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Posts posted by Beas7ie

  1. The answer is simple - DE wants people to 'play' (aka grind) the game as much as possible in regards to new content.


    How do they do that? By making sure the most interesting/'common' stuff is the hardest to grind. As the Nikana is very popular right now and normal swords are a weapon many beginners use, most people are now actively grinding for stance mods to fit their shiny new katannas or upgrade their basic starter swords.


    Weapons with Uncommon subclasses (aka weapons that must be built) are only obtained later in the game by new players or have already been overused by veteran ones looking for a new change of pace, so they wouldn't have as much grind appeal as a new space katana or starter sword upgrade.



    And many more are quitting in frustration at how this was handled.

  2. I can give you Flailing Branch,Shimmering Blight. You may contact me ingame,I am online now. Thank You


    I won't be able to get in game until tonight when I get home from work.  What would you want for Flailing Branch and Shimmering Blight?

  3. Yep, the Dual Heat Sword change was incredibly nice.


    Beas7ie already mentioned the dual weapons I also want to see given the same treatment (Dual Ethers <3, Dual Skana etc). One weapon I would like to see an equal length dual version of is the Cronus. Dual Cronus wouldn't be that powerful, but it'd sure look sexy.


    Dual Dakra Prime, and give us a sword only version of the Nami Skyla

  4. First of all here is what I need. Down below is what I have. If you are interested in anything, then post on here or PM me. You can also contact me in game IGN Beas7ie, but on here is the best way. This will be updated regularly.

    Stances -

    Crimson Dervish

    Gleaming Talon
    Crushing Ruin
    Shattering Storm
    Sinking Talon
    Gnashing Payara

    Homing Fang


    Burston Prime BP
    Glaive Prime BP


    And Here is what I have.



    Boltor Prime Stock

    Braton Prime Barrel

    Braton Prime Receiver

    Burston Prime Stock x2

    Bronco Prime BP

    Dread BP x3

    Dakra Prime Handle x2

    Latron Prime BP

    Latron Prime Barrel

    Fang Prime BP

    Orthos Prime BP x5

    Orthos Prime Handle

    Paris Prime BP x2

    Paris Prime Grip

    Paris Prime Lower Limb

    Paris Prime String

    Paris Prime Upper Limb

    Miter Barrel

    Miter Blade

    Miter Handle x2


    Rhino Prime Systems x2

    Mag Prime BP

    Mag Prime Chassis

    Mag Prime Systems

    Nekros Chassis

    Nekros Helmet




    Focus Energy






    Tainted Clip


    Iron Phoenix

    Fracturing Wind

    Reaping Spiral

    Rending Crane

    Sundering Weave

  5. I like Angy Joe, but I'm in Eclipse Alliance.


    What do?



    Actually I hate this whole node contesting thing.  It's mostly just a pissing contest the clans and alliances do to show off who has the highest Epeen.  You don't gain anything when you win, and in the long run all you do  is lock down the node from the rewarding mission everyone wants to do.

  6. ITT: Fighting over territory in a video game = being a dumbass


    Fighting over a territory is one thing, but in this case all it does is lock down these missions and piss everyone off.  But hey if you win, you get your name on the map for a little bit until the next dumbass challenges you to lock the missions down for everyone.  

  7. The two handed weapons (galatine, gram, scindo etc) have TERRIBLE idle and running animations.  Reminds of that that awful "baseball bat" stance the greatswords used in Skyrim, but at least in Skyrim, you can fix that stuff with mods.

  8. I'm just sick of all this crap.  Most of the taxes are low and all these clans who claim to fight for "low taxes" are just challenging some other clan that already has the taxes at 0 or some very low percentage.  All they want is their name on the star map and it's pissing me off because in the end EVERYONE is getting screwed out of the missions that matter all because X clan and Y clan have to have some stupid pissing contest.

  9. Other than the mastery test I think I did less than ten stealth attacks total with the exception of when I was trying a stealth run with Ashe.  


    Though I blame that on my damn carrier always shooting the bad guy while I'm sneaking up behind him.  I wish we could move that wrym mod that makes it only attack if you are attacked to the other sentinels.  

  10. It always disappoints me how the majority of games just lump axes, swords, and warhammers all in one category with the same movesets and very little if any difference in the way damage done by them is calculated.  


    Axes were designed for durability, to be lower cost, and to have more options when defending or parrying.  The shape of them can let you "hook" onto an enemy's weapon to disarm him or move it out of the way for you to get the killing blow.


    Or if you are a Viking Berserker(actually existed IRL) you can just swing your axe around like a mad man and just scare the crap out of everyone.

  11. Crossbows don't normally use arrows they use heavy, hard hitting bolts.  Saying this would mean the boltors could even get it; doesn't make sense.



    This change should be for boltors as well then. 


    Just imagine for a second.  You have an assault rifle that shoots rapid fire rockets.  


    What could possibly go wrong!?

  12. It seems like everyone is under the impressions that the Dual Heat Swords hars still only a sword/dagger combo. How about trying them on now? Ever since melee 2.0, the Dual Heat Swords actually became, dual swords. I'm serious. They're both equal in length.


    I just checked it out in game and it's true. And holy crap they look awesome.  Now DE needs to do this for ALL their weapons. Dual Skana, Dual Ether(ESPECIALLY Dual Ether) oh and I want Dual Dakra Primes.

  13. You actually have to wait for the swing animation end before you may put the next command.

    E, wait for anim, E, wait for anim, E, wait for anim, pause, E.



    No one has time for that crap.  This is Warframe where everything is supposed to be fast.  What they need to do is add a couple of melee variations like have the R key do a different type of attack so then you can go.  E, E, E, R, E, R and so forth.  


    So far most of the time when I've tried a combo like E, E, E, pause, E it doesn't work or even if it does work, a teammate will shoot the guy and kill him by the time I can get the combo off.  

  14. I for one love melee 2.0 so what we don't get free stance mods and have to go farm them this is what the game is about boo freaking hoo. Also you can change your key-bindings to set it up for mouse atk just throw shoot on e and you can shoot while the gun is out or charge when you have the sword out.

    Granted the switch time could be a bit faster but meh no biggie as now i play sword only unless on corpus then I bring a sidearm that again I barely use. So far melee 2.0 gave me every thing i wanted I'm having fun my friends are having fun and we are having fun together so mission accomplished de.



    Farming them would be fine IF THEY WOULD ACTUALLY DROP!


    The whole point of this change was to give us more options and open up new things for melee.  Well so far all they did was limit us with forcing us to find these super rare mods that never drop.  I've been playing most of the day and the only mod Ive gotten so far was a staff one from Xini


    And even then all it does is add 2 combos.  I basic, smash E lots of times one.  And then a Press E twice then pause and press E again one, and that doesnt even work properly all the time.  We need more combos, more attacks and more options!


    Melee 2.0 was great on paper and on the livestreams when we saw it, but this release has been one huge fuckup.

  15. 2 Long swords would be a major pain in the butt...not sure how I like the idea.

    The only dual blade that would allow for EFFECTIVE dual wielding in the scenario that the Tenno are facing (generally closed rooms and tight spaces) are scimitars and short sword. With the dual Skana, that scenario is already covered.

    Dual Scimitar would thus be the only option in my eyes....

    That said...I wouldn't mind.

    Buuuut...speaking of bent blades...Naginata...I want a Naginata. Or it's &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;ly scary brother the Guan Dao.



    2 long swords would be awesome.  Or at least let us use the sword in the main hand and the dagger in the offhand.  DE screwed it up again with the new scimitar, knife combo when they made the knife be in the main hand.  Well at least that saved me a few platinum.

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