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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. Not really seen any difference in a short weapons when used range mod but if once that riven can come out then it should be because it is the part of the melee weapon stats. Polearms, scythes, staves and other long weapons will get benefit from it. Luckily multishot is not a thing on the melee weapons so a raw famage boost and type damage boost won't be problematic once these rivens coming.

  2. The first is on the top. The second is what Decado said. If you like exploring the maps then you realise there are a lot of secret place what DE made but almost nobody knows these and uses them because everyone just rush the game.

  3. I liked back in time but that means plus 2 mod like the marathon and the quick rest. We already have restricted in slot if we should keep rush and stay sometime for rest then it means we need to sacrifice more slots for stamina. We don't need actually them only if they add more slots to the game like 12 for frame and weapons but separate them into 3 category each with 4 mods. Otherwise it is just slow down the game and could be troublesome when you are in a great battle and need to maneuver fast.

  4. Warframe can only be beaten by warframe. These games whom recently teased up are will own a different playerbase. Secondly all players in the world playing more than one game so cross playing is pretty much possible. I have 255 steam game, 5 uplay game, 9 origin game all blizz game and other minor or lesser known app games like in glyph, arc.

    Warframe have a healthy playerbase not a great one but a stable one and it is a free to play game. There are flaws like other free to play games and destiny also as an AAA game have flaws despite the money invested into it. 

    All game can be failed with almost no money and with huge budget too the success is really depend on minor things.

    For example PoE is a good indie game and beat up Dio3 which is a AAA game but know the same that PoE, Torchlight, Titan quest, Sacred does. 

    The real qestion is what if Warframe can have the same budget what destiny had gotten?

    Another interesting topic could be if we players donate directly to DE like kickstart them to improve their budget and their game just almost like how Starcitizen got that tremendous amount of money and they still getting a lot.

    If I would have a spare 100 million dollar maybe I would consider to invest into warframe for reason. - Better net code, servers - Improving the game engine and fixing bugs entirelly - making able to fully customize our characters and allow gender swapping - creating more maps and enabling for players to create mods, maps, items for warframe almost like how works in dota2. - Hiring plus 100 person to work on updates, fixes, creating new content. Maybe that 100 million is enough to do this.

  5. Duels are for fun and if the partner is good it could be satisfaction. Conclave also could be better but I didn't tried yet so maybe need to give a shot. Lunaro also could be fun but need larger teams and a larger arena. At least you play duels for fun. 

  6. Nice Concept but her hp at level 30 is a bit low consider she start with 125 hp which indicate her total healt could be 375 at max level. The armor improving also looks nice and ability wise this frame sounds pretty fun to use. 

    Also there are similar spider frame concepts like, Arachne, Drider, Widow.

  7. 7 hours ago, MissMarifire said:

    Thank you.

    Maybe, maybe. Though, I don't think I can handle that many things going, especially as an artist who hasn't even finished this concept's art. Too many things to juggle at once for an idiot like myself.

    I've considered trying Mass Effect as a lot of people seem to believe that the Noxus is inspired by it even if I've never touched one of the games in my entire life, but no cash money. Still, I'm sure there's games in my Steam library that I haven't tried out yet that I could give a go.

    My go to go projects is the kohan2 modding, old games like zanzarah, evolva, then some drawing from various artists and self teaching to anatomy and making positions. I am using also blender, to make some 3d model this can be also warframe related but I haven't finished stuffs just steps saved and some beginning items. Making websites, using codes and teaching myself to coding then if I have still time after the job I play with 10-15 games in a month and rotate them. That helps me a lot not deep into in any game and my interest still up. 

    If you can afford try the mass effect but the previous games and just after the andromeda. Andromeda is still growing but not a finished product. Also future games coming so you can give a try aswell you can try older games than warframe, there are a plenty which may pleases you.


    Edit: Also I like how you put effort and be active in idea making and useful threads what you did recently. Hope you keep up the good work.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    Despair used to be THE secondary in the game.  It's second tier now, but it used to be a force.

    I got dread fairly early, but it took over a year to get hate & despair, and another year for a second hate & despair drop.  

    Now I have 76 or 77 dread with, I think, 4 hate & despair.

    I got my only one despair a year ago on an alt account, got only 3 hate with 3 alternative account too and I have around 250-300 dread bp overall of my all accs. And yep it should be the secondary but now long ago outclassed by other secondaries and in it's own category on pair with the spira. Despair still a good weapon but not as good as the newesr secondaries. Hate is just a scythe weapon and these are still not good enough in their own role. These items could be longer or faster or somehow deal more damage because sometimes pain to use them well. The stances makes them interesting to play but there are much better weapons for the melee role. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    I'm pretty sure Stalker has a "Squishy radar" to detect one-shottable frame though

    Like he won't appear when you're on your level 30 6-forma'd Inaros with top tier weapons but will show up as soon as you bring the Loki with unranked Lato

    Often he choose this way but when he really want to kill you then he spawn too when you are max ranked but he appear to be oneshot wallhacker. Sometimes happen when I have a maxed gear he just oneshot me without any option to avoid or shot. Another times I rape out the sht from him.


    Edit _ : need the illusion of progression and strenght demonstration. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, StinkyPygmy said:

    been playing for about 4 years. Still never got anything other than dread :(.

    On the plus side, dread is arguably one of the best weapons in the game.

    Dread is a promo weapon for new players to fire up them to play the game long. They once get their first dread most of them feel they are superheroes and keep pushing toward. 

    That's why have 75% on dread and lowered the others but the despair and hate are not so great weapons but decent ones. 

  11. I would like to see a 20% chance for each because I am in the same boat as you I got a tons of dread but no despair no hate on my main account I got 1 despair on some of my lower rank acc and 1 hate on my another adcanced but the chances to get drop the right item is still kinda mess.

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