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  1. Dojo has all the research except some colour, some pl in it and is decorated
  2. cannot show it now cuz I am not gonna wait for them to fix it already been close to 3 week and still no fix but can show what my dojo look like and the fact that I can't destroy it
  3. tried that destroy every room in the dojo build a reactor at the end had only a reactor and the 4 other room and could not destroy the grand hall cuz of reactor attached in no way shape or form on to it
  4. Got the same issue. Playing with contagion is a pain because of that. Rapid double jump then right mouse button and e does it too and it is 1/3 time maybe more than that.
  5. Sometime GPU usage will just drop to 0 it the case that I experienced it was on certus after a non host player left the host was a console player and I am on pc. Task manager shows that GPU usage for warframe drop to zero. Driver are up to date and before the update it was not an issue I did not try to replicate the problem simply because I do not have a console player friend. GPU is an NVDIA GeForce GTX 1660 GTX SUPER, didn't had the issue before the update 33.0.6
  6. Please help I am stuck in a loop that make it so I can't destroy it
  7. The current system we have for forma is good, but there is one issue. Sometimes when changes are made, the build changes too. This is normal, but it can be frustrating because we have to reformat the polarization we put for the previous build, which makes it harder to test new builds. I have an idea to help manage this system. The new system would work the same as the current one. You put a forma, level up, rinse and repeat. But now you can reformat the same spot that you just formatted, without replacing the polarization, just adding a new one to it. This would make it easier for players to test builds and overall, it would be a net positive for everyone. This change wouldn't make anything overpowered, it's just a small revamp that makes it easier for players to try out new things and make the choice to format a frame we love easier.
  8. Every time I want to destroy it, it says that it is the prerequisite for another room. The room in question being a reactor which is something you can craft from the beginning. The problem not being destroying the reactor but more so the fact that you just can't destroy all the reactor to destroy the grand hall because of the grand hall need power, make it impossible to destroy it. I would like help with this problem. Thank you in advance.
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