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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Specters can be useful depending on the type. Warframe specters the better ones because they can bring your choosen arsenal. The ospreys are also fun but these can die fast.

    The levels are explained by an user above so I do explain that further. 

    Sose note is the specters will turn against you ín the nightmare missions and depending on your dropped specters van be difficult to kill.

    Only drop specters in the said mission if you can beat your creation. They can give some xp if you kill them or just throw the specters into the group to distract enemies. Good hint : do not use Nidus specters on nightmare. 

    • Like 3
  2. Railjack is more or less a space invader game with extras. I personally would like if there are more types of weapons, ships, cabins, dock extras and more houses or just companies whom make specific items like in Borderlands. I do not tried this content yet, because I am waiting for the final touches on this then I maybe start to make my own ship.

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  3. I personally not tested it because I am not interested in this update at all and not finished the requirements but I would not say it is a fail. Simply because this update is new, some people will like it others content another not like it just like all content what created. All new update coming with dozens of bugs but those of you whom sending back feedback to the devs are actually helps this game mode to improve. I personally will consider to invest into this once they fix all known bugs and add npc crew. My clanies will try the railjack whom interested in but currently nothing done to the project there.

    If you not find this update fun then it is not fit to you really then you test it next year with npcs and if still not likes it then you just play another content as I do with other contents too.

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  4. 15 minutes ago, Flameduel said:

    look, I love you all,I want to keep repairing your ship because that means it gives you guys and easier and more fun time not panicking. I just have to ask you treat me like your doctor, as much as I love seeing you since it means you care for your ship and do not want it to be destroyed; if I ask you to destroy the crewship, that means I am able to handle the ship on my own but it would be nice to get rid of the enemies that is doing the most damage to the ship as well as remove some of the raiding parties.

    Your fellow tenno, 

    Engineer Flameduel 



    We need more engineer like you!

  5. If I may honest almost all 2-5++ years old weapon should have see some facelift. I am keeping in mind if the ips damage types become more balanced these changes may no need or will need but anyway I just imagine some numbers of it.

    I will write down my list of items and why I think it needs buffs and why would be good to do. I apologize to my grammar because I am not native english speaker and I can learn only from these interactions since I do not have time to direct learn. So let's get started.

    Lato and Aklato / lato series. - While lato is a starter weapon and it serves the newer players I think it could have do more damage a little bit and a little bit more ammo size ( not mag ) would help on them. The 30 damage on the Lato distributed mostly to the slash but the impact and puncture all in pair. I could see more damage on these two part to beign closer to the slash. like 12-12-15 so almost 40 damage also with 300 ammo cap. I think it would be a good step to make releavant it because that means better ammo economy. Same goes to the Aklato and the damage could be the same and I personally would add plus 100-150 ammo so overall 400-450 ammo it because this weapon shooting faster than the lato and eats more ammo so the double sized mag capacity would be logical. Also reducing the 2,4 second reaload speed into 1,3-1,5 second because as a newbie weapon it should not be that long to reload.

    Latron series / I saw a thread not too long ago about what is the problem with this gun. I used back in time a lot but the recoil and the reload speed on a nearly starter weapon which has relatively low damage and you need to deal with the high recoil while aiming is not a user friendly weapon. Also the magazine capacity is lower than the direct update Tiberon which is a good weapon and more accurate. I personally would change the magazine to 30, reduce the recoil, reduce slightly the reload time like 1,6 second which is more fair than the 2,4. Also would increase the crit chance to 20% and the status up to 15%. Would also change the mastery needs of the weapon and the crafting materials to match with the lower mr requirement so it would be a decent starter weapon for starter players. The plastid is on a further level I say it is reachable to new players because basically almost everything can be done under a week but if we see the learning curve this weapon would have been on a later level where the players are familiar with the parkour and opened and played (memorized) some content already.

    Braton series / I think this weapon serie is fine for starter players and I do no have so much complain about the Braton because it is a newbie weapon. I still think it could be buffed to be more versatile just a little bit. I would make the Braton also a Mr2-3 weapon and increase the crit chance up to 20% and the status up to 13-18% so it would be a well moddable weapon. Change the damage up to 12-12-13 so it would be a well suited all around weapon. Also improve the magazine size up to 60 so it would be more efficient and durable. The main reason behind this there is a prime with higher magazine size and there is an mk1 braton which also have larger magazine and also no need mastery to use it. Why would we need to keep the two weapon in the same level when the mk1 series meant to starter weapon. The mk1 braton also could have some buffs to be more efficient but not as efficient as the regular braton. Also the braton prime would need more crit chance and impact damage to beign more balanced with the damage distribution also the vandal version could see some number changes. The Braton prime has higher reocil than the regular so it should justify the better damage if you aim better with it. 

    Burston series / The refular Burston is an all arounder weapon but the recoil is higher than the Braton series and in damage while balanced I feel it is low despite this weapon after the changes became more status oriented. I feel the prime version could be tweaked to fit more with the mastery needs because the stats not justify why it needs that mastery level. Sure the crit chance on it is not that bad and the status is workable but damage wise the stats not so great and there are better choices in lower mastery level to kill faster. I do not say damage wise it needs to be double but a little bit more damage and utility on these weapons would be better. If the recoil only just reduced to the half I would likely use these weapons more because I like to aim kill the targets.

    Hind / The Hind is a hybrid weapon or I could say the griiner answer to the burston. Slower fire rate, more bullet per burst a mediocre status and crit chance. This weapon is directly designed to be bad because it is not tenno weapon so the stat kept moderate. The slash damage on it is nice, but the recoil on this weapon and the weird idea to press x ( any button for alt fire on your bind) was a terrible idea instead they could just add a toggle mode so you can switch to the burst/single shot modes. That one change could make this weapon more useful if I do no need to press as much the X as much I do press the E for meele. Damage wise I would not touch this gun because the slash is nice on it and the impact-puncture is also in close range to each other so basically you can use against almost all types of enemies. I personally would increase the status up to 22% from the 10% and reduce the recoild also giving the weapon a toggle fire mode.

    Gorgon series / I never really liked these kind of weapons and the relatively small magazine and high reload time and the mediocre damage small crit+status made me not like to use these weapons at all and I did not sold it for later use but often thought I will. Stat wise you get a weapon which mainly impact which is not a bad damage type but not as efficient as the slash for obvious reasons. I personally would reduce the recoil a bit keep the reload speed but in exchange improve the magazine and ammo capacity up to 150 mag size and 1000 ammo cap at least. Increase the status from 9% to 15% and improve the puncture+slash damage on it each by 10 damage. This itself would make this weapon more interesting if the spool up times would be reduced. Of course these changes needs a better mastery for it so I would up the mastery need for this to mr5-6. This changes still not makes me like to use this gun but it would be an useful machine gun even if they desire later on give a better skin to it as alt skin. " minigun ".

    Soma series (includes aksomati) / Soma was a nice weapon for the crits but the base damage capacities were always lack. The crit moddability saved this weapon from beign a mediocre weapon. I personally would improve the damage on this gun despite it is a machine gun with high magazine capacity so it is not supposed to be strong per shot but with crit modding. I personally would improve the damage on it up to 8-8-8 to each damage type or a bit more to the puncture or slash and improve the status chance from 7%-to 15%. The mastery rank and crafting cost (50k creds) justify it despite the fact 50k credit is not so much but for a mr6 weapon this should be better. The same goes with the prime hence it is better in status by 3% and have 200 mag capacity but the gun does deal the same damage. Basically what is in it's mr7 title. I personally would improve the soma Prime mr needs to mr10 but increase the ammo capacity up to 1500 (same goes normal soma) increase the status chance up to 25% from 10% and maybe the crit chance up to 35%. The damage distribution could be 9-9-13 so overall the weapon could perform much better with modding and on higher levels. May these changes on this weapons not happens but it is at least a more viable idea.

    Aksomati on the other hand is a nice mini soma even better than the soma in some part but it's still in needs some adjustment. The crit chance for a dual machine pistol is fine and I personally like this weapon but I can imagine more status and better damage distribution with more damage overall. the 24% crit is okay in my book but the status could be 20% from 8% to be a good hybrid machine pistol. Also would change the ammo capacity at least double the size because this weapon eating much more ammo hence you can use it as a single shot or mini bursting weapon. my damage idead for this weapon is 7,8 impact, 9,5 puncture and 22,3 slash. Why I feel this change is needed is mostly because I like this weapon but on serious note it is a mr9 sidearm and there are weapons in the same league which does the job better.  My other fav Akstiletto for example does almost the same but with more impact. 

    Kraken / Why I feel this weapon would needs some buff is the fact the Sicarus does the job better which is a credit purchase item which no need crafting at all. Kraken would be a nice weapon with more magazine or just better crit-status levels which honestly would not be bad for this weapon. I like the recoil on this weapon and it could be use for headshots easily because you shot 2 ammo per shot so basically double the damage you deal with 1 fire. The problem is the magazine capacity 14 is not enough. I personally would improve it up to 20 mag at least and improve the damage distribution aswell. Up the puncture and slash up to 11-11 damage so it would be a bit better all around. The status is 13% which is okay if you put 4 dual status elemental mod it because that is very decent then but I could up to 23% and the crit from 5% to 15-18%. This weapon mostly needs this also would give it a mr3 level requirement to this. What I would like to add is an option to add a single shot mode in exchange the damage could change. 

    These are now what I think would have be changed but of course could write much more but then you will read a wall of text so I just stop here. Keep in mind it is only my opinion and some may be power fantasy but this thread is all about the ideas so don't be afraid to share. Hope you could read this huge text and feel free to share your ideas, thanks your time and cheers.



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  6. I honestly would still mute all because these lines repeat in time. More lines can make it longer to used to bore that but still I find these mission advices lack. Lotus lacks, Nora lacks, Ordis lacks, Other memorable characters lack and so on. This is not the focus of the game but once you make a video game where there are acting and tons of discussion then it must be a very long long line of says.

    I prefer games where there are no voice acting just bare texts because in texts you can imagine a sound a voice in your head and easier to type 1000+ lines of text than make a simple line with different tones. 

    Same goes to the operators where you can choose from a bare minimum which is really low. Of course not easy to do but they could have record at least 100-150 person voices and make a mixture of them so you can make a greater variation. There are also synthetizer programs for this role so you could basically record an unlimited amount of voices to make sentences and characters. 

    My desire is to reach an almost human like in game avatar which interacts you in different ways and has different says. Almost like we humans speak. The operator could for example ask questions and Ordis or another Cephalon or guides could answer to it with differently. For this it would be a great need to imporve the interaction us and the objects, enemies, evrionment so in a later talk they could praise us how many grineer we sliced or how bad we were for example at parkouring. Just few idea what come in my mind. 

    The potential is there to improve this part too but somehow always the priority is different so a lot of part of the game not improving but it needs if it wants to be an amazing all around game.

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  7. 12 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    Thats fair. And the kick option etc wouldn't be a counter measure for players like you, because you are willing to be honest and upfront about your conditions. If someone joins my crew and straight up says "hey, i'd rather not do job x," Thats fine. I'd even be happy to suggest a compromise that as long as they are willing to occasionally take on that roll when its essential because something went wrong and whoever was doing it before is tied up, thats fine by me.

    You're being reasonable and willing to negotiate and know your limits. Thats great and refreshing. But hey, as you said yourself, you don;t feel like the content is really for you, so of course your gonna be hesitant to jump in.

    True and it is fine but I am afraid this could causes more toxicity not because me or you but every game where teamwork was added or a must have feature then those games died fast. Except some where the community knew each other and knew their limits. Team games toxic by nature because it is very dependant on the person. If you trash with peoples they will refuse to do the job if everyone doing the job but fails there will be a lot person whom cannot handle it. I personally a competitive person and I know I am not a good captain because I want always win and the lose is not the liked word in my dictionary. That's my part but there are also many player out ther most of them playing solo who have the same issues and they wanted to play this content alone partly because of it.

    I am willing to help if I have that mood because sometimes I cannot control my inner competitive nature and sadly bashed some person in other games some times with real reasons other times when I failed. I know this about me and partly this is the reason why I do not consider to play this content but honestly it is just looks boring. 

    From developer perspective I understand they want to forge the community and actually wish real cooperation which is good, but the flaws and the habits of the devs preventing them to understand long before them many devs tried to do the same and in high percent they failed. The human nature is not tamable so you can only work with those whom you know and actually wish to coop.

    I rather play the captain role with npcs and just sit there and shot ships and focusing on the fun part of this instead of managing cannons, engines, reactors, repair and dishwashing roles. 🙂


    Ps: Sorry for the grammar.

  8. Just now, Aggh said:

    DE has pretty much always steered away from any kind of kick function in warframe.  I'd be really surprised if they implemented one.

    Probably they won't add kick feature because that can be abused. Also with the cooperation and real teamwork involved the toxicity is increasing a bit because in team games there is always someone what you can bash if you fail. This game mode would work with a premade team which really knows each other and agree to do all the jobs for the goal. Also not bash each other if they did all the job and despise that the mission failed.

  9. 1 minute ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    Unless you all agree on that before hand, then thats just a counterproductive attitude. Not saying your wrong to not like a particular role, but if everyone isn't aware of that before hand then you're just being obstinate. Also, if the ship sinks, you lose as well, so you waste you own time. So its kind of in your best interests to not be stubborn, or at least have an agreement beforehand.

    True and agree with you on this but the trolling potential is high there unless they will add a kick option to punish that behavior but once they add kicking options then they should add to the regular missions aswell which means troll kicks will be a thing. I appreciate your mentality on this but the human nature is well different by person. Many will agree to do things for a common goal but many will just see how could spoil your game. For me in this point not interesting because I was not hyped on this at all because I prefer this game mechanics on different games which actually soloable and space fight. If you are old enough you may know the Freespace and some recent space simulator games where you basically plays alone and can focus on one thing so you do not need to do the dirty roles. 

    I personally not interested in this update because I catched by the base game modes and that's all. I do appreciate their effort to try to make some coop because in a cooperation game the ideal would be if players could do play together but this game was spoiled with the start by not forcing players to work as a team so basically 4 room and in each room 1 person plays. 

    This update is a different milestone and it will shown if their effort are worth to make cooperation better or the design fails by their flaws. I bet it will be in the middle way. 

    If you invite me to your ship I accept your rules because your ship and your rules like normally in real life. If you trust peoples it is fine but I am sure it is not for random matches so it will be a bad idea to join/invite randoms. Just my opinion.

  10. Just now, XzWasPzX said:

    Y'all are not being realistic about whats gonna happen. You think everyone who comes into your ship its gonna go to the navigation console and say "crew member enlisted, awaiting orders, sir!".

    Well, i have bad news for you, thats not gonna happen xD 

    I personally would do some role on the ship but I refuse to wash the board and repair the damage. Just by the logic in a future game on ships there are no damage control by default so I need to do all the boring tedium. No thanks, " I am going to a corner and plays Shawzin ". Call me later when the ship sunk.

  11. I do not mind if it is soloable or not because what I have seen in the presentation is not really interests me. Honestly I fall asleep during this so I decided to just close youtube. I appreciate their efforts to make new content and force players in some way to actually play coop in a coop game but other space games doing all of this better. Starsector is much better in this aspect yet is a small game compared to this. Free space was easier in that aspect you can focus on the fight and not bothering with the rest. Freelancer did also in interesting way the manage, economy, combat etc. This presentation is boring for me and not really interested to do any effort to get this like I did with the operators. That is a nice thing it is a side thing and not the core part of the game. 

    I find it very primitive in a future game you need to do all the damage control and there are no automated damage control. This is for some may be interesting in the first but when you need to do all this all the day then it will be boring.

    I am prepared to the Duviri, new weapons, melee phase 3 and probably the new warframe. This update does not interests me but it is only my opinion.

    To the OP. Probably not so far after the release there will be available the crew / command component so you can solo play and focus on one part in your ship.

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  12. 1. Variation of cephalons with custom narratives.

    2. More interaction with objects and refined move animation. ( Interaction meant sleep, nap, sit on seat or on a table.)

    3. Option to buy more warframe and weapon slots like how we buy potatoes, forma boundles etc. So a bar with quantity.

    4. NPC companions for missions more like mercenaries which can be revived if down or respawn about a min or five min if they die.

    5. Weapon sockets which could give utility upgrades to weapons.

    6. Shortened building times or remove the rush for plat instead use credits for rush items.

    7. Universal vaccine to cure the helminth infestation and cyst blocker.

    8. Option to bring with you 3 meele, 3 secondary or 3 primary. ( Fantasy plays )

    9. Clan events, tournaments, pubs and bars in dojo. ( Drinking with friends is better than alone ).

    10. Spare ammo for certain weapons ( Strun always waste ammo while reloading so it would be nice to have more spared ammo )

    11. Option to buy 1-5 hour boosters for 5 plat.

    12. Dojo coloring with color palette instead of hoarding pigments. ( Possibly with the option to buy for dojo color palette for 50-100 plat )

    13. More customization option or better character creation for operators because the sliders are very limited.

    That's all for now.

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  13. I spent nearly 6000 ( in dollar) on my 7 years of playing the game and saved a lot of plat for hard days. I do not regret it because this sum is a little kickstart to the devs also I got what I wanted. My collection is yet not complete and I do play other games too so recently just logged in but if there is a discount then I do some support.

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  14. My opinion on the Latron is a bit different because the weapon design is nice but I  never  understood why this weapon have that sucks recoil like that.  This weapon supposed to be a good early game hunting rifle but the recoil,  lack of zoom, high reload time kills the potential. 

    Lore wise this weapon is the father of Tiberon but nothing really reminds it that.  A better recoil,  magazine and more damage on impact and slash could be a nice tweak since the weapon is not strong beyond level 50-60 by itself. 

    I really like the design of it but it is too handicapped weapon to be good. 


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