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Everything posted by cloudandroid

  1. Big cross save update from DE today but still nothing for us peeps trying to merge unrelated accounts who did a pc-to-switch merge when it first came out fingers crossed they address it
  2. Yeah I was told the same thing when the drip gate first started but no such luck yet :< I just hope DE addresses this concern as it seems a lot of peeps are in the same boat of wanting to merge 2 accounts unrelated to the pc-to-switch migration.
  3. Yeah I want to merge my playstation and pc account, don't even care about my switch account.
  4. When I heard about being able to merge my PlayStation and PC accounts I was so excited until I learned if you did a previous account migration you could only link and have to choose what account to be keep and have the rest dumped. I did a switch migration when it was announced because I wanted to try out Warframe on the switch and keep my progress but performance on the switch was lacking so I don't play on the Switch anymore. However, because of that past decision that was made without knowing a big cross-save merge was going to happen in the future I am unable to merge my main two accounts. This is a huge oversight and the playerbase should not be punished because they wanted to support Warframe on a new platform.
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