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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. A sustainable solution needs to be implemented, otherwise we'll always run out of space and eventually it'll be a clusterf ... Ruk :P

    Hence why I keep promoting the starmap idea.

    God knows there's sod all reason to go back to 90% of the nodes there.

  2. what's the advantage of DE in this?

    ofcourse they CAN do this, but why would they WANT to do it?

    the easier it is to acquire items, the less they earn

    I"m not saying make it easier. By all means, keep the low droprates for what people want.

    But for all that's holy, the duplication needs to be fixed so they have more room to work with instead of going "damn it, out of room again, best add T5 and duplicate everything" in a few months.

  3. Currently there are 150 Prime part entries in the Void. Removing all the duplicates cuts that list down to 81.

    That's 69 entries gone.

    That's a loot table FIFTY-FOUR PERCENT of its original size.

    That means DE could keep the same level of dilution and get rid of half the Void missions.

    That means they could keep the same number of missions and spread rewards out so each mission has 3-4 parts.

    That means they could give the Void and Derelict all ten mission types and split those 81 rewards out so each level (other than ODA) has 1-2 parts.

    It means DE could spread the Prime parts, all 57 parts of the 19 non-Prime frames, and almost every single weapon in both Clantech and the Market, across the entire starmap and each level would have one reward.

  4. The shield IS the bubble. Unless you mean the wall, in which case I see your point but I disagree because with one the player has to be right there in the middle of the enemy for maximum effect (and has the bubble to enable them to do just that) and the other is just an attack in one direction.

    I expect the wall secondary would have a longer range (both innate and potential) to make it seem more attractive to use as well.

  5. Mana is a heavy female frame. Her theme is that of someone who doesn't so much cast as hurl around raw energy. Not for her grace and finesse, weaving intricate patterns and pretty colours while dancing around the battlefield; she has a simplistic and practical approach to all things, and her frame is large and bulky to provide additional space to contain all the energy she uses. Her power colour is locked at the same shade of blue as used by Energy Orbs, to represent that she wields energy in its purest form.

    All Mana's abilities have secondary effects that only trigger if that ability is cast again before it ends. All eight effects--primary and secondary--are intended to provide utility rather than damage. As a result, her abilities don't deal much damage. Mana's secondary effects are not affected by her ability ranks.



    Mana summons a disc of concentrated energy just underneath her feet. The disc can be used as a platform to prevent falling and aid in parkour. The disc lasts for 3 seconds per ability rank. Each ability rank increases the disc's Health.

    Casting Disc again while the ability is active causes her existing disc to shoot straight up into the air and dissipate almost instantly. Anyone standing on the disc when it goes flying, goes flying along with it.

    Power Strength increases the speed at which the disc travels. Power Range increases how large the disc is. Power Duration increases how long it lasts (Primary only).


    Mana summons a wall of energy directly in front of her. The wall is as tall as she is, and twice as wide. The wall is impenetrable to enemies only (to prevent trolling), lasts for 3 seconds per ability rank, and has low health. Each ability rank increases the wall's Health.

    Casting Wall again while the ability is active causes her existing wall to charge violently forward. Enemies struck by the moving wall take Impact damage. Smaller enemies are knocked down and pushed back, larger enemies like Heavy Gunners are merely pushed back. Massive enemies don't move at all.

    Power Strength increases the damage the wall deals (Secondary only). Power Range increases the distance it travels. Power Duration increases how long it lasts (Primary only).


    Mana tears the energy out of herself and gifts it to her allies. The process drains 5 energy from her every second, grants each of her allies 1 energy per second and lasts for 5 seconds per ability rank.

    Casting Overflow again while the ability is active causes Mana to drain herself of all her energy to instantly gift her closest ally with 25% of that value.

    Power Strength increases the percentage her ally receives (Secondary only). Power Duration increases how long the ability lasts (Primary only). Power Efficiency only affects the casting costs of this ability, not the drain.


    Mana summons a bubble of energy around herself. The bubble blocks all incoming and outgoing damage for 5 seconds per ability rank.

    Casting Shield again while the ability is active causes her existing bubble to explode outward. Enemies struck by the exploding bubble are pushed back and take Impact damage.

    Power Strength increases the distance enemies are pushed back. Power Range increases the range of the explosion. Power Duration increases how long the bubble lasts.

    -Unique Cosmetics-

    [Energy Tanks]

    Mana can strap a number of extra energy tanks to her frame. These are purely cosmetic, and can replace everything from a syandana to armour plating.

    [Energy Display]

    Originally used to output reactor temperature in case of overheating, this digital display allows Mana to indicate to her allies how much energy she has left in her tanks. Comes in numerical (Grineer, cruder) and percentage (Corpus, fancier) flavours.

  6. They said it couldn't shouldn't be done.




    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need


    Stalker, can you send your mom my way? (mom my way)

    I've been farming for her all day (for her all day)

    Does your mom drop both of those awesome whips? (awesome whips)

    And that dog, got a display case back on my ship (back on my ship)


    You know, I'm not the newb who used to die to Captain Vor

    Rank 15 and growing now, ready for one more


    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    The droprate's bad, but I'll go till I succeed

    Stalker, can't you see you're just not the foe for me

    I know it might take long but I've been farming Stalker's mom


    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need


    Stalker, do you remember when I farmed for Hate? (farmed for Hate)

    Your mom drops loot that's 'bout twice as great (twice as great)

    I could tell she's deadly from the way I died (the way I died)

    Least I got the scan, at just the cost of my pride (the cost of my pride)


    And I know that you think it's just insanity

    But since I've got your stuff, your mom could stand to die to me


    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need

    The droprate's bad, but I'll go till I succeed

    Stalker, can't you see you're just not the foe for me

    I know it might take long,

    but I've been farming Stalker's mom


    Stalker's mom has got the loot I need 

    The droprate's bad, but I'll go till I succeed

    Stalker can't you see you're just not the foe for me, 

    I know it might take long but oh oh

    (I know it might take long) 

    I've been farming (Stalker's mom oh oh) 

    (Stalkers mom oh oh) 

    I've been farming Stalker's mom

  7. There's lots of stuff DE could give people for getting reset. Unique cosmetics, all four boosters for God only knows how long, legendary cores, etc...




    I'd fancy a Optional Reset instead.


    Doesn't sound like anyone would be eligible for an optional reset any more.

    Apparently the last time it was offered, it sounded like nobody who'd contributed even one Nano Spore to a clan could take advantage of the offer.

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