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Posts posted by Worira

  1. Dethcube almost seems like it has aimbot in engaging targets, no need for zoom mods. In fact I had to take out most of his weapon mods except for Cryo Rounds and Thunderclap, all the killstealing is making me look bad.


    it does


    it is literally an aimbot


    that's the point

  2. Don't you think something is wrong when you compare the Kunai to PRIMARIES, while they are a SECONDARY slot weapon? It's like you don't even consider any secondaries worth the comparison.


    Yeah it does need a nerf. And a huge one at that. The Kunai need not be a PRIMARY in the wrong slot.


    Primaries aren't better than secondaries. They're just bigger.


    Also holy crap guys stop suggesting semi-auto as a balance method what is wrong with you

  3. So you can no longer abuse mechanics to move faster than intended while looking absolutely silly in the process, but you can still use slide for its intended purposes just fine?


    Sounds like a great patch!


    you're such a bad poster

  4. I still don't like how Stealth "kill" isn't one hit kill.


    *Shove a Gram through an enemy's guts silently*


    ... *Grineer Shocked*


    It's the Tenno!!! PRESS THAT BUTTON!!!


    Ahem...Right, what's the reason for attempting stealth again?


    No see if you could do that then it would break things




    no we're not going to explain how

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