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Posts posted by atom

  1. It's not necessarily just the Draco farmers that aren't sticking around (Though they're not. This is a fact. A GOOD chunk of draco farmers will join the game, see draco, level everything up there, and then quit the game. Why they even bother to do it is beyond me. They're not playing the game, they're essentially watching a slideshow.), but other players that are being AFFECTED by draco. The ones who can't use recruit chat anymore. The ones that can't do a PUG mission without someone expecting you to play the way people do on draco or to "PTFO" (yes this has been said to me on more than one occasion for this reason). The content IS what keeps people engaged. People like you are the minority. You're not a "draco farmer", you're someone that just happens to use draco to get through forma painlessly. The people I call "draco farmers" are the ones that MR0-MR16+ in less than 24 hours total gametime by doing LITERALLY almost nothing but draco. These people are the problems. They don't even touch their weapons, they just let the XP rush in while other people do the work or they spam abilities half afk. They do not want the gear to use at another time. They just want it to call it complete, get a high MR number to say "hey look at me I'm an elite" and then inevitably quit a week afterwards because they think the game is boring and there is nothing to do (I WONDER WHY :O).

    idk man i use recruit chat all the time for all kinds of missions and never have any problems. i also PUG all the time and very rarely run into players that try to enforce a certain playstyle but guess what that has nothing to do with draco but with the players themselves. i see alot of draco farmers just trying to level up stuff fast (in order to catch up to the veterans gear wise) it's true but i see no evidence of them quitting the game afterwards. like i said grind is not content and it's not what keeps players around. anyway i expect most of this to change with the upcoming starchart rework

  2. Assuming Starchart 3.0 comes out before Draco finally manages to kill the game completely for a large portion of the community (It is close, if you deny it you're clearly one of the farmers that camp there all day and grind everything until you've "completed" the game, then just leave- yes, that is what happens don't try to tell me any different because I'll never believe it; BUT I DIGRESS), and another "Draco" (I mean a draco, a SUPER BAD loot cave, not just any loot cave) doesn't crop up afterwards, the game is probably good for at least another 1.5-2 years the way I see it. That's just a "definitely will last this long" figure, it could go a lot longer.

    if players like the game they stay if they don't they leave. draco has nothing to do with it. it's just an efficient way to relieve some of the grind and calling for a nerf of that is just brainless and malcontent towards players that DO enjoy the game the way they like to. don't like to level up gear fast don't do it but leave players that do alone. leveling up stuff in a long period of time is not what keeps players engaged and if u think so i try not to be insulting but think harder. (i use draco only when i'm leveling up gear after forma, which i hate doing and want it over as fast as possible so i can play what i actually enjoy in the game)


    back on topic. just look at steamcharts the game's player base is steadily growing, i think it still has quite a while to go.

  3. i agree that the grind is pretty hard on new players and i like your idea about giving them free 3-7day boosters and maybe a potato too. 

    however, i think that you can pretty much tell if you like the game pretty early on and you are in now way forced to spend a single dime but if you like the game you should support it's development.

    if players get bored with the game early on i don't think it's because of the grind. i started with open beta when the grind was much worse in certain aspects and the new player experience null compared to what we have now. i loved the game instantly and it's still burning hot

  4. Hello everyone, it's pretty late here but i just had a great idea. What if there was combat in space? I don't mean with your archwing, I mean with the spaceship we all already own. I think it would be a great addition to the game, and it could attract alot of new players. I'm thinking that maybe instead of it being third person, it could be first person.When you walk to the front of your ship to navigation, there is a huge open window. I think that the spaceship combat should be experienced that way. (The First Person view is just my opinion).


    Now i've taken to favor of coming up with a list of pros and cons for this. So hear we go...




    Who wouldn't want Star Citizen in Warframe.


    It would be an amazing experience to watch combat go by.


    Our ships would now have a purpose than just holding our cargo and taking us on missions.


    It would keep the game alive and still popular when going into the years of 2016 and beyond.


    You could come up with different models for your ship and customize it the way you choose (Weapons, Armor etc.)



    And now for the cons...




    If the devs decide this is a good idea it could take months or possibly even a year before this could be released.


    It may be hard to implement a first person element to the combat.


    The devs may think it's a good idea, but choose not to do it.


    Overall i believe that this would be a great addon to the game. Please feel free to comment on what you think about this. Now i'm off to bed zzZz....

    i like the idea very much and thought about it too but never made a post about it. it would probably mean a game within a game (with it's own enemies, weapons, mods etc) much like archwing but i feel it would definitely add to the immersion. tbh i would love to see capital ship class combat too.

    the only problem i see is with the resources required to make this while developing the rest of the game too. archwing was released a while ago and they barely had time to scratch the surface of it's potential.

  5. The only defense for this change is if they really rebalance weapon ammo consumption in order to balance this change... I'm not holding my breath on that though. Doing it weapon by weapon piecemeal will take them ages. They really need to fix the whole ammo system. 

    and straight +dmg mods, and the enemy scaling, and weapons and warframe power.. the amount of work needed for this change to be considered a good thing seems huge to me. a damage 3.0 kind of thing. and i must ask myself why now? how does this improve the game?


    p.s. i still miss directional melee and the wallrunning animation that was actually wallrunning hot hopping

  6. i'm all for sweeping changes that improve the game but they are harder to make properly as the game grows.


    if this change isn't properly done with rebalancing of all the weapons all it will do is increase the grind even more by making you last a shorter time in endless missions and having to repolarize your guns. it will also decrease build variety because ammo mutation and the like will now also be mandatory.

    despite DE's claims, lately they have steadily and slowly increased grinding in this game while rewarding us less for our time invested. to me this just seems like yet another step in that direction and i'm steadily and slowly losing my interest. this is a loot game with fast gameplay that makes you feel powerful. too much grind and "balance" will make many players lose interest and the game less fun to play.


    i honestly can see no good coming out of this and i think there are other ways to improve the game like maybe removing +power mods like serration and having the effect built in ranking up and rebalancing weapons for example. or maybe reworking enemy scaling so it's based on your gear more.

  7. They've done this same amount of damage when they introduced Damage 2.0.... I had weapons that ignored armour nerfed. Mods that gave armour ignore, now gave S#&$ty puncture damage. I didn't really care for the change because in the end, it's just numbers that are being adjusted. The gameplay and other mechanics stayed the same. I care not for artificial power due to bigger numbers. I can just adjust and change the polarity of the weapon anyways.

    ok but take into account that dmg 2.0 was a while ago and we've quite a lot of weapons introduced since then and the playerbase also grew. also the change didn't affect ALL weapons (we only had to repolarize very few of them actually and it was still a pain to do).

    i think many players would rather leave the game then have to polarize almost all weapons again.


    dont get me wrong i'm all for sweeping changes that improve the game but DE must realize the bigger the game gets the harder it is to implement them without severely breaking stuff and alienating players. i can only hope they are up to the task because the stakes are high and grow along with the game.


    like others have pointed out all this change would do is going to make ammo mutation mods mandatory too because guess what most players really want for weapons to make as much dmg as possible. i mean heck when is the last time you saw weapons praised for something other than TTK ... in any game? the whole reason we mod weapons is to make them better at killing stuff.


    making room for QOL mods would make more sense to me if they just removed +power mods like serration and built the mechanic into leveling up.


    right now to me the only reason behind this really seems "increase the grind" by making us last a shorter time in endless missions and giving us yet another time and forma sink.

  8. Soo... Instead of reducing the grind and replacing some of the Forma rewards with Prime parts, now we get UNCOMMON FUSION CORES? Thanks, Really. I could use another two thousand fusion cores I will never use or need! THANKS DE!


    Oh, yes, in case you did not notice, that was sarcasm.


    I would rather have the core rewards to become Forma instead. At least a Forma does something. We have TOO MANY FUSION CORES IN THE LOOT TABLE ALREADY! Also, seriously, remove those orokin cells already. No-one wants them. If we need some, we go and farm Saturn and Ceres. But I guess you do not understand. You know, DE, I funded this game in hopes of you actually listening to the community and to "be a part of designing the game". But the Design Council is a joke. An expensive joke to me, no less.


    Remember, every time you guys pull something like this I feel less incline to support this game with a platinum purchase. I can't be the only one.

    What were you thinking? You have been promising since around U7.5 that you would REDUCE the grind. And what has happened? The complete opposite.

    for the love of god stop asking DE to nerf drop rates this is exactly the kind of post that got us the forma and core nerf we have now.

    ask them to buff drop rates for prime parts or reward us based on time invested in the mission (better rewards as you go instead of AABCAABC that gets you an uncommon core for 50m of T4S) because i think that's what all of us really want


    edit: i overreacted some. i see the logic behind the syndicate primary weapons (its the same as with the secondary's they have) but i just wish the would have buffed some weapons that actually needed it this time around.

    im not happy all the forma and time i put into tigris, penta etc going to waste now because a better version of it just arrived, just like my many times forma'd akbotos and regular marelok etc now obsolete.

    not happy about the forma and core drops nerf in the name of less grind either. aoe headshot nerf hurts as well.

    the only thing that i like about this update is the new sentinel that will ultimately be mastery fodder too because they refuse to give the vacuum percept to all sentinels and give carrier a new ability like carrying stuff for you (health, energy, ammo)

    salted greedy milk tastes bleh 

  9. Forma Blueprints will now only drop in one rotation, replaced by the following drops in these endless Mission rotations:

    • T1D Rotation A: Forma BP for T2MD Key.
    • T3D Rotation B: Forma BP for Uncommon Fusion Core 5 Pack.
    • T4D Rotation B: Forma BP for Prime Carrier Systems.
    • T4D Rotation C: Forma BP for Hikou Pouch.
    • T3S Rotation C: Forma BP for Prime Carrier BP.
    • T4S Rotation A: Rare Fusion Core 5 Pack for Uncommon Fusion Core 5 Pack.
    • T4S Rotation B: Forma Blueprint for Rare Fusion Core 5 Pack.
    • Find the updated Drop Tables here: https://forums.warfr...drop-locations/


    THIS!.....it happend....i cant believe my eyes. That makes alot of people happy. + The Weapons =)

    i cant believe you are happy about getting worse drops for your time invested thats what i cant believe.

  10. how can you guys be happy about the forma nerf don't you see the drops are overall worse now?


    way to decrease the grind. yeey more uncommon cores and low tier keys. O.O

  11. this has happened to me before. the way to fix it is switch to a weapon or codex scanner and the back to the synthesis scanner. i think this only happens if you have the scanner out while simaris identifies it and marks it when u are near it.

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