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Posts posted by Worira

  1. I'm not defending it at all. I'm stating a simple fact and letting people make their own decisions on whether or not they think it's reasonable. To me, it's unreasonable (especially for a beta, who knows how this game is actually going to end up in 3 months?), but I wanted that post to be unbiased.


    Ah, fair enough.

  2. http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Tnargraef/What_to_do_about_Clan_Dojos:_Day_1


    Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.


    Wait, wait, wait. Are you trying to defend the costs with this? Because "3 months, as long as you play 4 hours every single day" is not exactly looking, y'know, sane.

  3. Why do you think a 300+ clan ought to have an advantage over a 10 man clan? You aren't putting in any more effort, you just have more people. Should large clans gain more affinity, too?


    And if the reason for having a certain clan size is to game the system rather than to actually have a social group of whatever size you want, you need to reconsider your priorities.

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