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Posts posted by VampirePirate

  1. BatSenpai, I understand your frustrations.  A lot has changed and not for the better.

    I can't decide what is more frustrating, the game or the players.   Everybody has bad days and don't perform well sometimes.   Often times I feel like being MR 20 and above is a signal for many of the low MR players to harass and pretend you don't know how to play this game you've been playing for several years.  The game is so easy it's tiring to play, causing me to log in daily for 5 seconds and log off.  When I actually do play the game, other players imagine that I did not do a thing during a mission and later it turns out they got me confused with someone else.  I see things on the alerts list like "Reward: 3500 credits" that's not worthwhile for any mission type.  I'm not encouraged to use skills much with the exception of special conditions.  We are not encouraged to work as a team and can solo almost anything in the game.  Can't help but to wonder what the point of playing this game is besides showing off.  There is little reason to care about anything anymore.

    My only answer (even though I still log into Warframe sometimes, but not like i used to) is to find love elsewhere and give this game a rest.

  2. 9 hours ago, LDragon12 said:

    Well actually Rell suppose to be dead and also he isn't a villain so why would he be our greatest enemy if he isn't bad

    Because he tried to kill us.  Ultimately it was a joke when i mentioned Rell.

  3. 5 minutes ago, TheBlueHero said:

    Oh.. Only when you complete Chains of Harrow? Dammit. That was soo cool. I wish we could do it after the quest too.
    It was boootyfull

    digging your operator?

  4. 1 hour ago, Maqabir said:

    Had the game leak into real life after a few long nights.

    Played Warframe with the girlfriend for a whole weekend. As we were preparing a midnight snack the lights in the kitchen started flickering and dying.

    We both froze, looked at each other and said "Stalker". :stalker:


    that's hilarious.  wish that was a video

  5. I was not thrilled to see this.  it is possible that they got inspiration from The Elder Scrolls.

    The entire concept to me was lackluster, which had me thinking.... where or when in the world will Typhus be a thing?  Another voice whispered into my ear, saying, "Never!" (TM?)

    Then I frowned...


    I'm pleased with Harrow though.

    I have the impression that the Glass Warframe was created for and received by China Warframe.  We are getting it next.

  6. I for one am happy about this new development.  I virtually gave up on this game.  The only thing that kept me interested was the fact that i still collect Primed Warframes, and i wanted a primed version of all the originals.  If not for that, I would have hung up Warframe for a year at least.  Now we are getting an open-world aspect, something people and myself have suggested for years.

    Archwing.  I never  liked it much, always tried to get into it.  I'm darn good at it too, but...  when the environment began to spin during gameplay, i gave up on it completely.  i think this will give Archwing more purpose in the game, granting me a reason to use it. For now, i constantly avoid playing archwing missions.  My only hope with this new development is that there will be enemies worth the challenge of using archwing.  In other words, i want there to be really tough enemies available to make up for the addition of Archwing, otherwise it will just be too darn easy to play this aspect of the game.

    Open-world, from what i saw on the video, seems to bring more life to the realm of Warframe.  More immersion, more lore, more things to experience and do.  It's what we all wanted.  Warframe has gotten quite boring over the years.  It has been time to make the game broader.  I am willing to give this a chance and see what DE has to offer, so there are no complaints from me.  I rather play it first before making any judgement.

  7. 7 minutes ago, D20 said:

    I'm talking about the amored ones mostly, with a big part of armor behind their head. Basically most grineer units with guns. How do you headshot those from behind ?

    I just did a test.  I remember not having to use punch-through, but after trying it just now, you will need punch-through for those guys you just mentioned.

    Maybe the devs saw this and changed it to not be a n easy headshot, or maybe i remember incorrectly.  I'm saying now, you will need a punch-through.


    That is, for it to count as a true headshot.

  8. 4 hours ago, D20 said:

    I could never headshot a grineer in the head from the back. Please explain me how to proceed ?


    4 hours ago, Elvangreen said:

    Punchthrough might be a factor. I always run it and can get headshots from the side and behind. (although you still have to estimate where the head would be).

    No and No.

    No punch-through.   Some Grineer have bulbous domes for heads and others don't.  I just shoot the head.  i guess it is intuitive.  I'm always doing it.  Not sure how else to explain it.

    It's just like when those shield guys that blitz you stop and hold the shield up so you can't shoot them.  I still manage to shoot them dead with a single shot by getting the elbow or the foot or the knee.  I recall doing this with Lex and Aklex, because those pistols are what i usually wield 

  9. 20 minutes ago, D20 said:

    The recent addition of Harrow made headshots become a more important mechanic in Warframe's gameplay. The issue is, that mechanic is limited against some factions. While there's no issues about getting headshots on your usual Corpus Crewmen, getting headshots on a Grineer always require him to face you (no headshots from the back). It's even worse on the most common enemy, the infested charge, that you can't headshot at all. MoAs are a wierder yet more logical case : they can't be headshot from the back due to their wierd head placement, but they have some kind of "power backpack" that you can shoot at for greatly increased damage.

    Wrong and wrong.

    I often shoot Grineer in the back of the head.  I love doing it too.  Easy.  If they face you, it is easier.

    Infested can all be shot in the head except the ones that vomit maggots.  i don't remember the names.  With infested, you will have to experiment until you learn the weakspot that serves as a headshot.

    Corpus robots have heads below the dorsal turret where the legs are joined.  It is true that they cannot be shot from the back though.


    I do think it would be nice to be able to shoot a Grineer and such in the leg and disable him like that, like in Fallout 4.  I doubt the devs would want to put in the extra effort in animations for that effect.

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