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Posts posted by Worira

  1. im just waiting for lotus to pop up with a secondary objective. "oh by the way, pick up my laundry while your at it"  or "tenno we have a problem, im out of soda, pepsi or coke would do fine"


    haha ending quote when mission is finished. "no wrinkels. good work tenno"


    "I barricaded myself inside the mainframe with ample programs. But in my haste, I forgot cola."

  2. Iron Skin is basically "+800 shields" button in most cases, BUT it isn't useless. It still does the few things it's supposed to do- shield from Toxics, Disruptors and Knockdowns. It simply requires more practice and timing now. Plus the taunt effect is brilliant and creates tactical options in defense. Fellas don't be too quick to bash the new Iron Skin, try adapting to the change.


    Suicide is not a real tactical option.

  3.  Only that isn't true, because Godmode isn't exactly something Developers are going to want to leave in their game moving forwards.


     The first change to Iron Skin met DE's needs, but not the needs of the Community, so they changed it again with the new Feedback and it is back to being fantastic.


    Well, no, it's actually even worse than it was before.

  4. Had you ever actually played any of those games you'd know that guilds and clans tend to be far, far smaller than the size that would be required in this game to make any appreciable progress.


    And every aspect of gameplay in this game is predicated upon four man groups, far smaller than those in other online games. The fact that it then requires clans many times larger than any game on the market makes no sense.


    The majority of major raiding guilds in any MMO on the market will only have a small number more active members than those required for a raiding group, because otherwise progress for each raiding member would be slowed if the size of the guild was incompatible with the size of the raid. Contrary to your ill informed opinions, it is frequently the smaller more active guilds and clans that are the most organized and thus more effective groups in other games. As long as they have enough active members to complete the content, they are well off. I feel like, again, I should stress that the number of members required to complete any actual gameplay content in this game is four people.


    Trying to excuse the faults in this poorly designed time sink with comparisons to other games only makes your ignorance on the subject evident.


    Just to add onto this: In most MMOs, a larger guild can get a greater amount of loot or rewards, but they also have more members to distribute it amongst. Yes, there may be a certain advantage from an economy of scale, but people don't just throw all the loot they get into a box that replicates it among every other clan member. If each member of a 50-person guild earns 20 Rewardopoints for a total of 1000, that's 20 Rewardopoints each. They don't each get their own 1000 Rewardopoints. But that is functionally what happens in Warframe.

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