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  1. Playing Komi with enabled Depth of field setting makes the board very blurry Related topics:
  2. Omg what is this? ☠️ Infested liches are ok, but rest... ☠️
  3. I personally use Arcane Steadfast + Nourish with Zenurik. Helps a lot. However, the augment needs some improvements. I'd add some kind of a percentage based value. E.g 120 OG + 1% of OG cap for each enemy
  4. No. Using Torid you need to aim. Using Bramma you don't need to. Bad comparison
  5. If you have an active ability, you just get 90% DR not complete invulnerability. So careful safe your frame, don't forget to visit they sometime and use some healings like Magus Repair or Magus Nourish
  6. These LoS changes gonna kill your game. Don't go wrong
  7. These 70k (or 100k) means nothing when you play high level SP content
  8. I'm glad that there are some smart ppl discussing. I do hope that we get some attention from the devs
  9. They should remove overguard completely from enemies. I know the purpose of the Eximus units - DE try to remove AFK players or keybinders from the game, but didn't respect other active players. My hard opinion: Eximus' should cease to exist. They should be replaced with something like Acolytes, without overguard. EDIT: And honestly, I see more Eximus units than regular ones in high level content.
  10. That's what I'm trying to 'deliver" to the devs. Nobody cares about invincible Revenant boys. But they nerf OG and LoS. I'm not a Revenant hater, I installed archon shards for the frame. I mean it's just unfair.
  11. Don't be so rude to them. They are having a weekend right now. I very hope they revert all of the changes. I was talking to some my friend of and they are talking bad about Dante and I agree with them. The devs should revert the changes they made
  12. As the title says, I can't do. I don't know it has been happening since Dante update or not but as you can see... The video: Maybe it's related to russian linking so let me know if I can help you Reference: Secondary Shiver If you are experiencing the same issue just let me know
  13. Overguard for Eximuses is bad too. DE just killing CC warframes for no reason. CC warframes have never been meta and now they just pulling the trigger to end it. Just look at Limbo - he's dead frame right now. None of the frames looks bad than Limbo
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