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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 55 minutes ago, Sarcasm4Free said:

    For a new player (and vets):

    • Want a new (released) Frame -> play star chart missions
    • Need resources other then the ones that you can get in PoE -> play star chart missions
    • Want prime parts -> play star chart missions
    • Need Ducats for Baro -> play star chart missions
    • Need corrupted mods -> play Derelict missions
    • Need mods that you can't get in PoE -> play star chart missions
    • Want to play a specific quest -> complete star chart/specific quests

    Want to relax or get things that you can only get in PoE -> go to PoE

    I see more reasons for new players to play star chart missions then to hang out in PoE :P


    Play some Path of Exiles. X)

    Also PoE is just one open world and if the devs feel they could then they making new ones. The possibilities are endless.

  2. Just now, Lanieu said:

    Do you just purchase the Frames that you obtain (aka just their BP's nowadays because DE has slimy tendencies) from quests after TWW?

    Most of them which have special requirements yep but the older frames which no needed the major quest I obtained already. Also I have enough money to buy a frame if I wish if not want to try I don't buy it.

  3. Just now, Helch0rn said:

    there is an option in the settings to mute operators.

    this will stop any operator transmission during missions (except when absolutely neccessary for context during a quest and only during a quest)


    so basically the operator turns into a vegetable in the back of your orbiter that you can easily ignore.


    Focus does need some work. currently Zenurik is op due to energy regeneration and another one (can*t remember the name) is op because you go invisible with every melee crit


  4. Just now, Kaotyke said:

    The only who will be limiting being able to play the content avalible is yourself at this point.

    Like: lets ignore chapters X to Y of a book because I dont like what is there and go on without context and explanation as to what is happening.

    You are taking things too personally for something that is just a game.

    Nope but if you play a game and have to meet with annoying parts or missions like interception or new raids then you avoid them if possible. I like those games where everything is optional and not force you to do something because that is a bad design if you need to do something because linked to a progression. It is not really a personalization but I don't like this part of the game so why I should do and why I need to leave a game just because I don't like one part? I don't see my benefits to finish it and not really want bear with it.

    Game also a time eater hobby and if something spoil it or ruin it for you then you try to focus on the best parts that you like.

  5. 1 minute ago, Helch0rn said:

    the thing is:

    - players require operator gameplay to get rid of the damage adaption of sentients

    - there is a huge sentient in the plains of eidolon that comes out at night

    That is still not a strong point for me to do anything with the operators. Because they are not totally turnable so I cannot turn off or on depending when I wish and I really not want to bother with them and listening the teens quotes all day. Only if it will be possible then may be I do a try to the quests otherwise I can handle almost every enemy.

  6. Just now, chaosmatcher64 said:

    oh well.

    Currently we don't know how they will implement the new area but I guess they can do without any special requirements. Like how nightmare missions can be played by the new players too if they once finished a full planet.

  7. Just now, chaosmatcher64 said:

    Second dream is worth it since you can get a pretty "broken" weapon that can be crafted into a more stronger weapon. If you don't like the operators then you can just let them rot in the back of your liset. 

    Also, I wish it would be possible when loggin in you get a choice to go in the plains or your liset so that I don't have to keep going to the plains every time I log in. That, and fast travel is a must or a marker to where your point of origin was.

    For only one item I don't want to finish the quest and bother with the operators at all. 

  8. Just now, chaosmatcher64 said:

    My main problem is that new players might feel lazy to go to the star chart and just walk around the plains for their feel of the warframe environment. Like, I suggest that Plains of Eidolon should only be available to players who have finished The War Within.

    That, and feel less inclined to go farming and just enjoy the sights of PoE.

    I would say no need the war withing quest because some player like myself not finishing the second dream either because i don't want the operators at all. They can use also a mastery rank lock on it or just make it possible to get with a direct map opening. Quests and full star chart as needs to participate to it is harsh instead make the new place an optional like how we should gtg and find rescources on other places. If they want items they still need to go there and finish slowly all planets.

  9. Pretty much the two system could live together and still rescource farming and specific items drop on the old starchart places so pretty much they will solve this with smarter than the derelict missions.

    Also they recently reworked the Earth tilesets so they doesn't want to obsolete it when they worked a lot on it.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Miser_able said:

    I wish we could grow purely cosmetic pets. Like a fish tank or something. 

    Dojo decoration fish pond at your disposal. Otherwise I agree the ideas.

  11. Just now, Varacal said:

    mk-1 variants are usually inferior to their normal counterparts, only advantage of the mk-1's are you can buy them with just credits, so its easy to acquire

    Mostly but if you use an example the mk1 bo just slightly weaker than the regular one and it have the same status - crit chances.

    Another example the mk1 paris which have better status and higher charge / fire rate then the regular paris but in return lower damage.

  12. The mk1 braton in slash damage better then than regular which is good against almost anzthing because of the bleed procs. Slightly slower than the regular braton but the more magazine capacity and the better accuracy make it better in my eyes. 

    The regular braton balanced damage wise but can reach higher fire rate than the mk1 but it is depend on your playstyle.


    Both items needs a little tweaks to be more better because the lato series got their buffs. Now it does better damage the aklato for example than the bratons and the braton should be does the same damage what burston capable. bustson have 30 damage while braton just 18. Not really comparable with the braton prime and vandal versions and certainly the mk1 version need a bit more qol changes and the regular more damage at least up to 10-10-10 each type. 

  13. Just now, Teloch said:


    That "cash" grab worked, so you can now even rant on the forums years later. That means it wasn't a mistake or a stupid move, unlike impersonating an internet Lenin and calling to violate the agreement with founders for the sake of "poor and oppressed newbies".

    Exclusivity is always a fine tool to sell some brand. Also I am not ranting on it but you guys it seems like to enjoy the frustration because you trying to use the worst way to close this discussion. Always will be peoples whom will missing the excall prime and the items too. I just saying a way easier solution to solve the issue. If you use an agressive methold to keep away peoples from something then don't surprise they wish to try / talk about it.

  14. 1 minute ago, Viperus said:

    They probably fixed the bug in the 2 hrs it took you to reinstall, so you assumed you fixed it by reinstalling.

    Also, Americans can open warfrme.com no problem. Looks like the issue is EU related?

    I don't know that because I am EU player so probably there is some bug. For me everything works fine.

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