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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Steve heed our call!, so far it seems we have know info if the devs are going too change this or if it had been acknowledged at all


    They are probably pretty super asleep. Some might be waking up soonish maybe? I don't think Steve has slept in the last week or so, though, so I wouldn't expect him any time soon.

  2. Well, no, DE often breaks it in new and exciting ways. A more accurate statement would be "DE usually tries to make it right". So the Glaive's charge speed being busted will probably be fixed pretty quickly, but I wouldn't hold my breathe for some other issues.

  3. So, it's an almost impossible to achieve damage boost beyond 1.5. Got it.


    x2 is pretty doable with faster weapons, especially with a Volt/Valkyr helping. Past that it's pretty much not going to happen.


    EDIT: ninjas in my ninja game forums

  4. If your team has the crowd control to make it far, and you stay close to the pod--hard to imagine, I know--this won't happen.


    Unless a napalm glances at it funny from across the room, or a flameblade decides to teleport inside the artifact.

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