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  1. Thank you for this. I've been playing since 2013, and while I love the game and learned how to adapt to changes, I has been always SO DIFFICULT to get friends into it. They always felt overwhelmed by the complexity, and the ones who stayed felt annoyed that everything could be solved with 2 to 3 builds. You guys are leaning more and more into making the game more accessible while keeping it easy to design for. Great job everybody. Love your work DE!! <3
  2. Oh man, I would LOVE that Regarding combat, I understand if people prefers it more slower or less spammy, but Warframe is not that anymore. There's a reason why it was so dissonant to learn warframe playing as the drifter and then jumping into an overpowered frame. And besides, I ended up cheesing all my drifter fights with the Sirocco and decrees hehe. If not for that, I wouldn't even try to play Duviri.
  3. I understand your pain, but Warframe is not that game anymore. Now it's a super high-octane shooter where you gotta move all the time. Aiming is somewhat rewarded but never required. But I wouldn't blame that on devs: I feel the whole industry has moved on from "taking the atmosphere", since we don't get any downtime in online games or spaces to chat/interact properly. But even if I miss those times, more Kahl missions wouldn't give that back. Maybe Soulframe will be the answer to that pacing, who knows.
  4. I rather not. Kahl's missions are slower than Warframe in 2013. I only play his missions to farm shards. Although when they upgraded his speed and removed the "Under 15m" challenge, I was quite relieved. Playing before that was very painful, now it's average pain. Either way, if DE asks, I don't want more missions for him. Or Veso or Teshin or whatever not-warframe character. Let me play with my frames, thank you.
  5. I don't think they will nerf him just for being the most used of 2023 Wukong had a lot of faculties that allowed players to be pretty much AFK. And while DE has stated that they don't like abilities in the vein of "Set and forget" (I'm talking about Ember's old ultimate) I don't think Revenant goes directly into that spot. Maybe he is overpowered (I don't know, haven't played it a lot) but he's probably in the same bin as Saryn, where it is a frame with a very strong ability/kit and makes it very desirable, but it's not disrupting everybody else's gameplay.
  6. Hola! si alguien anda buscando clan todavía, en el mío estamos reclutando
  7. Si todavía estás buscando, en el mío estamos reclutando!
  8. Well, switching these settings helped A LOT with the weird vibrations. Thanks! I still see them but I have to pay a lot of attention and it's a lot less pronounced. I think I can live with this haha. Thank you so much for the explanation as well! I will keep it in mind. Hope this thread helps somebody else :)
  9. Hello community, I have a problem I've been trying to solve but haven't found anything yet My game kinda vibrates? like all surfaces are constantly moving (or the edges look jagged and move?) it's hard to describe, english is not my native language. Here's a clip of what I mean: If you put it in full screen, you could notice the mod console, the arcanes, the door: everything is vibrating. This happens a lot in levels and many parts of the game. Turning up the anti-aliasing KINDA helps, but it only reduces the problem, it doesn't solve it. I took screenshots of my settings in-game (you may notices i don't have vsync enabled, I'm using AMD settings for that) (using warframe native options didn't help either) In the Warframe Launcher I only have access to DirectX11. I have all options turned on. My PC specs: Processor = AMD Ryzen 5 3400G with Radeon Vega Graphics 3.70 GHz RAM = 16,0 GB Graphics Card = Radeon RX 570 ARMOR 4G OC My display is an ASUS VA27EHE Eye Care, a 75hz screen monitor. Any tip or information on how to configure will be greatly appreciated! this has been happening to me for a year at least, but in this update not only it got worse, my performance took a hit as well playing the event. Thanks in advance!
  10. Buenas! Si, seguimos reclutando. Les advierto tenemos actividad más que nada los días de update (como hoy!) si no tienen problemas sumense :) Les dejo link a nuestro discord también! https://discord.gg/vVdYeWebps
  11. Muy buenas a todos, somos Moonstriders y estamos reclutando nuevos miembros aprovechando la implementación de Crossplay. Nuestro clan solía ser más de 15 personas y hacíamos raids con frecuencia (tanto Retribution como Jordas), pero hoy día quedamos unos pocos y estamos buscando sumar nuevas personas. Clan Sombra Plataforma principal: PC Alrededor de 7 años activos en Warframe Dojo con investigaciones completas Nos componemos mayormente de Argentinos, pero aceptamos gente de cualquier lado. Nuestros requisitos son simples: Traten a los demás miembros con respeto y que tengan ganas de jugar en grupo La mayoría de nosotros somos adultos y tenemos que apegarnos a horarios laborales, pero cuando estamos disponibles, solemos correr misiones en camino de acero (más que nada fisuras para partes prime) o sino arbitraciones y a veeeeeces Railjack. Ultimamente también estamos haciendo cacería de Archon en grupo. También tenemos un server de Discord dedicado, que lo usamos mayormente para chatear sobre el juego, pasarnos info o coordinar escuadrones. En fin, si algo de esto les interesa pueden contactarme por este foro dejando un mensaje en este thread, vía mensaje privado, o directamente en el juego (IGN: Aran) También les dejo link a nuestro discord así se suman directamente! https://discord.gg/vVdYeWebps Saludos Tenno!
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