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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...


    Emphasis mine.


    Fairly sure it's mentioned as exclusive in the livestream as well, but I don't feel like checking right now.

  2. +1. Just give us the original Iron Skin back with auto aggro. It provides so much relief for say reviving a downed teammate or CC. The 800 dmg cap is just too little. perhaps nerf the duration instead of the amount? 


    So you're now about the 50th or so poster to independently come up with the idea to either reduce the duration or increase the cost. And yet DE still just doesn't get it.

  3. No see


    When we said "fix rhino" what we meant was "fix rhino"


    not, for example, "don't fix rhino"


    Seriously though, did you even test this? Go to a high-level defense mission, use this, die instantly, realize this doesn't solve anything.

  4. Reduction of 100 damage down to 9 'is not that good'?




    ooookaaaayyyyy...... I guess I'll take your word for it.


    It's good, sure, for a blaster with a bit of survivability. But to actually function as a tank, deliberately drawing enemy fire, it just doesn't cut it at later levels. Enemy damage scales too fast for non-absolute defenses to work properly.


    Normally i would agree that Damage reduction isn't the single most important thing on tank when it comes to performing their role, CC is pretty much equal with Damage reduction when it comes to tanking.


    However our pure tank warframe has absolutely terrible CC, so currently the tanking meta (oh god) and the way aggro works is purely based off of whomever can charge in to the fray drawing the most fire and survive the longest. Sadly, ember beats rhino right now, if not is a very close super close second as well as having the benefit of being a nuker type character (whereas rhino has nothing else to his name other then survivability).


    Honestly, DE has done a rather shoddy job with rhino in retrospective. How he has gone through this many updates without fixing his other completely useless skills is mind boggling, and then they nerf his one useful skill without touching the totally brokenly useless other skills?




    I am loving your game DE, Warframe is fun, has taken some of my money and will probably take more. But this kind of thing can't happen once you leave beta. You will find people a lot less forgiving of stuff like this once your no longer in beta.


    So fix Rhino, don't nerf Ember.

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