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Everything posted by Sleepy_Panda6

  1. This might be a dumb question but was anyone Limbo? My husband freaking loves Limbo and has repeatedly tested the strength of our marriage by trapping me in the void, preventing me from interacting with anything or picking up drops. His best/worst one was right after finishing an Isolation Vault I got bugged in the void, couldn't get out no matter what we did, causing me to miss all of the rewards (not including the squad-shared ones of course). It was so bad that I couldn't even interact with the extraction noodles that pop up outside the vault once you've opened it. I'm suggesting this because the whole thing that screamed "bug" about my situation was my game looked completely normal, it wasn't all saturated like it usually is when your in the "limbo void", which was the confusing part. If there was a Limbo in your squad I wonder if the same thing happened to yall.
  2. We got the Jackal down to 1/3 bars and it got stuck in a continuous loop is landing, jumping up and spinning with the red beams, landing again, letting us down him but then not taking any damage. Basically, once we got it 1/3 way dead it completely stopped taking damage basically locking us out from finishing the mission/continuing the circuit. The host tried leaving to see if it was a host issue but nothing changed once he left so the rest of us just aborted the mission.
  3. When you've never experienced this before it can be kinda scary! Makes the simulacrum feel haunted lol I used Xaku's Grasp of Lokh in the simulacrum and I guess taking away their weapons overrode the "pause AI" setting because all the sudden I have 20 lvl150 SP Corrupted Heavy Gunner's charging at me LOL I was in the sanctum room, not the standard one if that changes anything. I did also have my husband with me, he was testing out Kullervo's abilities but didn't have this issue UNTIL I yoinked their guns lol. I can get a video if that helps anything but it was pretty funny at first until it wasn't because I kept dying and couldn't actually live long enough to test anything.
  4. I have been complaining to myself for AGES about the inability to craft multiple items at once. Even for a longer time frame. Say I'm working on multiple things at once that require a craftable material like Thaumic Dissilate...i can only craft 5 at a time yet have some things that need 50 of it...you want me to sit there....for 10 minutes...and wait to click it to craft again every minute? And that's just for one thing! God forbid I'm trying to make a weapon and a component that needs it. The problem is I would gladly move a slider up to 50 and wait 50 minutes to come back after a few grinds and in one click have 50 of that resource...but that same logic on Forma wouldn't work...i feel like they'd happily give us the x2 forma bp but make it take 48hrs to craft instead of 24...which defeats the purpose...
  5. Oh no, absolutely not. I would be so freaking mad if I was grinding my plethora of uncommon relics in an omnia mission, thinking I can benefit from the roll from other people's relics only to get slapped with kuva...i didn't want kuva...i never do relics for kuva I do kuva missions for kuva..i do relics for prime parts like everyone else...Its such a different kind of relic with a completely different goal there is absolutely NO need to try to combine them.
  6. I have only ever seen maybe 5 silver drops in an almost 20 relic run...and that's 5 total not like once I saw 2 silvers...2 silver drops TOTAL...god forbid I need a gold drop...I've used over 30 relics trying to get wisp prime's blueprint along with my husband (except he had only 10), we maxed all of them for the increased drop chance and in those 30 relics we never even got the silver drop...
  7. I was fishing in the Cambion Drift as one does and went to move to a new spot and noticed the sky flickered so I backed up to try to make it do it again and yeah...its like a light switch "sky on, sky off" lol I've never had this happen before, it seems really isolated to this one spot, but since it literally was like the entire sky turning off I figured I'd share. Upon further inspection when I went back to get a map shot in case anyone actually looks into it or tries to recreate it, my map is actually flickering between me being in a cave and me being above ground, so I guess it's more of a geographical glitch? https://www.imghippo.com/i/AfniW1714248490.png https://www.imghippo.com/i/8SFmq1714248523.png
  8. This happened to our friend mid tellurium grind on ophelia. The way we got him out of it was by luring a leech eximus to him so it drained his life and when he revived he was out of the water. It was almost like he just got stuck mid animation and it never completed the whole "exit" part since you wouldn't have taken damage if you were underwater but he managed to get his life drained.
  9. ...THERES A GAUGE?! I got the Innodem and the first or second stage challenge was to trigger incarnon mode 5 times in 1 mission and the only way I could tell if it worked mid combat was either spamming mmb until it worked or constantly watching my combo counter and spamming it once it hit 5...the only "bar" on the crosshairs was the 4 ability dots 🥲
  10. Ive experienced this as well! I had to alt f4 out of the game because literally the only thing you can do is look around like your in a first person view from your arsenel.
  11. I don't know if it's just me, but I recently decided too many keybinds are bound to my scroll wheel/middle mouse button (and I have tiny hands so the scroll wheel is hard to use rapidly) so I reallocated a few things, like fire mode toggle and heavy attack. I don't know why but I assumed the "throw" mechanic in the alchemy gamemode would follow my heavy attack keybind which is actually what I wanted! (I have 2 buttons on the side of my mouse, I wanted one to be throw and heavy and one to be the toggle)...instead what I find is throughout the game, maybe every 5 throws, the game gets confused and it bounces between prompting me to use the MMB and MB5 (the side button I have my heavy attack bound to). Where it gets REALLY buggy is when the first "switch" occurs, you can tell the game is turned around because it wont give me a prompt to throw. It actually makes it kind of hard to tell I've successfully picked up a bottle amid all the mayhem since there isn't a sound prompt (like a sloshy sound or click) to queue you that you've picked it up the way you get a "click" queue when you pick up mission items like the "key" for mobile defense missions. It would be REALLY nice is the "throw" command could be its own keybind or if it was actually attached to the same keybind as your heavy attack. It seems like the game loosely attaches it to your heavy bind already but if you change it it doesn't agree. Whats really interesting is I get a different symbol for MB5 in the prompt, showing it is capable of being reallocated...it just doesn't actually want to...
  12. I'm having this problem as well, especially (I'm talking it happens almost 80% of the time) when leaving the void angel orb back into the world during zarimen quests/bounties and in the alchemy game mode after throwing the bottles. It's gotten me killed quite a few times because generally I don't even notice I'm not attacking until I suddenly have 10 enemies on me and my sweeping weapon isn't instakilling them or at least pushing them back like it normally does (I use the corufell mostly)
  13. My husband and I were running the mobile defense Zarimen bounty, I have been grinding this bounty for over a week and literally was on like round 20 trying to get Gyre's darn neuroptics...well not long after this last round started my game hard crashed and it even walked me through sending an error report. I did that, reopened the game, and it gave me the opportunity to rejoin, so I did. We finished the mission just fine, even defeated a void angel and everything, extract...I only saw the loot I had picked up after I rejoined which I understand is because its as if I started 2 new games so that's fine...but I never got the bounty rewards at all. There was no pop up that said bounty complete, never got voidplumes except the pinion one which was from the angel not the standard voidplume reward you get everytime you complete the mission ontop of the drop table reward...literally I just completed the mission for nothing. They hadn't even started any of the defenses since my husband had found the angel before he got to the bounty objective and by the time I finished with the crash drama they were just about finished with the angel and I literally was with them for all 3 defense objectives...There was no reason for me to miss out on all the bounty rewards...which apparently was the Gyre Neuroptics I've literally, not exaggerating, been grinding for for over a week now in like 10 session bursts because I want her SO bad. Is there any way I can get my neuroptics? I don't have any way to prove that was the drop as my husband got it and assumed I had as well since I was there for basically the whole missions and had already left the Chrysalith, which wipes your "view last mission's results" and I obviously don't see it because according to the game I didn't get any bounty rewards. Literally any other drop and I wouldn't care but this has been something I've been grinding for WAY too long, which is a problem in of itself considering the neuroptics are allegedly an "uncommon drop" with a "12.99% drop chance". I just want to move on in this stupid grind so I can do literally anything else, even if its the same grind but for a different part.
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