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Posts posted by VampirePirate

  1. 11 hours ago, EmptyDevil said:

    This will basically be a list of why i think it should have stayed or why it should come back in the future.


    - It was clearly advertised on the node what the nightmare modifier was.

    - It could have been limited to having an existence of 1 ~ 2 nodes at any given time.

    - Damage sources that come from other players could have been reduced by 99%.

    - AoE abilities from players could have ignored targeting other players.

    - Preventing companions and allies from attacking players would have been good too.

    - Many players actually enjoyed this with friends.

    - It added a new layer of challenge for some and another thrill for those that enjoy dangerous missions.

    - It highlighted some glaring issues with certain weapon designs and playstyles. Mainly the Simulor series and Tonkor.

    Please consider polishing the modifier to make it less grief-able mode, then bring it back.


    I played a few of these and learned some things i always knew would be a problem, none of them being the fact that friendly fire exist (existed).

    Some Tenno care not to read the condition of the missions they embark.

    The majority of Tenno have the inability to adapt to new situations and conditions that actually require thought and skill.

    Some Tenno are'nt really Tenno and delight in seeing the suffering of teammates.  (Got my head blown off several times intentionally because someone wanted my kills).

    Some Tenno like watching Rambo Movies and love Steven Stallone.  (Screw the team.  I can do this on my own!  Ka-Bam!  Bleeding out.  Guys?  Help me here please.  Oh darn.  I left them back at the other side of the map.  Guess I'll abort mission.)

    Majority of Tenno are addicted to power. (My syndicate weapon explodes and kills everything!  Yeah baby!  Oops.  It kills my teammates too?  Oh, well... I'll keep using it.)

    And the most popular one of all.  A Trinity that never heals the team when needed.  (Everyone is dead and she is bleeding out too.  Help me guys!  ....guys?)

    Oh and let's not forget this one.  Juggernaut.  "Slow the fight, Tenno," says Lotus.   (Everyone keeps fighting.  Juggy arrives.    Aaaahhhrrrraaaghhh!   We can't beat him!  We're dying!  Help!  Help!  Aaaaahhhhaaarrragggh!  MISSION FAILED!)  But she said "slow" the fight, not "stop fighting"  Sigh.

    Now... remove friendly fire and tell me if any of these would change?

    (Only change I see is being able to kill one another.  The rest is... well... Tenno life.)

  2. 29 minutes ago, Irorone said:

    Actually somewhat true

    Nekros rework was a sidegrade as far as desecrate goes, I use to get more loot from original desecrate but I was pretty much locked in a constant casting animation to do it.

    Hydroid?  I have no idea why they changed pilfering swarm, I really don't.

    Ivara?  Most don't use her for prowl's pickpocket effect but I guess it is a possible use but the prior two frames are WAY better at loot farming.  Miss the ability to guide a glaive into a null's face but oh well.

    He's actually right about the screaming to nerf the prime farming points though.  Biggest example?  Draco.  Now I hear screaming on the threads about Berehynia assuming I spelled it right (didn't even know that specific node existed till I came to forums).  Fact is without a prime gathering place it's a LOT of less than stellar solo runs (unless you've got really nice stealth farming goodies like loki with his invis aug).  Irony on that count is I can get about 100-200k affinity (and about 2k focus a lens) stealth murdering phithale, sedna, in about five minutes or so, stealth xp grinding is the fastest assuming the gear you're leveling possesses ANY potential to kill in one shot AKA not grakatas etc.

    Also "exploits" is pretty subjective in this case, for example viver was not an exploit merely the fastest/most effective farm at the time and was the first victim of circular nerf logic, nerf viver, get draco, nerf draco, get akkad, etc. I mean how much content could've been made in the place of the effort spent on coding nerfs?

    All I hear about those against the "poison" of draco is "oh hey there's a place that can earn more xp than other nodes NERF IT DE IT'S BREAKING THE GAME" yeah congratulations on nerfing ONE node just to have people congregate on the next best place i.e. Hieracon, Akkad, Berehynia etc.  The circle nerf achieves nothing and the "weapon balancing" and "node breaking" are the equivalent of the loot cave nerfs of Destiny, pointless uses of effort in the long run.


    59 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:

    Game exploits. How about explaining that a bit, Because I dont recall any exploits that use regular farming teams, such as the three I mentioned, am curious as to this.
    As for your comment on the grind. Yeah its a grind, but it hasnt been this bad. Nekros.. he was a major Farmer, they fixed him to be more usable and mobile now. but they also decreased his chance at loot, mostly making him only viable in dark sectors for his desecrate ability.


    Hydroid has been able to farm for a long time, with several builds. all do require the pilf mod.
    As for Ivara, it may be a glitch or not. Not sure. Recently added infiltrate mod to my prowl build. still 100 STR, and she seemed to be failing at stealing.it'd go through the prowl movement several times. on the fourth it would finally steal from the target.

    Seems like pre grove I could goto a survival mission and survive for 2-3 hours solo. Keeping life support around the 90's Last one i tried. i couldnt even sustain 70% life support after the first 20 minutes via this method.

    With all due respect to anyone here, i'm not going to get into a debate about this.  To keep it simple, and from the way I see it, either you were here when DE went on a crusade against game exploits or you were not here and don't know the details.   I personally don't remember all the details, but I remember some of the things talked about on the devstreams and the forum threads back during those times.  We can argue semantics about the term "game exploits" all we want, but the fact of the matter is this... DE saw the situation as exploits and nerfed the warframes accordingly.  And it did not stop with just the three mentioned.  There was also Mesa and Mag and probably more I can't think of at the moment.  "Farming frames" or not, they were all handled the same way for the same reasons.  I'm leaving the details out because there are plenty of players here willing to explain those details and will do a better job than I would.

    All I can say is that many of the nerfs were disappointing but understandable.   Sorry I won't go any further into this.  I just don't see the need to do so.

  3. 40 minutes ago, (PS4)zero1872001 said:


    Farming Frames.
    Ivara, Hydroid, Nekros.
    All nerfed in one form or another, which made them farming frames. Why?


    This is not true at all.

    These warframes maintain the same purpose as they did when they came out.

    The nerfs were for stopping game exploits, not to turn them into farming frames.

    I think your whole perspective on this game is a bit warped, but i can understand if you feel like this game requires excessive grinding, because... well... it does.

  4. 22 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

    On its own, yes, Fleeting Expertise does nothing beyond reducing the activation cost.
    Add Streamline (and no further -Duration Mods), however, and bam, you've got minimum drain costs.


    I tested it out for myself.  I'm not a math guy so i don't bother with it.  The chart you provided actually hurts my eyes to look at it.

    I tested this back when they first made these changes to the game.  i used Valkyr and found that if i used a lot of efficiency, it hurt the drain per sec, but if i used high duration, it lessened the drain per second and allowed her to stay in hysteria for way longer than normal.  That was before they changed her hysteria.... again.  That's pretty much all I know.  The math stuff just confuses me.

    ...so if i am wrong then hey... i'm wrong.  *shrugs*


    Edit: I went back and tried it again.  Been so long since i did this i must have forgotten.   With Valkyr, i put primed continuity, constitution, fleeting expertise, streamlined, and narrow minded on her, and dropped her energy per second to 0.62.

    So i was sort of wrong, you can use both efficient and duration to make channeled/energy per second powers to last longer.  That's assuming it works across the board.  I guess i forgot because i don't usually bother with using these abilities.

  5. Maxed efficiency does not work in a positive way to abilities that burn energy per second,  i have tested this enough times to be certain.  If you want her World of Fire to to have efficiency, use only streamlined and whatever duration mods you want.  Don't go above that.  Also max out her energy as much as possible with flow or primed flow or whatever else you have for power max.

  6. 1 hour ago, DrBorris said:



    1) What do you do when you have completed the content. I guess there is something said for running up leaderboards or just having fun, but the first of which is hidden deep in the menus and the whole having fun thing has been proven to not be enough, there needs to be some sort of carrot or something new to do to keep players playing. End-game is pretty simple, it is what you do when you reach the peak of performance in the game. It is the thing you do when you have 7 forma in your favorite weapons and all your mods maxed. It is the time when the content the developer has created has run out and you now have to play old stuff over and over. The swells make sense. Every time DE releases an update, people play the new content. But once they complete the content they get bored and move on because there isn't something else (end-game) to keep them playing. I guess I can't prove that, but I thought that was something the community generally agreed upon at a conceptual level.

    2) No, they weren't helpful. I can't count how many threads of min and others have been derailed because everyone chose to focus on a small fascist of the topic that was not supposed to be the main talking point. Here's my pessimism, you can't talk about too many off topic things in any post because you are bound to have people gravitate to what they see as wrong. And I do stand by PvP as a basis for end-game as a vague solution, not every post has to be a detailed rework (I have made my fair share of those). Do I need to highlight where I said PvP was not necessarily the answer? The two main things that make PvP end-game are the randomness of humans and the competitive spirit. Modding is another way to bring in the randomness of people without having any sort of PvP.

    3) Ugh, why? Why do you have to go there? I may have been a bit tilted after the first comment on the topic but I was definitely cool by the time I started replying. The "What the hell" was to add a bit more punch to the statement because it is kind of annoying to hear someone tell you to take a break when you had never given a sign that you wanted to do so. And I write a bit ranty sometimes.

    Can you please explain how this is not pessimistic sounding? To me, which may be completely wrong, it sounds equivalent to "There is no end-game, just quit, this topic isn't worth the effort." I guess I misunderstood, which I apologize for.

    4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRDpSzINdYY&t=3160s. This is Steve ranting about how they are working on end-game. My worry is that some of the stuff he said would appear to be content reward dependent, thus the intention of the OP. The "one end game" quote is from a few Devstreams earlier, pretty sure Scott said something about it, it is hard to find quotes from Devstreams :/

    Playing for fun isn't enough for a lot of people, there is a reason most people don't play PvE games over and over and over again (sometimes to do a different difficulty or maybe try a new story path, but those are forms of new content for the player in a way). I guess I was a bit melodramatic there, but generally when players run out of content they stop playing. Maybe you can min-max for a bit but if there is no place to use that min-maxed stuff it won't last long. You are putting words in my mouth again. This thread isn't supposed to be about me. Do you think that Warframe's current place with end-game is okay? Do you disagree that content can be a drive for end-game? If those are the case go for it, this is not an "I quit" post or a "this game is stupid" post, it was supposed to be about how Warframe can do end-game.



    1) Okay.  I guess this part is a debate of opinions.  No problem there.  However, when it comes to online gaming, there is no real cure for boredom.  Everyone get's bored.  New content won't solve that.  We know this because of how the player population wax an wane when new content shows up.  Nothing can be done about that.

    2) Okay.  Understood. No problem there.  Such is the way things are on forums sometimes.  Just can't take it too personal.

    3) Fine.  Whatever.  If you look at it with pessimistic eyes, then that's how it will look to you.  if you notice, about that comment that bothers you so much, it was about me.  There was no reason for anyone to be offended.  I said it before and will say it again, suggesting to take a break or quit is a sound solution for people that get bored or burnt out or whatever.  There are plenty of other things to do in life.  I never said give up on the game.  I said quit or take a break.  Sometimes people get addicted to onlien gaming, and sometimes it;s best to uninstall.  Again, i made a general statement there.  Nothign to take personally.  It came from my personal solutions.   Games can always be reinstalled.  You are still getting too personal.

    4) Whatever.  That would mean DE is going back and forth on the issue, which at this point i don't care.  I play the game for fun anyhow.  My personal taste.  You say playing for fun is not enough for some people.  FIne.  However, not everyone can be pleased.   Ats some point, the game will come to an end, either by losing business and cancelling or players quitting the game.  It happened with other games.  Why would this be any different?


    "This thread isn't supposed to be about me. Do you think that Warframe's current place with end-game is okay? Do you disagree that content can be a drive for end-game? If those are the case go for it, this is not an "I quit" post or a "this game is stupid" post, it was supposed to be about how Warframe can do end-game."  Listen to yourself or in this case read your own posts again.  You are focusing on some small and unimportant thing i said and blowing it out of proportion because you take stuff personally.  If you disagree with it, fine, but stop harping on it.  It's not helping.  Never once did i make any of this about you.  You did that all by yourself... and at the risk of derailing your own thread.

  7. 4 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    And that is why this game would benefit so much from a modding-community.

    At this point I think the only reason from preventing mods, is that they have a story to tell, and that we all run content through them.

    So a mod would need a new client separate from the main bulk is my guess.

    If I JUST look at the story as chapters, it would work quite well if it had been made and sold that way.

    As it stands now, yes I have jumped into quite a few games where ults and the magic of the Synoid were being spammed so hard I could barely see. It left me with a very hollow feeling, like I had no place here any longer.

    Then I realized I don't play for the best gear possible in the fastest time possible, I play to have fun.

    So if this is a game without Endgame raids of ever higher Tiers, that's actually fine by me. Just build a bigger sandbox for us to play in.

    That made me smile.

    You know what though... I think that is where the game is heading and probably should head that way.  I don't think any other game has done this.  It would be revolutionary if warframe expanded on player-made content.  It would be a monumental change to the gaming industry.  Player's suffer burn out on games, but devs suffer burn out on making content.

    I sometimes say that I would love it if there was a warframe single player game.  So many possibilities with that.  Look at Fallout and Skyrim for example.   Warframe could do even better than those.

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