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Posts posted by Sziklamester

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dark5eiD said:

    Wether it was a mistake or not for DE to make it a one time exclusive is something else. the fact of the matter is it was sold as a one time exclusive so it should stay that way. you cant sell something one time exclusive then 4 years later sell it to anyone else that wants it. then it was not a one time exclusive right ?

    Fist of all the exclusivity is stupid and it was also a mistake to do because when they did this they should have to think about the consequences. Now then you and other founders will hear this same topic until the game end because you defend something which based on a mistake. It is trashy to say newcomers to not dream about something and forbid them to post any excall prime related stuff on forums. I am seriously think this should not be the goal to keep in boil the community. DE forced to do something no matter what they could to do for it. If they choose to forbid this topic then they lose players if they let others to get the "exclusive pixel junks for others" then they probably lose butthurt founders but keep the others and make more cash without boiling their community. 

  2. 10 minutes ago, arch111 said:

    Hi all.

    I am wondering if any one else is suffering from this.

    I just got home, fired up Warframe and waited for the update to download in a few minutes like allways. But instead it goes up to 40k and after 5 minuters of snailpace, just stops downloading alltogether forcing me to quit the launcher.

    Now, I have confirmed my speed is good, all other programs and browsers work good just like allways. All exept Warframe.


    I don´t know if there is anything I can do to help this or not. Right now though, I can´t play ;-;


    I could say you should reinstall the game then try install again. In the octavia update it happend me the exact same but it was hard to solve. Try verify the cache and if that not works try to reinstall the game then instal again.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Dark5eiD said:

    im very happy with supporting warframe. i have been active for 4 years. i love my excal prime as well, check out my profile online and you will see i use him the most of all warframes. im not sure what "vehement" is or what i have to be jealous about. sry

    It is a single person but many others not using it all the time and not really need. Warframe was built around the variety and if you use only Excal p because you paid so much money on it then it is your own business. No need to check your profile to know it was a mistake by the part of the devs to selling in game content which should be able for everyone. They did because they had no money to buy t-shirt, posters, warframe related real items etc.


    Also to the OP- She not said it won't happen she just said she doesn't know if there will be a plan to release excal prime. That is different thing. She could say nothing on the topic because she is a community moderator and she need to try to keep it civil.


  4. 1 minute ago, Dark5eiD said:

    if its junk then why do you want it ?

    I don't want it but you defend it vehement, maybe you feel you did a bad investment choice? Or just jealous?

    Edit: read the above comment.

    I am totally fine without excal prime but you founders not really clever enough to understand this thing makes more trouble than any worth thing. If you let the excal prime for that amount of money then DE not did a false money grab (they did already with their business policy) and others will just pay the same what you paid.

    Compensating - be honest there is many more way to compensate a person who invested a lot in the game. You can be creative I won't use examples because I suppose you know things you missing.

  5. 55 minutes ago, DesFrSpace said:

    Including WarFrame-CN's Excalibur Umbra Prime, totally Exclusive.

    Probably Exclusive to Vor's Prized Void Key.


    DE; No.

    That would be a very super selfish :Cash-Grab: move, making this a really weird Public Stunts even against their own Policy.. Rather I think Excalibur is learning toward more Exp if what you mean. And should ONLY reward for Early Founders. 

    ALSO: one can color Umbra  to Excal Gold (again, NOT Excalibur U.P.).

    Then listen this for years long if you wish to go with that way. I said a complete and good optional solution for this whole situation but if you guys like to cry for it then you will listen this much more.

    Everybody who have a little bit more brightness know this founder program was a mistake in that form how DE did. There shouldn't be sold in game items for the founders because in years later this will happen. I don't care the excallibur not my fav frame but I do care the newcommers and those whom not have had the option to make the same "foundation" to get something that less people have.

    Otherwise it is logical from the part of founders they cry because somehow they should defend their investment otherwise those guys looks funny while defending their pixels. Some founders not care the whole thing if others able to get excal for the same price what founders paid.

  6. 54 minutes ago, Dark5eiD said:

    compensate the few founders how? by giving them something else everyone else isnt getting recreating the same tension. i say leave it alone, you werent here for founders pack or you didnt buy it. either way you dont get it.

    True but I have the founds to buy it if they one day deciding to release it, ad two I invested a lot into the game too it is not my fault I wasn't in the founder program. Also the closed beta access was just a lucky thing so.

    Otherwise it is annoys you if others could pay that amount what you paid for some pixel junks? 

  7. Or just let the excal prime boundle to everyone who pay money for it then compensate that few founder whom remained here. Much easier than always arguing with poor new players because they doesn't know about the excal story. Always will be questions and peoples always will want it the only true solution is what I said. 

  8. There are a lot of unused ideas and abilities just because few think all is copy paste then I'll tell you no they aren't but the devs using patterns what is already used in a lot of frames.

    I wish as many frames as many they can make so don't stop making them but focus on another parts of the game too.

  9. My opinion if you have rescources booster then you can try the venus capture mission, because after you finished the mission and captured the target, the mobs will spawn forever and often spawn oxium drones too. If you want maximalize the amount then go with 3 other random or a dedicated oxium farmer team then you are good to go. The level is easy and much easy to farm there than on any high level maps where not surely spawn more drone than on venus. You can give a try for it. 1 hour of farm there is mostly 1000-1300 oxium for me without booster and with one mate, ofc depending on the luck.

  10. I am not tempted by any of these games like anthem and destiny 2. Maybe I will give them a chance but only when these games given a huge summersale discount and maybe 1-2 years after the release because still they can bugfix. Personally I don't buy games when they come out just in few days because i am not that rich to spend a lot money on games when i need it for anywhere else. The only game may can take time from warframe playing is the bannerlord once it's released and tested. As a mount and blade fan and player for me that game is a gem and always like to play it when have time but I consider myself an universal gamer and except few franchises and genres I play a lot with many games.

    Obviously DE moved to the open world esque territory because they know their game need more boost and some of these games or other newcomer games could take players from them but if they release it and not that messy and they solve also during the time some thing in the game which bugs veterans and newcomers too, then they can get a lot more new player and maybe they can reintroduce some players whom left during this time. The only thing what they should fix is the repetitiveness if they can make enough place to explore and adding systems which keep players active (more competitive game mode, better PVE AI, housing "maybe", Reworking the planets and make them openworld, keeping and improving the non openworld maps) then probably the game will shy more than ever.

  11. I don't have problems with trees but on an nother openworld map (planet). Also low end pc players are not like the idea and anything which killing their gaming experiences. Only good this if they can optimize well but I doubt they can render a rainforest for example without trouble. 

  12. Like every new addition this one also can add some pain and problems to the table vut they can fix these issues if once they release it and let us explore these parts. I have some more in mind what can be dissapointing.

    First of all it is a similar update like have in any newly created action rpg. There are fishing, crafting, bounding gems, (maybe housing), auction house, and all in a partly open world. It will be limited I guess and only in few parts will be open that so the exploration is much similar in first sight like the mars, earth tileset. You can go almost anywere but you finally on top meet with invisible walls and that just annoying. Because Mars and Earth looks cool and these maps need more open areas and option to explore the whole map. Almost the same goes to all except the gas giants because those are mostly a floating fortress colonies and never met with "surface".

    Solid planets should have be let us explore them and go anywhere we want but currently there is no "work" on those areas so we should wait till they will make all planets are a partly open world areas.

    The crafting itself problematic, because it makes new questions. If some of you long time player then you can remember long long ago we are discussed on forums a lot about weapon crafting abilities and everyone who liked the idea are left the game because the response was it could be too unbalanced. This crafting system itself shiny, looks cool and it is the similar system which are in the wow item crafting (new addition too) and in the upcoming Bannerlord. In bannerlord that could be balanced because there is melee mostly and bows - xbows only and nothing too op items which could kill you with one hit. In warframe probably these items won't be so strong because DE likes the balance and sometimes ruining whole stuffs to be balanced but with that they just make weapons unfair to each other. These melees looks balanced but the question is why I should make weapons if they add new ones with every update? or why the DEvs need to make new ones when we finally can make by ourself.

    Also the question is coming, if there are melee weapons then when they will make secondary and primary crafting. Both are legit question and add another problem to the table, because then A, they need to make these weapons lower grade than the currently op arsenal or B, they will make these weapons viable or pretty good but then nobody wish to use the old weaponry because everybody wish to make their own items and personalise them. 

    For example in wow the unique player created items are sucks compared the random item drops and you can find in any raid legendary and myrhic items then your own creation won't be able to race with the op stuffs so the point to make items is just for fun then or no real reasonable.


    The fishing seems a fun service because any other games have this feature and maybe at DE they knew something about the Anthem and Destiny2 so they finally improving their game to that level, where can compete with these paid games. Competition is good, because it force you to do something but it can be bad aswell and it has a lot of flaws.


    Another question is, what will be the new material, because every new item in game almost came with new materials to farm and this place looks cool and I suppose there will be new materials which needs for our new crafting system.


    Abilities can work well on open and closed world maps but some will be better than other. Currently the WoF embers on low level ruining the fun for the newcomers because they don't have ember and before they can kill the embers are finished the whole mission.

    Currently there the 1/3 of frames can be annoyance and fun destroyer and the balance is hard because their nature needs to be in a role. Removing or nerfing damaging abilities is pointless because their primary job to deal damage only they can add back cooldowns to moderate the ability spam and the jam feature to the weapons, but then many peoples may rage because of it. 

    Skill based gameplay needs a different setup and this game is anything but not a skill based. The skill is subjective and could mean a lot depending on where you use it and how to do. We can call maybe skill the routines and the mission type familiarization and parkour skills improvements because  a good parkouring skill sometimes can help you to survive. For killing no need so much skill because you can spam your abilities or kill with your guns and melees. Skill based games works also differently and you need to do a lot of combinations to kill a single enemy but then the whole point of warframe is a mess. This is a horde shooter game and the reason you and me playing this is the fun when you killing thousands of ugly enemies and decimating whole systems. The game could be harder only if they improve the AI but there is a little chance to this happens because in an open world addition the mobs should work a bit differently. 

    All in all everything have flaws and weakpoints but there are potentials too. We will see when it's drop after we can duscuss this much better.

  13. 6 hours ago, Heckzu said:

    All of those MMOs with an auction house have a different economy and progression schema than Warframe. 

    Just because it works in one situation, it doesn't mean it'll work in another where all of the factors are different.

    The first part is true but for the second part it is not an answer if in other games works well that no mean it won't work in warfame. 

    You need to came up with examples and obvious if not tested in any game an acution house won't work properly.  You can say it only if it won't work if you tested but ofr that the devs need to develop a test auction house system.

  14. 7 hours ago, Arcainyx said:

    I have yet to see where an AH has worked well in the games I've played.  That being said I think a successful AH is possible and I believe people when they say they've seen it work well in other games.  I don't think an AH is impossible for WF successful or not I just haven't seen enough people get behind it yet.

    I think I understand what you're saying here.  That part of trading is something I never watched.

    You have numbers and opinions.  As part of this discussion I'd like to hear about where that information is coming from.  Once I know that I can decide how legitimate your numbers and opinions are.  I try to find out about most of the reading that's important to me whether it's discussions on the forums like this one or most anything else like researching builds for my frames, weapons, etc.  For what it's worth it's nothing personal/nothing against you - it wasn't my intention to stop you from posting.

    Those numbers are just examples and observation or we can better say experiences. I am not deep enough in this subject but experiences and similarities in warframe and some another game indicate this could work well in warframe too but only before a test needs if the AH really could work or not. In warframe everything is a number and when you go to the stats you can see numbers and percents almost everything there  except the drop rate and the chances. On wiki you can find some hint what item can be dropped by a mob but the excat chances on what will happend and when i not there. Since warframe not works with fix numbers and chances only in the early frames have a little bit better chance to drop right but the game not prevent the multiple items drop in same time and often you need run much more because the "luck" always tricky and sometimes you given the 44x neuroptics when you just wants the system or something like that.

    The trading is built around this rng and the prices also built around the rng. If the drops fixes then we shouldn't need really trade because you just need to go forward and progress and you fix get what you went for. Also there could be only cosmetics for trade and no mods, arcanes, prime items which basically means power.

    Not sure about which AH could fit more for warframe pretty much warframe if ever will use AH then they need create a well suited one. I am no against and no with the AH for me this trading also okay because I am not trading so much, the trade chat and the separated chats are annoying but the devs choosed this way so this annoyance will continue. I see options and opportunities to make the game better and not only just in the trade side but overall they could do better but they do a lot of mistakes and not well thought implementations. Prime examples the half backed unfinished systems and systems which increase the rng - rivens, primed mods, annoying mobs which basically kill the chance to a - AI improving, enemy - armor scaling, mod system rework, damage 3.0 and damage mod changes. Basically it kill the option to rework the utility mods too.


    Back to the trade. The Auction house itself not a problem, because it can be used good as well bad. The Auction house is a better form of trading only removes the personal contact which partly good partly bad because a lot of traders are mean or not kind enough. 

  15. 44 minutes ago, Arcainyx said:


    @Sziklamester It seems like you want this a lot.  I hope you posted something about an AH elsewhere in these forums to discuss this with DE.  From what I've seen DE doesn't have much to do with what happens here unless it's against the forum rules.   Even then I didn't think forum mods were DE devs.

    Not really bothers me the AH but in a lot game it works well and the less number of bad experiences about AH-s make it impossible to discuss on AH. Also the 500 credit 1 plat is when you put on a trade 1 plat then you get that 1 plat "price" as credits. If you aware and in your next trade you put 1 plat to test this you will see what I am talking about on.

    Also you quoted minor parts from my long post and it feels you just wanted to find weakspots on my quote so I gently end this part here.


  16. 1 hour ago, Arcainyx said:

    This is not completely accurate.  The seller wants to sell their item for as high a price as possible.  The buyer wants to buy their item for as low a price as possible.  That's the way it is everywhere not just in the Warframe Market.

    Who determines the value of items in plat for Warframe?  Where are you getting these numbers from?

    You would count on the people that play Warframe to filter and ignore the prices that aren't realistic in your opinion?

    Monitored by who?  The WF community?  DE?

    I've never seen this number before.  What is this based on?

    What you say is probably correct.  As DE is making money at least in part from their use of an RNG system I think it's very unlikely this would ever happen.

    An important point for not having an AH system still stands.  For DE to make large scale changes to the game it needs to be worth their time, effort, and ultimately their money.  There are too many reasons why I can't see DE creating an AH system.  All of those reasons relate to them losing money.

    Part 1. correct peoples depending on the side want the best possible result.

    Part 2. Items prices mostly derived by their trading cost. A platinum (one unit) cost 500 credit  and trading mods for example 2000-4000-8000 it is the cost for trading a mod which pretty much means the common mods around 4 plat (nobody sell common mods) uncommons are cost roughly 8-10 platinum plus - minus their rarity and "rng" luck while the rare mods costs 16-20 depending on the rarity "rng" luck aswell. The items value on wf market are almost the same but the warframe market not calculate the real rarity and chances of item drops but respectively their price is their trading cost. If DE will fix the drop tables and make the rare items and all items equal to relate with each other (so a rare mod have the same chance like another rare) then the prices can be fixed and then only depend on the kindness of seller or how much he/she want to get. This part also difficult to determine because then the DE need to remake the drops entirely.

    Part 3. I am counting on the numbers, peoples can be fair and unfair in trade depending on personality but you always will listen the "real" offers. It is really personal dependant and both you and the seller wish the best result unless you got everything and you feel you want to help the other. I got for example a free prime set from a random because he wanted to be kind and he said he have already that prime set. This is situational and not common thing but can happen. Trustworthy peoples still there in warframe.

    Part 4. The devs can monitorize the auctions with a limitation of trades, the price checking or a small amount plat deposit or trade tax. This part can be do in many ways and without trouble but as I said in my post there is very little amount of peoples whom willing to pay insane amount of plat for things which normally easy to farm. This can be solved by a tutorial or a forum segment to help newcomers and unexperienced traders what items can be sold and bought and which is the best price. +-5-10 platinum.

    Part 5. That number is used as an example because you never know "unless you checking" all the time every item prices and sitting on the trade chat and waiting for an item price drop or price increase. Peoples ask as much money as much they can so the few trustworthy peoples whom you traded can be your base point to avoid scams or just ask help from your clan mates or friends. The thing is "currently I am lonewolf" so I am just trading when really needed but luckily I have almost everything so not really need to sit on trade chat. Also scams can happen accidentaly but with the recent changes the devs made the trading more safe so you can change your mind if you find that item too expensive. I am often giving more money for the items because I respect the time to level up and spent to grind it. 

    Part 6. DE is making money from everything possible and for this prime examples the color packs, slots, prime access, items on market and stances, emotes too. Most items in other games are free and part of the characters. I never bought for example emotes and extra stances for my frames because I feel that money grab when you already own a frame and you cannot use a different stance when you already own that frame stance with owning a frame. Also the slots gives more space and these are not farmable and it is cash grabby. Same was the revives when they decided to make it free just limited per frame / day. Color packs also a hit on face because the lack of costumization and there is no so many items to use it and the colors should have be free for everyone because that is not that great thing. This is also an ugly free to play cash grab. Items are correct because you can farm them anyway except few items but most of them are available for you from the start but then we are going back to the slots. Selling slots is a convenient stuff and cheaper than the Wot slotting system but still ugly and limiting the peoples whom wish not to spend money on it. These things not really needed for the devs if they selling prime items via Prime access and selling platinum in the first place. They already have enough rescources to make some other things easy to get or just forgot to ask money for it. They know normally a person won't buy platinum without discounts that is a reason why they give discount to newcomers and some peoples whom actively spending on money on plat.

    No need to defend them for they cannot make enough money but they cannot be bashed for making profit because everybody wish to make profit and the current audience is highly agree with this practice that's why turned the majority to be free to playish. I am old fashioned person and I prefer the old metholds because that is still enough profitable and if you make a good game which generate more buyer then you doesn't need to use microtransactions or make it but more wisely than we have in Warframe.

    League of legends a good example was before their new owner ruined it because they let you farm the heroes you just needed to spend real money on small things and skins only. It is still a popular game and generate money like dota 2 because of the tickets and skins selling.


    Free to play games generating more money than the old fashioned games but the old fashion games / once you buy you own it / was more fair with the player and still there is the option to refund if you played the game and find it buggy. Warframe no need money to spend but in reality it needs money to make the game viable otherwise it cannot be playable. If the game begins with that old fashion style and they ask 30 bucks for it but I could own the game and no need to spend money for slots and stuffs like emotes - stances etc then it would be a perfect game for me. If I want to buy skins then I buy skins and they could have been paid for it. They are happy because they have a blind hardcore fanbase majority whom agreeing with their decisions and no revolting when they do some mistake. Of course they can do mistakes they are same humans like us and they need also money to feed their childrens as I need to do the same (no have childrens).

    So back to the auction houses if they can monitorize they can do the same as they did it and they can earn the same amount of money. I suppose they doesn't made a survey which option is better but mostly in their decision it was a huge part they want the old fashioned trading system because it fits more with this game currently. I still think they could add auction houses for those whom need it and the bazaar, dojo trading and an auction house could coexist well. I have a faith in the human intelligence and in peoples to not do blame auctions and keep it fair way. "The more you want the less you get" it says.

    I am also aware your reply and thankies your last one. Any critic and suggestion would be welcomed.

  17. 10 hours ago, Arcainyx said:

    Let's say DE was considering adding an AH to the game.  Don't you think both the good points and the bad points should be looked at?  What made AHs a success in the games you mentioned?  What made them a failure in games other people have mentioned?  How many of those things are specific to a certain game and how many of those things would apply to WF?  Do you really think the WF trading community is smart enough as a whole that what you say about that game would apply to a WF AH?

    Before saying no it would be a good point to test it. The warframe market works similar like the auction house just not in game and you should check the fix prices there which is not really the nature of trading because the persons always wish to buy the cheapest item as possible. In warframe there is no so much expensive items which really should worth more than 100 plat but few peoples will trying to ask as much as much they can ask for an item which not worth the price. This can be filtered and ignored and only works in the real fixed prices so let's just say an unranked equilibrium cost around 10 plat if you wish a good deal. Some will sell for 5 plat others try to sell 15-20-50 plat etc. Depending on the seller. In an auction house there is nothing different only just you don't need to go to a dojo and wait for the personal contact and you can buy instant the item what you looking for. There will be scums aswell but who would be that idiot to buy a primed chamber for example 10000 plat? Or a more viable example an ammo drum when it fully maxed it cost maximum 2-5 plat. There is nothing extras in warframe only prime parts, prim blueprints and mods-arcanes. The trading option is limited and can be monitorized much better because there is much less items have than in the wow auction houses. Also there the two methold works fine because if you are looking for special items or just want personal trading contacts then you trade with that person who selling the item. There is also 50% the chance you scammed like we have now only depending on the traders and their prices. 

    See if we would have fixed drops then everybody know where to go farm a specific item and the item prices would be fixed and you cannot sell it lower or higher only on thatfix price. In a random generated world and loot drop table every person have different luck and different experiences. What is for me common may be uncommon or rare for you. It needs time and "luck" to get items and this luck is rng. If we just kick out the rng part then everybody should get the items equal and the trading system maybe fall apart but then there is no real reason to own money or spend you money on this game. The RNG keeps peoples in this business because the loot is random to everyone. In an auction house this won't be any different just like in the bazaar the persons make their own shops and waiting for deals. This is an old fashioned trading methold and there is nothing different like in a AH only the methold but the prices goes the same. 

    It is not wow where I could get 50k gold in a half hour selling "super rare" junks and stuffs. Only we can say if it is bad or not if DE implement it for testing and in one month they collect enough data about the trading behaviors. This won't happen not that's because too much effort need it only just because their business policy is different and they want to generate more money. If you want to buy something like a PA then others or you encouraged to buy platinum (often with discounts) to keep the economy alive. If noone buy platinum there is no trading if there is no platinum purchasing DE need to give away discoutns to try to get money. Also the vaulting is their tool to do this because most of the time the prime acesses are overpriced and not worth your money so they encourage peoples to farm it and trade the parts and with the vaulting they can oost the income becuse always will be peoples whom wants and item and buy it no matter what prices is. There are smarter peoples whom not buying items in the first sight or going to farm items or just waiting for the lowest possible prices.

    The auction house just speed up the process not ruining the economy because those whom selling items with unreal prices slowly beign ignored or kicked out from the trade. Only need fix the prices of the items then the trade would be much better.

  18. Personaly don't care the AH and don't care about the trade for me it would be nice not to trade at all then you guys cry again on something. 

    All is based on DE's interests if they wish to manipulate the prices and want some platinum flow then they add features and things which make it possible. Currently they have a good source of platinum because the vaulting is much better in terms for making money than the prime access itself.

    They could lower the prices if they want but of course they want money so they won't lowering the prices.

    For me this game would have been ideal with no microtransactions at all only skins for items and warframes but no another stuffs. Once you pay you get your game. I like that older system than the sub fee or free to play.

  19. 45 minutes ago, Phatose said:

    Some do.  But a fair number ignore trade as much as possible because it's so inconvenient.  Keeping it this way means it's often more convenient to farm out an item then to trade for it.  Keeps people playing the game.

    Also, remember that an auction house would make getting newly released primes convenient - and thus is likely to impact Prime Access sales.  DE sells convenience, so they generally don't want to make anything too convenient.  Better to make it just inconvenient enough that people don't stop playing, but the ones who can afford to pay are likely to simply to avoid the hassle.

    It is really inconvenient but if we keep something in that point it won't encourage players play the game. The randomly generated items and "luck" makes every person in this game a different experiences and many peoples want things long enough. Also an auction house can work well but everyone just saying how bad and using bad examples of the auction houses. There are plenty games where the auction house works well and those whom trying to exploit it often cannot get what they want because a smart trading communiy won't give more money for an item which is not that rare and expensive. 

    The current trading is not do any differ just make the trading much more tedious and unecessarily long. The dojos should have be used better than trading also if you want encourage peoples to play the game then the devs need to add content which keeps them playing and not small one use events and game modes.

    There is a tons of options to make the game more fun and less repetitive.

    Also for the trading somebody should play the game otherwise noone could trade.

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