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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. Fun fact: I've just spent a confused five minutes editing this; it turned out the lyrics I was working off originally were the Broadway ones.




    Be our host! Be our host!

    Of T4 keys you've the most

    On the wave of your hard work, my friend

    We'd really love to coast


    Out the door

    Taunted by Vor

    Seems that he's come back for more

    I hope he drops

    Cicero mods

    In the meantime? Hit the pods

    Life Support, back to max

    Now resume all your attacks

    Cause he's soaked up all of my bullets and more

    Come on and use your powers

    Or else this might take hours

    Hit your four

    Again, hit four

    Hit your four!


    Shoot his gut

    Where it glows

    Please stop aiming for his nose

    Light him up with countless shots

    I've got my Ember burning hot


    Wait a second

    Can't be true

    Here's the Stalker chasing you

    Knowing my luck then we'll see

    A friendly visit from the G3


    Got ourselves some parkour tricks

    That we'll need lest we **** bricks

    Cause we've gotta take these guys

    Down right away


    Come on and join our crew

    We're all waiting for you

    Please host our run

    It'll be fun

    Don't forget to pack a gun


    Be our host! Be our host! Be our host!


    Hosting is so risky

    Every key a costly mystery

    Will we lose or will we get some worthless stuff?

    Ah, back when the tables weren't diluted...

    Now getting the things you want is rough

    Or you could buy it with Plat

    And while there's nothing wrong with that

    The Void does not need item duplicates

    Most runs are just a waste of hard-earned keys

    Waiting in Recruiting

    But we wanna get to shooting!


    Here we go! Here we go!

    Second run, we've hit our flow

    Best loadout, I've got no doubt

    And this time I'll put on a show

    Desecrate for extra packs

    Now we know where to attack

    Vor spawns again, to his dismay

    An Ogris blast then wrecks his day

    Nearly there, half hour in

    This is now a certain win

    Our cries of joy become a frenzied toast


    For once, what we want drops

    This run's not been a flop


    Thanks to you, our host!

    You're our host!

    You're our host!

    You're our host!


    Be our host! Be our host!

    Help us get what we want most!

    We're just waiting for a chance to get that gear

    And I will roast

    All our foes' flesh away

    Chain runs till the break of day


    While the corpses are a-glowing

    Fireballs I will keep throwing

    Mob by mob, one by one

    Till you shout "The keys are gone!"


    In Regional we'll cheer your name and boast

    Tonight we'll go all out

    Show Vor what we're about


    Be our host!

    Be our host!

    Be our host!

    Please, be our host!

  2. How to maximise your chances to have your cool unexpected potatoed gift taken back from your account.

    Lesson 1.


    I already had one of them from way back when, though. :P


    The E3 digital ticket's booster pack for warframe came with affinity booster, credit booster, and a potato'd unranked braton. Could've been that.


    Nope. Didn't buy any digital ticket for E3.

  3. Grind is always superior to RNG, because with grind you're always making progress.

    Back when I used to play WoW, I got myself the Insane title. Ravenholdt was the best part of that grind, as no matter if I did one lap of Searing Gorge or twenty each day, I could look at my growing collection of Junkboxes and know that I was always making progress toward my goal.

  4. At this point I think the only thing that will please the fans any more is to wipe Warframe clean and start again, you know, with less pure RNG and a more player-friendly system...there's no way they can fix what they have without a restart, it's so lost in the grind.


    Agreed. A full reset of absolutely everything would be best.

  5. I had a post full of explanations and reasoning, but I accidentally pressed one of my lesser-used mouse buttons and I lost it. Anyway, long story short:


    Move older items from the Void into the Starmap, and give each node its own low-droprate Prime part. This helps prevent player burnout due to overexposure to specific tilesets and enemies--because why go to a node you have no reason to go to, when you can go to your favourite?.


    It also fixes Void table dilution almost entirely for DE and allows them to make all Void-level content the domain of the newest, shiniest gear and make the content a hell of a lot more difficult for the right reasons.


    After all, the Starmap has over two hundred nodes--which is a damn sight more than the scant few levels and two tilesets the Void-level content has--and players have no reason beyond Warframe drops, Specter blueprints and Codex scans to go back to all but a handful of favourite grinding spots.


    I can't find a problem with spreading players out across the Starmap. If nothing else, it might encourage more of a sense of community if players queueing for some lonely node on the Starmap end up making a new friend or two out for gear from a bossless node.


    In-universe explanation: Enough factions have been plundering the Void for long enough that they've been able to collect quite a bit of loot. And that's the reason why we go to each specific location on the Starmap--we're tasked with recovering the stolen Orokin technology.

  6. I sent Sheldon a PM almost a month ago giving him the greatest idea in the world--putting the older Prime parts in the Starmap, as they have over two hundred nodes to go at. One node, one item, and even if they had 1% drop chance on each item, that would still free up the Void for the newer stuff. With that plan it'd still take ages to get everything you wanted, but at least it spread players around the Starmap and helped fix Void dilution.


    This? This is just asinine.


    I said to DE that T4 keys would only delay the inevitable, but it seems it didn't even do that.

  7. And where was the universal condemnation of this idea? Because I have no problem with that. That in fact is having both a model/texture AND a name change, and I've seen nothing but that be shut down.


    Several times during this topic alone, I've had to defend my attempts at brokering a compromise--any compromise at all.

    Especially when I told people I was trying to equalise Mastery.

  8. Don't know about this to be honest... It's more like a side-step by avoiding the original problem, with the topic still being brought up again and again even after something like Dex versions would come to existence.


    It'd fix the gameplay-related issues with those items, as the Mastery would be equalised better and the Dex and Prime versions would be mechanically similar if not identical. At that point, the only arguments would be cosmetic--and therefore, unnecessary.

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