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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. "A lot of it comes from the attitude of many of the Founders who come storming en masse into topics like this one, deploy a blanket "no" and then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job and defending their shinies against the scrubs like myself."

    Because scrubs have been doing it the second after the verrrrry extended and expensive offer ended.

    When a post like this is made almost every day by people who do not seem to understand why the gear is exclusive, it gets pritty tiresome.

    The Excal, Lato and Skana are not just some pre-order bonus.

    We worked for that money and we invested it in a new game that looked promising. Our investment gave you everything you see outside of the standard basic corpus ship tileset, every enemy other than the stock basic, all the awesome updates, weapons and frames. Our added incentive and reward was some average gear that has now become under-performing gear. A mere relic of the world we wanted to work.

    Glad I decided to read through all these pages.

    Bear in mind I've been asking for equalised Mastery or no Focus in PvP; I don't want your Founder items or an Aklato Prime or whatever.

  2. When have you seen 2 prime variants of the same item? Are there 2 Rhino primes? 4 Boltor primes? 50 Mag primes? 20 Dakra primes?


    Disingenuous argument; none of those can have Ak/Dual variants.

    People like to trot out that picture of the Founder page, so I'd like you to take a look at it and tell me where on that page you see any mention of an Aklato Prime item, let alone as an exclusive.

  3. down for this idea. i think cosmetics are fine as exclusives, DE should do this but still find a way to solve the MR problem.


    This method solves almost the whole lot. If memory serves, it leaves just the Machete, Snipetron and Ether Daggers that would need to be added back in, and God only knows why they were removed in the first place.


    Unfortunately, I've suggested it before--and had it shot down before, because it's "stealing" exclusive Mastery from players who "deserve" it.


    DE wouldn't want to make the change, though, if they couldn't still sell as many weapon slots as they do currently--so they could also sell skin slots for the variants.

  4. want a fix? remove mastery points from excal/lato/skana prime and derank players if needed.


    That was one of the first things I ever suggested on the issue.

    It was shot down because it involved stealing something the Founders had paid for.


    Giving the rest of us the Mastery as well was shot down by the same people because it involved us getting things we hadn't paid for.

  5.  Yezzik has started another topic in this thread that does not relate to the thread topic.


    I disagree; I'm of the opinion it's all connected as Focus is the way exclusives like the Founder ones affect gameplay.
    If either Focus or PvP didn't exist, or if the former didn't affect the latter, all that would be left would be people asking for what would just be cosmetic items.
  6. Because Founders have more options and that is giving them edge in game.


    Please. I've got Soma, Ogris, Orthos Prime, Stug, things like that.




    Possibly but even then there's still not going to be some sort of massive gap which is frequently being implied.


    Prove it.

    All we know is the devs have stated that Mastery will affect Focus, which will in turn affect player power, which will in turn affect PvP.



    Because wiki is 100 % true. Stop making assumptions without any evidence.


    Clearly someone missed the part of my post where I mentioned livestreams.

    You know--those things with the devs themselves?

  7. Enlighten me on your findings about Focus. You seem to know more than everyone about that. Are you maybe Steve?


    I pay attention to livestreams and the like, that's how.




    Every mastery ranks earned will grant a Focus slot. e.g.: Being Mastery Rank 4 will allow you to install four Focus powers.


    Even if this is no longer going to be true, I'm operating under the reasonable assumption that Mastery Rank will still affect Focus somehow.

  8. Of the six Sentinels in the game, there's only three I'd consider worth taking--Carrier because sucking up loot for me is a godsend, Helios so it can scan for me and Shade so it can save my &#!. I can understand the Dethcube being entirely focused on dealing out the pain, but Djinn and Wyrm need something more to them beyond each having a different type of CC ability.


    The weapons are equally bland. There's three that take rifle mods, one pistol, one "melee" and one shotgun. But weapons are much more than just that. The Deth Machine Rifle is the firerate weapon--excellent--but where's the crit weapon? The status chance weapon?


    [idea: Stinger]


    Fatal Attraction brings your enemies close for easier hacking, and the Stinger is a poison dart weapon. This means the Stinger is the prime candidate to be the status chance weapon, so as to better utilise the proc.


    [idea: Laser Rifle]


    Crowd Dispersion stuns enemies that get too close--an ideal ability for a Sentinel that is best used at range. I suggest changing the Laser Rifle to a sniper rifle, making it the Sentinel crit weapon, and giving Warrior as large a range as possible to facilitate the sniper role.


    We're missing something, I'm sure we are... we need a defensive Sentinel. A... healer? Perhaps. A seventh Sentinel, one with a precept that passively healed either just its master or friendlies in an AoE around itself, would be a great addition to the team. But what weapon would it have? We've already got a shotgun, a pistol, a melee-ish weapon, a sniper rifle, a machine gun and a status weapon.


    What's left?


    Well... who says all Sentinels need to have a weapon? Maybe the defensive one could be pure support. If it had to have a gun, it could have one that fired Energy or Health at allies (in the latter case, it might have to be unique to the healer Sentinel).

  9. I don't understand where all this vitriol towards founders came from in the first place.


    A lot of it comes from the attitude of many of the Founders who come storming en masse into topics like this one, deploy a blanket "no" and then pat themselves on the back for doing such a good job and defending their shinies against the scrubs like myself.


    I've tried to engage them in dialogue many times before, tried to ask them questions such as "What/how many cosmetics and Quality of Life changes would you consider a fair trade for the Founder Mastery-giving items?", in an attempt to get a feel for what hypothetical compromises they'd be willing to consider.


    Unfortunately few ever bothered to reply, and even fewer gave me anything more than "still no, deal with it, never ever ever."


    Which is unfortunate, because I've had some great ideas for QoL things they could get in exchange. I've suggested everything from equalising the Mastery directly (The same people who shot me down for suggesting their exclusives have their Mastery taken away from them also shot me down for suggesting the rest of us be able to catch up with research instead) to possible Derelict/Void/Dex gear that shares Mastery with the Prime variants.


    At the time I thought it was a fantastic idea, especially for Excal--it gave Excal players an upgraded version to look forward to, the Founders didn't need to level it if they didn't want to, and it was effectively the reworked skin Excal Prime needed eventually. But no, that wasn't good enough for some people. I asked if they'd agree with it if EP got the reworked skin and the Dex variant got EP's old skin, and again I got shot down because I was taking something from them.


    I even had some people argue that since they paid for the Founder items, that meant they also paid for the Mastery from those items and that meant I should keep my mitts off their points because it was like I was stealing from them. Trouble is, they bought those items before Focus was a thing, before the game had truly embraced PvP.


    And you can't have power levels some players can reach and others can't in a game that even thinks about implementing PvP. Sure, it won't happen all the time, but if Focus is a game-changer in any way then it's something that needs to be addressed beyond "deal with it; we won't be stronger than you for more than a few months tops."


    And then there's the issue that every additional retired item, every new event-only weapon, will only exacerbate the problem.


    One guy suggested disabling Focus in PvP. It works for me, but then that would require any other future Mastery-related systems that might affect PvP to also need to be disabled.

  10. Hello everyone, I'm wondering and exciting about the upcoming Prime Access Package.

    Just wanna know when will it release.


    Thanks so much ^^


    I saw someone say a while back that the Rhino Prime package was released a week after the Golden Warrior teaser trailer. So my best guess is Wednesday.




    someone thought oh lets just give it out to everyone


    Would you rather Prime gear only come from events? The current system is much better; it allows all that artwork and dev time and money to be put to better use than "yeah, we spent the time and effort building this thing only a handful of players will ever see because of when they were playing."

  11. There's ways of getting around the gameplay effects of exclusive and retired items without re-releasing them. Probably the simplest to implement would be to make clantech research or a Market blueprint to get the Mastery associated with levelling those items from 0 to 30. DE could add one of those blueprints in each time they retire something, and having it be a blueprint allows them to put a silly crafting cost on it to use up a lot of our collected resources.

  12. Trust me, I know from personal experience; there's some people who have absolutely no interest in trying to compromise--it's their way or not at all, and I've made these topics myself only to get stonewalled by "no get over it."

    Simply disabling Focus in PvP--assuming it ends up being the only Mastery-based system that affects gameplay--is enough for me, but if we can just nuke all the gameplay differences and make things like the Lato Prime purely cosmetic, then that's a huge chunk of these topics rendered irrelevant.

  13. Now here's an impasse and a half. One side thinks Aklato should be considered a different item entirely, the other disagrees.


    Could always try the skin-like idea I had as a compromise.


    Example: You have the Braton equipped. You can flip between the Braton, MK1-Braton, Vandal and Prime appearances between matches, but it's the same weapon regardless and the stats don't change. That way the Founder items are no better or worse mechanically than their cousins, AND it helps consolidate a lot of the crazy weapon bloat we have right now with three or four versions of a load of different weapons all over the place.


    And to compensate for DE losing the ability to sell as many weapon slots to people, they could start selling slots for different weapon models like what the Braton Prime would become.


    So how's that for a compromise? The Founders get to keep their exclusive Lato Prime, everyone else's Lato is as powerful as the Prime version, and the Mastery between the two camps is further equalised. Someone's inevitably going to argue that Primes should be straight upgrades to their normal variants, but that's how this argument kept going in the first place.

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