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Posts posted by Worira

  1. We're being spoiled Children.


    Whilst we want things and want them now, these people are working damn hard to make something we get for free and pay optionally for and we throw their mistakes into their faces and raise high hell,


    By this being "Open beta" we're essentially a QA Team (Quality Assurance). Read your T&C's for some insight. We are quite the self entitled bunch.


    Yeah, no. If that were the case, DE would be paying us, not the other way around.

  2. Aren't we all happy the design council picked this over something cool like pocket rockets?

    It was a S#&$ty idea, so DE made a predictably S#&$ty mod. I see no problems here.


    Also wow is there a lot of gambler's fallacy going on in here. You're also assuming that the percentage relates directly to the chance that a given locker will open, and not to some equation like Streamline's power efficiency.


    This is, uh, not the gambler's fallacy. At all. It's basic statistics.

  3.  Pretty sure that experience isn't as perfectly shared as most of the "Helping you" people think it is.  Simply put, running around and moving a tesla into range and killing everything does not get as much xp for my weapons as actually making the kills myself.


    Yes it does.

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