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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 2 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    Yeah you shoot inside of me, its ok, others tried that too lol


    And it is?

    She is hungarian. 

    The hajrá hajrá means - hurry hurry

    csekkolom - checking.

    / The fun part what kgabor posted it was posted to me 5 years ago in different form.

    • Like 4
  2. 2 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    I mean, while it's true that all I had so far in terms of dating are bad experiences, I don't have that much of a problem with it.


    Like, I'm lazy, never do anything if I don't have any immediate profit from it, never go outside unless it can't be avoided, and I avoid my responsibilites like they're the plague. But I can live with it. When you get rejected 6 times in a row you eventually stop to care.

    If I ever happen to run into someone who's interested in me, great, I'll give it a try. If not, fine by me. I'm fully aware that I'm not good with people and I'm okay with it.

    I am also a person who likes to stay at home and just rarely go outside. Mostly when need to go work or just going to shop. 

    • Like 3
  3. On 2020-06-05 at 11:04 AM, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    @Sziklamester you sounded like having a problem, but if you don't, I'm sorry for misunderstanding the situation. English isn't my native language either 🙂

    If you're feeling good, just do what you're doing, the self confidence thing was just a real life example (and also a shot in the dark). But I want to ask, and expect no answer.

    Are you sure about being fine?

    Ok guys, I'll leave you to it now, being overly pushy really does not help.

    I am fine because I partly hate people and hardly tolerate them but on the other hand I do not hate them as much. You are a good soul to try to help but I really no need that much help.

    I only need some likemind people to talk about everything interesting subjects. It is fine if not everything has common interest but it is fine. Also your english isn't that bad but mine is sucks because of grammar.

    /ps - mobile app autocorrected me so I edited it.


    Köszönöm, hogy foglalkozol mással 😉

    • Like 4
  4. 3 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    Just how it should be, hope i get to that state (again) one day...

    Also didnt we wanted to return to the real topic here?



    You are a legend !

    / like all of us. We are writing our legendary.

    • Like 3
  5. 5 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    Lol self confidence you are fun... if you are living looser like me failing at just about everything in life you can fail, there is just no reason to have self confidence. I mean really, if its school, jobs, women, friends, no matter what and you fail at all of those, and that for decades of your life... no way you will have confidence on yourself.

    Having confidence based on what facts? The only facts beeing there is that i only failed at everything. So having confidence then is in my opinion more a sign of dillusions about yourself, THEN you should see a therapist if you believe you are great when in reality you didnt achieved S#&$ lol

    Nice meaned by you but sorry this just doesnt work and no thearapist can convince me otherwise if the fact check just tells me otherwise to dont have a reason to have all to much confidence in yourself

    See the life as I see. I see it as a role playing game I am good at that. See everything as experience and if you fail in something try to think otherwise. You can see it as a experience what you not want and think about what you could achieve. There is certainly things what you can do with no fail or learn about it. You can boost your confidence if you try to see yourself as a outsider. Like the warframe you control in third person. I never bothered to see myself as a human and it helps me a lot when I try to achieve something.

    • Like 3
  6. 25 minutes ago, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    @o0Despair0o , @Dark_RRiderr , @Sziklamester it might be a good idea to get professional help, if that's possible. (And by professional help I mean a good therapist, not one of those obnoxious coaches who teach men how to get and leave women quickly.)

    I once briefly knew a guy, he was in his thirties and never had a girlfriend. He was so damn anxious around women, even if they were clearly present as friends and were nice to him, poor guy was just constantly sweating. It's a damn shame, because he struck me as such a sweet guy, and to top it all, he was even good looking. The only thing stood between him and a girlfriend is his own self doubt. The only thing he needed is a boost of confidence - I know it's damn hard to do, but people can work on it, and after succeeding, a whole bunch of problems get solved, one of those is the girlfriend thing.

    But I bet he didn't see things like this, and saw no way out. I didn't know him well enough to speak with him about such a topic, but now I'm thinking maybe I still should have tried, because maybe I could have help him see things from a different angle and nudge him to stumble upon a possible solution to his problem he maybe didn't see before, or didn't want to notice. 

    I just telling you guys all this because I want you to see hope, and tell you there's no shame in seeking help. If you did it before and were unsuccessful, try it again, maybe you just met a sh!tty therapist, unfortunately they're a thing.

    Those guys above me maybe need some help to solve problems and confidence but I am a different matter. I just don't trust on people, not really interested in to make any deep relations and I just see this as a huge time waste on my part. I never really tried to do this hard and I never looked actively for partner because I feel I do not need it. I have not so much self confidence but I know what I want to do with my time and while not often succeed on it I have a clear vision on what I want to achieve. Beign alone is not a tragedy and much better than to get a partner who just destroying your time, confidence and overall happyness. I have seen many relationships torn apart because people does not really thought out what they wanted and jumped into the first option what they get. Most people when trying to find a partner are firstly try to avoid beign alone and secondly because there are the idiots near them whom wants to them fit into the society. These peoples feel themselves better if they "help" the one who not as successful than them because they need that feedback they are helpful. 

    For example my parents and different, my dad is content but wants to have me a partner, my mom just does not care. My grandparents always asks if I find one but the answer the same. My environment just handles me low when I telling them who I am. Overall the people not really wish to understands me and not really see as an equal partner in everything so I do with them after that. 

    I appreciate your goodwill but I do not seek salvation. My soul is beign eaten fine and I do not have really any problems with accepting myself. I know my flaws and strengths.

    • Like 4
  7. 5 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    Used to be like this, didnt cared, was even proud on it.

    Now, its just doesnt work.

    Visiting a brothel isnt fixing it, first of all not the type of men that can do that with just any woman. Secondly its about the emotion that is missing not just the body contact

    Yes. Me neither but I do not want to be regret or used like a parachute. I am emotional and racial but I just optimized myself to beign racial only. I do not want to marry, no need family so no needs really partner. I only would like to talk sometimes with people and my only source to do this is usually forums and interesting topics. 

    The body contact is doable for both genders but of course it cannot replace the another and the same goes to emotions. 

    At least I will reach a guiness record.

    • Like 5
  8. 2 hours ago, o0Despair0o said:

    Believe me, that last thing I'd do is getting married.

    I'd sooner become vegan. And I hate the taste of vegetables.

    It is not a problem if you do not have partner I also never had because I am not lucky with ladies. I simply decided to focus my interests to other things and it does not deteroid my mood to be a single.

    • Like 5
  9. 32 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    OH DAMN thats long ago! NICE, thanks for bringing that back to my mind. As stupid as it sounds like, my friend and me miss that old Cartoons and we are sometimes even watching them hahhahaa

    I miss this one really.


    Among with many other cartoons back in my younghood.

    • Like 8
  10. 5 minutes ago, Dark_RRiderr said:

    See? Lol. Anyone else doing home office / home schooling as appreantice, and having some kind of blockade / blackout lately? Or am i the only one? (Doubt it hardly)

    Just nothing really have to do at the moment at my job.  Uncle Covid made some things easier to do.

    • Like 7
  11. Censoring words never was a good idea to begin with. Asking peoples behave nice is acceptable, but banning words when the game is multilangual and many nationalities exists with their set of words is just a joke. Also english is not that brutal language when we talk about the obscene words. Also the obscene words usually meaningless word throwing and anyone who takes it deep are snowflake. For few people banning the majority is a false way to go.

    Still seeing funny names in every languages and in my own language. Filter is limited and hopefully one day they will realise it needs to go because solves nothing.

    Instead teach peoples to behave civil and give them more emphaty instead of cleaning the problems under the rug.

    • Like 8
  12. This is a normal dojo layout. All my dojos what made also used the similar expect obstacle, observatory and drydock rooms. Making a huge dojo is not worth if you keep your clan shadow or ghost levels. I made in my entire career like 26 dojo, so I have experience in this. Worth to keep the costs low, max research everything then later improve if nothing else coming. Much peaceful and easier managable.

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