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Posts posted by Worira

  1. I'm curious how you can overlook all kind melee 2.0 problem and simply claim it's fun. Do I need invincibility? No! Not getting focus fire while desperately trying to melee one folk at a time would be a good start. You know, I'd none of this melee problem using a gun even a much inferior gun like a braton prime.


    You have extremely poor reading comprehension.

  2. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu2uoRaIerQ

    No, its not. Don't create hype. Watch the video. Scoliac got the same problem like other melee in 2.0. Getting shot from everything around you while you trying to melee your target and the target died at the start of combo making combo useless. Look at the video and tell me how long your frame can survive under that kind heavy focus fire from a level 40 plus enemy


    I'm curious how you managed to interpret "best melee weapon in the game" as "capable of using as your sole weapon against level 40 enemies on a frame without invincibility".

  3. First, a word in DE_Steve's defense: I think the concern is based around leveling melee weapons from unranked to lol30 using purely stealthplay in high level planets. This would be a HUGE killer in melee leveling time. Sure, the effort was there in doing stealthplay, but it breaks the entire progression system.


    How about this: a stealth attack damage multiplier based on weapon rank? This way it modifies based on the amount of effort you've put INTO the weapon already, keeps low level enemies one-shottable at low ranks, but preserves a balance against powerleveling with stealthplay.


    Edit: I should specify that this covers only command based animation stealth attacks. You know, "Press [E] to kill"


    XP scales up very slowly with levels. Killing a whole bunch of level 5s is much, much better XP than killing a few level 35s.

  4. you're implying that Tenno one handed style is actually quick, in reality it's about as fast as beating someone with a stick while you have a broken arm... at least that's what the animation makes me think of


    Swinging a sword the size of the Nikana as fast as the Tenno do, one-handed, would be fairly impressive in real life. Not impossible, but not something you could do without a decent amount of training.

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