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  1. No, he doesn't. You may need to look at your build. You don't need rivens on your weapons for Dante's Tragedy nukes.
  2. This is not true at all. Dante nukes Steel Path enemies with no problems. Eximus units might need priming (a few shots from the Epitaph or even the Kuva Ogris works), but Dante can go to level cap and still perform because of his slash procs without issues. If you are experiencing issues with the damage from his 4, I'd recommend referencing one of the build guides on the official Discord or Overframe.
  3. LOS isn't working correctly after the patch ~30 minutes ago.
  4. I know this isn't supposed to be funny, but your own frame blocking LOS is hilarious to me.... Like what..... Thanks for the clips btw
  5. How did you get a refund? They told me they wouldn't refund any items unless they "haven't been used" which makes no sense. Of course I'm going to "use" Dante as soon as I buy him, and "use" the Forma as soon as I make it.
  6. They won't refund you. I already tried.
  7. Saryn also has low survivability outside of shield gating or spamming Molt. She makes up for it in high damage. Nerf Saryn and what is she going to be used for?
  8. This is great news. Does this mean a second look at how LoS works for abilities like Whipclaw and mods like Acid Shells?
  9. Stop it, don't make me uninstall
  10. Imagine going to a car dealership and buying a car because of the cool features it has. When you drive it off the lot, they call and say they're removing your radio, navigation and doors. Then they also tell you "we can't give you a refund".
  11. I already put a ticket in asking for a refund on the platinum and forma I already spent on Dante and Noctua. It was denied within 3 hours.
  12. Can we take a look at how LoS works in general? It's fairly buggy across the board.
  13. This is fair and should be looked at. A lot of other games have a "Recall" feature where you get all resources back that you spent on whatever was nerfed.
  14. Awesome changes overall! Any news on which archon shards we can combine into tauforged? Is it any 3 of the same color, or can we only combine the original red, blue and yellow ones into tauforged?
  15. Going on 7 days without a response from support. Anyone else experiencing the issue and know how to fix this without support, if at all?
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