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Posts posted by Worira

  1. "3 Days have passed since the Glaive was released, and boy did we learn a lot."


    How can you add Vauban to your Arsenal on Friday? By one of two ways!


    1) Via Platinum in the Market

    2) Via Blueprint in the Market, with Components scattered across the Solar System in “?” Alert Missions. Keep your eyes peeled, Tenno!




  2. you take a 1000 person poll from the wiki. when there were 6000+ people who showed up for the livestream alone. so those votes represent a mere 1/6th of a population of people who showed up for the livestream alone.


    Vocal majority != majority.


    You know, I'd think you'd read the original post and then immediately responded without reading any of the posts after it, but that still wouldn't explain it. Maybe you only looked at the picture?


    EDIT: Also, I'm fairly certain a vocal majority does equal a majority.

  3. Okay, like our mod said, lets stay on topic and stop with the personal attacks.


    My point was that your poll only included a small fraction of the current players and so has inherent inaccuracy.  I have quoted your OP so that you can prove to me where you made mention of an in-game poll which you or another player either suggested or the developers have begun/finished work on implementing.


    Again, 1000 players is a very good sample size. You do not need to collect the opinions of every player to have good representation of overall views. I, personally, did not vote in the poll, but would have voted that rollers need to be changed or removed if I had.

  4. I strongly support most of them, but there are a few I take issue with.




    Snagger: MOA with a 'net gun' that dramatically reduces player speed, and then starts a powerful forward-facing shield. Kill the MOA to release the net (easy for another player to do, hard for the netted player to do). Anti-rush and teamwork encourager.

    Mugger: If this fast enemy hits you with melee, it takes some of the resources you have gathered that level and runs away. Kill it to regain the resources.
    Clinging spawn. Jumps on the back of a player, slowing them to half speed. Easy to shoot off but needs another player to do it. Doesn't spawn on maps with just one player. Always drops some resources. Anti-rush and teamwork encourager.

    Controller: This infested has an extra-large head and, if you get too close to it, can mind control a player to attack the others. During this time infested do not attack that player. Killing the controller releases the player. Has a limited duration and a particular controller can't apply the effect on the same player more than once. Could be devestating if you miss one of these in a swarm and suddenly one of your allies has joined the swarm.



    Snagger could work, although it would be a fine line between a fun teamwork element and just being frustrating. Mugger is kinda awful, it screws over players without actually adding any challenge. You could alter it to, I don't know, putting a bomb on you that you have to kill him to disarm, maybe. Clinging spawn is nervo-lite, and is bad for the same reasons. I really, really shouldn't have to explain why Controller is an awful idea.

  5. This thread again.... Devs have stated that Dark Sector and Warframe only have some visual similarities and are unrelated. Please use the search function and determine whether what you want to post hasn't been posted 100,000 times already.


    You know, people keep saying this, but I've never actually seen them link a source.

  6. OP clearly explained that the user in question used a program that is used exactly for the purpose of editing game input.  Be it for warframe or not at that given moment, this is covered in the EULA.


    This was not an arbitrary ban for no reason.  Get your facts straight before writing an innane response again.



    What?  There's a suspicion and they ban, to thwart a potential cheater.  There's a process to appeal this if there was a genuine mistake.


    Buying Grand Master doesn't afford us any more or less rights, just more platinum, a special warframe, 2 weapons.and design council, etc.  The EULA is the only viable argument here.  It's DE's game and to play it, you have to follow their rules.


    You have exceedingly poor reading comprehension and critical thinking skills.

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