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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. I hope in the future they wont force the players to play archwing missions because i am not a fan of it and i want my maps unlocked. Now I can't do nightmare becasuse of archwing.


    For the relays we need mostly more reward and useful npc-s to give us random missions/quests. That give some reason to go to the relays btw they are all looking same without differences. I hope sometimes they add own tilesets for those relays.


    Also the dojo should be turn a place where you can do the same but with option to build and add npc-s.

  2. Would be good to sell them or just giveaway as gift to other players whom need.


    Also my idea: to sell them to the market.


    -common : 1-5-10 cred / each

    -uncommon : 50-100 cred / each

    -rare : 100-500 / each


    So basicaly who want make money for their massive grinding then they can earn a lot whom not want then they can sink their credits to kubrows or implement in game lottery or furtune game. Casino's or drink bars for dojo-hubs. Then we can spend our money also for minor funs.

  3. This idea was suggested long times ago because many clan dojos no matter small or large are lifeless. That would be good filled with npc's whom give you quests and just walk around the dojo or do some research-live on research rooms and bars. The clan dojo should become a place where not only just trade or research or sometimes you try duelling but you can do more complex social activity with your clan mates fun at gardens or just do more obstacles variations, holo simulations to train your skills etc. 


    There is so many possible solution but still nothing implemented.

  4. I am not disagree because a lot of people didn't get those mods and many more just came after these mods came up. In alert missions or nightmares that would be also nice to get them and not restrict them to only few peoples.


    Of course whom made a lot of platinum with this deals they will disagree but this is not business question. Fairness..

  5. When I was young I played a lot of masters of magic and orion1-2. I played a lot with Elves and in Orion "Elerians" because I liked their design and racial abilities. Once I was very addicted and I said just a little and a little more then I missed to sleep and passed the school also. I played 19 hour continously because I really liked that games and wanted to achieve my quests. That was a freakin long day.

  6. All frames are like that besides Limbo.



    That would be a no. No twitter post, no information from stream has suggested she was ever male. Only some people on the forums wanted a male gunslinger but she never was male as far as we know.


    Because that was a concept on fanart section which inspired the devs. The gunslinger was male concept like zephyr but then they changed the gender because they like to make it. 


    "We" just say on your own. The community and a lot of peoples saw that concept. 


    This is one of them.





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