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Posts posted by atom

  1. Depends on the map. In the void, your options are more limited, given the layout of the map. But then the enemy spawns from static points, meaning you could engage and eliminate them, before they reach the pod.


    In terms of how the game mode could be evolved. They could give the defense objective its own impenetrable shield, possibly activated periodically by a rotating remote terminal that you would have to make your way to and hack to activate. Or maybe give you limited options to set or activate environmental traps, or change the pathing of enemy lanes. Look at how games like Dungeon Defenders, Sanctum, or Orcs Must Die, if you want ideas for how objective defense games can be diversified.

    going near the spawn point disrupts it, adds time and makes the enemies spawn from a different point. you can engage them before they reach the pod if you stay near said pod and use guns or warframe powers, even thrown melee. you dont have to go out to them cuz if you leave the pod chance are you are going to look back and see a bunch of enemies having fun with it.

    there is ofcourse room to improve the game mode but as it is now there is no question in my mind that the best way to do it is stay near the freakin pod.

  2. As the person who's bringing Frost most of the time, I'm always near the pod. However, I don't think there's anything wrong with people actually roaming the map. In fact, I would say if after 2+ years and countless new frames, weapons, and reworks, if people still haven't figured out alternate strategies besides pod cuddling, then there is something wrong with the game.


    Frankly, I'm a bit disappointed that a Frost, Volt, or Limbo is necessary at all. I would've hoped that the game mode would have evolved more to not be so reliant on some sort of shield power.


    I applaud people who have the ingenuity to think up new strategies, and the courage to try them out. People who say you "have" to play a certain way or that you're doing it "wrong", are just sheep. It is the people who are willing to push change and innovation that figure out the strategies that everyone else then clings to like dogma.


    So have at it. Just don't throw a fit when you die and no one can reach you in time.

    no offence but how much strategy variation do you think there can be on defense? the objective is clearly marked, going near doors disrupts spawn points and leaves the pod unprotected.

    the trying out different strategies part comes from using and discovering different warframes and how they synergize but in defense players should be near the marked point and defend it i have no doubts about that being the best strategy.

  3. it's a trade chat much like a market. it's not normal conversation so ALL CAPS should not be considered yelling/shouting/offensive and is used in advertisement all the time. i believe this new rule actually punished more legit users that accidentally pressed caps on their KB rather than spammers who continue to spam regardless.

  4. i kind of am with DesecratedFlame on this one. i very rarely use syandanas in missions because i don't really like the idea of capes in battle. what if it were possible to put and freely move (like others suggested make cosmetic items have a slot) arcanes on any cosmetic item including default helmets and any piece of armour? i would really like this idea and it would make arcanes interesting for me.

  5. What's your mastery rank? It takes longer the higher it is.


    At MR 19 you can get 20,000 rep a day. Even with me averaging 30-40 kills a game of team annihilation, it still takes me about 2 hours to max that or longer depending on how many times people rage quit and end up dissolving the lobby.

    this. for a while i tried playing pvp each day but never managed to complete a tour or whatever because of constant disconnections. makes the whole thing very confusing and eventually i got fed up and decided to try it again when they fix this. do you even get the mission complete screen in pvp? im asking because i never got there even tho i really tried

  6. It takes me about 20 minutes to max my Conclave Standing for the day, so I don't feel your pain, exactly.



    please share a few tips about how to do it. i've been staying away from that whole part of the game for this very reason. i just look at that 21k cap each day and never feel like i can take the grind so i dont even try it. thank you

  7. you definitely don't need to add range. it can be beneficial to reduce it actually but the only way to do it is with narrow minded which brings me to my next point. 


    i find the best way is still the old way modding for + max power strength, +efficiency, - duration, (100%range). i use CP aura, max blind rage, transient fortitude, intensify, fleeting expertise, streamline, natural talent, pilfering swarm, and r7 vitality/equilibrium with a catalyst and no forma and for me it works as best as hydroid can imo.

    the only problem with this build is you probably need ev trin on the team but this way you can recast very fast and tentacles instantly kill enemies up to a fairly high level at which point you usually leave anyway. add a buffer equinox to the team and you can go more.


    i tried + duration, - range build but enemies caught in tentacles are pretty difficult to hit unless you have an aoe weapon and the recast time is too much of a hassle if you cast it in the wrong place or enemies spawn somewhere else. also we all know tentacles are very bad at actually hitting enemies so in my book the faster i can recast the better. this build only works well in places you can create a bottleneck like a hallway or something. the only upside to it is you can fit 2 augment mods but overall i still prefer and use the old build.

  8. But Seer can crit and Projectile speed is fastest (tied with Lanka) at 200m/s

    More than twice the projectile speed of Dread, Bolotr Prime, Paris Prime....twice the speed of Dera, Daikyu

    seer can't crit on it's own mutalist quanta bubbles don't count.


    all prime weapons are mastery 0 so saying this should be weak for that reason is bull. also there are plenty other mastery 0 weapons better than seer in every way, easier to obtain, with no lore behind and less detailed/beautiful designs.


    the problem with it's very fast travel time and magnificent zoom is it makes you miss targets that are not very close if they constantly move like grineer for example and with a mag of 8 and reload of 3.8s yeah that's awesome.

    give the seer a small aoe like the projectile animation looks like it has and a less exaggerated zoom level and this problem goes away.


    tbh i find it easier to lead and hit targets with non hitscan weapon that have longer travel time and even arch like throwing knives. they also have bigger mags and way faster reloads.







    p.s. stop grasping at straws naysayer

  9. but lex looks better

    im sry i fail to see how your comments are related to the topic at hand about the seer. if you have anything to add about the seer and my asking for a buff for it pls do if not you can raise your post count in the off topic section.

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