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Everything posted by Lotus-123

  1. I was playing in public mode, but alone since nobody else was doing sortie (I guess). First part of the free roam mission was to find the hidden caches. Found 3. Heard the announcement that I found all the caches. However, it never went on to the next part of the mission. The timer kept clicking down for about 2 minutes, and then the mission failed. Tried to get warframe logs, but that didn't work.
  2. Reactant drop rate truly sucks. I don't even want to go into capture missions anymore because it's so frustrating. I perform the capture, but don't get 10 reactant. End up running around, but no more reactant drops. Relic unopened. Waste.
  3. Sorry, I don't remember when the first host migration happened. I'll try to watch more closely next time - and gather logs when I encounter gamebreaking Host Migration issues. By the way, I don't say it often enough, but thank you, DE for making Warframe. Bugs happen - especially when the game design is reliant on so many variations of client machines and Internet conditions - but despite the bugs, you make a good game.
  4. Probably caused by host migration. I got the 'Summon Orowyrm' prompt at stage 6/6 - but none of the spots had my little friend with the orvius. Totally waste of time.
  5. asd keys immediately fail. "incomplete. try again" using 123 and arrows seems to at least get me closer. Thanks to everyone in this thread for the explanations on how it's supposed to work. Luckily, we don't have to play it perfectly. After many tries, I eventually got enough notes right to 'pass' on one shawzin tune. Still don't like this challenge - but then, I'm not here for playing instruments and solving puzzles. I play warframe to let out my frustrations by killing things in a game. Keeps me sane enough not to go killing things for real. (There's really no danger of that happening. Just joking around.)
  6. Thanks for trying to help, but unfortunately I don't understand what you're saying. Stringed musical instruments (including piano) are an unfamiliar jargon to me. If I'm supposed to click a mouse on a spot on the screen, while using my other hand to press the appropriate falling number - well, that's just beyond my ability to multitask. I'll just have to pass on this particular nightwave task.
  7. The Shawzin nightwave task is ridiculously difficult. I've tried that infernal instrument ever since Duviri was introduced. Still can't do it. I get half way, and then it changes to wanting me to do something with frets (mouse) and number keys at the same time . . . not even sure what I'm supposed to do, but everything I've tried, fails.
  8. Did many rounds of SO. I haven't been able to get the Ruvox to count eximus kills. Tried pushing combo count to 8x before heavy attack.Then killed eximus. Didn't count. Pushed to 8x again - then performed heavy attack on eximus. Didn't count. Bugged. --- I think the game isn't counting any eximus kills unless you're playing solo. That's what finally got me past this challenge
  9. I've never heard that SP considers all missions to have 4-member squad. If true, it seems unlikely that I'd be able to complete any SP missions. I'm definitely not a super player. Maybe the random number generator was just working in my favor when I solo'd the mission - but was completely against me when the host left my public mission. Based on only a few solo runs, it's hard to know if my experience was just random luck. One thing is for certain: Warframe is inconsistent. Take the same equipment into the same mission a dozen times in a row - some of those runs will be significantly harder than others.
  10. Hey LuckyNecro, I appreciate the response, but I'm afraid that I don't understand some of your words. I think that I understand most of what you wrote. I agree that the mission is much easier with a 4-person squad. I've done the mission solo, and it wasn't easy for me. The mobs came at me in swarms and I had to resort to my Last Gasp to revive myself. But I did complete the assassination mission with zero Deaths, 490 kills, 24 minutes. In my original post on this thread, I was in a public mission where the host left. I think the game kept throwing enemies at me as if I had a squad helping me. There were way more enemies than one player (of my skill) could handle. I failed he mission before I even got 30 eyes. In my opinion, it's a bug when the game doesn't realize that there's only 1 person left in the squad.
  11. This feels like a bug. I've done a lot of SP Effervo missions on public, but this time it was impossible to beat. Went into the public mission as the second in a two-person squad. The other guy woke the Angel, then left as soon as the angel was down. Suddenly, I was hit with a never ending cascade of enemies. I managed to get 18 eyes before I ran out of lives. Stats at the end showed 644 total kills in 15 minutes. I've noticed before that the enemies are sometimes a lot stronger than normal. Is there some sort of secret trick to de-escalate the battle? I've also noticed that when squads do NOT wake the angel, the enemies are easier to handle - at least, that's how it seems to me.
  12. Encountered something that I can't explain. Feels like a bug, but I could be missing some detail, so I'm not posting as a bug. Just ran an Effervo mission on public, enemies seemed weaker than I expected. Sure enough, I only received 1 splinter. Double-checked after the mission, and I was definitely set to Steel Path. I thought that maybe I had run a bounty by accident - but nope, I still had 32500 standing to earn today. Anyone have an idea on how the game would drop me into the wrong difficulty of a mission? Does this happen if you pop into Effervo from Navigation in a relay?
  13. Apparently, DE decided to implement a quick 'fix' to this bugged challenge. They changed my riven to a 5-headshots challenge.
  14. agreed - not a huge deal. I probably need to tune up my builds anyway. Just annoying that DE goofed up like that.
  15. I just noticed that none of my zaw builds have the arcane installed anymore. Wondered why they were less powerful lately. Now I've got to try and figure out what arcanes I had in them before... or what arcanes make the best sense now. Is this just me - or was this a bug introduced when they added arcanes to other melee weapons?
  16. The wiki was definitely wrong when I looked. Your statement can't be correct.
  17. Compared wiki with DE drop tables. Wiki may have been correct at one time, but it doesn't match droptables anymore. Guess I'll have to learn how to edit the wiki.
  18. I keep doing the mirror defense to rotation C. So far, I've got 3 Mandonel Barrels - but no other parts. According to the wiki, the receiver and stock are as likely to drop as the barrel. I'm aware that random chance *can* appear non-random, but I'm more inclined to believe that the wiki is wrong about the percentage chance. Trade chat occasionally has people trying to trade the barrel for other parts, but I haven't seen the other parts offered - except as a high priced set.
  19. This challenge sucks . . . or maybe it's just the weapon that sucks. Spent more than 6 minutes on Selkie, just trying to charge up with headshots. Then I couldn't get enough grineer to group up without them starting to die. Finally, I put a weak weapon on my companion (only 86 total damage) and reduced the damage of Venari. The bronco is basically a handheld shotgun. It seems like headshots only count if you're close enough so that no pellets hit anything except the head. If even one pellet hits the shoulder, it doesn't count as a headshot. With this setup I was finally able to score 1 of the necessary 6 for the challenge, but it took me 10 minutes. So, if I do this for another hour, I'll be able to shelve this weak weapon and never use it again.
  20. after many, many attempts, I can assure you that even the mighty Mirage #4 does not currently unveil this riven
  21. @Tesla_Reloaded Thanks for that info. "Kill Dargyn Pilot Riven challenges are not completing (investigating)." After spending about 5 hours trying to unveil this riven, I would like to wring someone's neck. I suppose that I could be mad at myself for not taking the time to read DE's 'known issues' every day. Got to wonder how some coding error like this can happen.
  22. All the text that I can see on the riven is "Kill 5 Dargyn Pilots before they hit the ground 0/5". I've done this challenge before, but this time all the tricks aren't working. I float pilot with Titania #1, or Naramon #1, or Nidus #2, or Moa Ant-Grav. Tried a bunch of weapons and other frames. Nothing seems to count. Is it possible that there is some part of the challenge that I can't see?
  23. In the past, didn't the game mark Acolytes and Stalker with a red enemy indicator? I've had four recent encounters with these enemies where I couldn't tell which direction they were coming from because they weren't marked. Three out of four times they killed me before I saw them (more accurately, I never saw them - even when they killed me). Maybe the game dropped them right on top of me...
  24. At least half of the time, when I hover over the Duviri Warframe and weapons icons, the equipment shown doesn't match what equipment I finally get to pick up in the cave. It's always a surprise to see what equipment I can choose. I'm either surprised because it wasn't on the list - or I'm surprised that (for once) the list was correct.
  25. Went into free roam on orb vallis. Did the nightwave task to hover with necramech and kill. Did the incarnon task to kill enemies at 40 meters. Clicking 'leave squad' did not let me leave. Going to elevator did not let me leave. Finally decided to 'abort mission' - and lost the resources. Not a huge problem, but it's annoying.
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