare... and it drops only from conflicted Dark Sectors... and it only occasionally drops from Tenno Specters.


    Have fun grinding, Tenno!



    Tried to get that just now, not even a damn Dark Sector conflict.  I think all these clans are just trolling us.  Sure when you can't get anything cool from conflict missions they're conflicted all the damn time, but now that there is a rare mod involved they go out and make some big peace treaty.


    *face palm*

  5. Bad quality I know


    If I ever feel the urge to do so, I'll upload my own exibition of the same content



    EDIT :: an example of how two swords can work


    Saw the video and yes that could work.  Or they can also keep the current stances and just get rid of those puny daggers and add in swords.  Many people say that 2 full sized swords is clumsy in real life but that's not really the case.  I've been training in martial arts for over 16 years and I actually can dual wield 2 full size swords.  There's a lot to consider, but it does work in RL if you have the skill and training.  And besides this isn't RL.  This is a frekkin space ninja game.  If you can stomp your foot and F*** up space and time, jump high in the air and kill a bunch of guys with a face plant, go invisible, or summon a frekkin kraken, then why the hell can we not have 2 full size swords?  WHY!?


    Also now I want something like this


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