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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. I fear that wouldn't work out... because there would still be people being like "Okay we got Dex... What's with Dual Skana Prime/Aklato Prime?", because they merely wouldn't understand that the Dex variants are the compromise. Also some people still would argue that it's a way to get around the exclusivity problem and therefore feel betrayed.


    It's a step in the right direction if nothing else.

  2. Honouring the letter of the contract means you get nothing more and nothing less than what you are legally entitled to.

    Honouring the spirit of the contract means if the words could be twisted against you, DE wouldn't abuse any loopholes it gives them.

    I believe the spirit of the contract is better than the letter, as it allows for leeway in the interest of customer satisfaction, which leads to repeat custom more often.

    Perhaps I'm not explaining myself properly. That happens.

  3. Founders stuff is for Founders. These items or any variants thereof will never be released. Threads attempting to challenge this are locked immediately. In other words, the status quo. People who want Founders stuff have to get over it.



    You answer my question and I'll answer yours.

    No, it wouldn't be dishonest if they credited you your lost forma and gave you an Affinity booster to help you relevel anything.

    Because you wouldn't have lost anything.

    Your turn.

  4. Then stop asking for Founders items.

    You've yet to explain why there needs to be some "Compromise" in the face of overwhelming voices of "Leave it as it is."


    It'll mean less arguing over this issue, which means less of these topics. As long as Team A and Team B are diametrically opposed and unable to set aside their differences and discuss the possibility of a middle ground, neither side will relent.

    I'm trying to make that discussion happen. I'm not asking for your items; I'm trying to debate the possibility of a solution that won't screw over one side or the other.

    I've tried looking at this issue from the perspective of gameplay and balance, but it became clear to me from seeing this talk of Ak variants that it's more cosmetic than anything else.

    Hence, I tried to find a balance between "we want Dual Skana Prime" and "we don't want you to have it."

    People will either compromise on this somehow, some way, or at least one side will come away disappointed with nothing to show for it.

    And the arguing will continue unabated no matter who wins.

  5. Hence why I keep trying to put forward my compromises, and why I'm looking at this issue from a gameplay and balance perspective.

    It's the only way to progress when everyone else is so focused on cosmetics.

    Hopefully a dev chimes in on whether or not shared Mastery is possible. If not, then perhaps the Dex items could give no Mastery and we could get clantech for granting ourselves the Mastery from Founder items.

    What would everyone think of that?

  6. I'm still in favour of Dex variants of the Founder Primes, with shared Mastery between them. That way the Founders don't have to level them up if they don't want, it helps equalise Mastery and in the case of Dexcalibur it gives Excal players an upgrade to look forward to like the rest of us.

    Make the Dex items share models with the base Excal, etc; that way the Founders don't feel like we're here to steal their weapons by proxy.

  7. It's a matter of interpretation. Some people interpret Founder Lato Prime exclusivity as being the Lato Prime item, others think it's the Lato Prime itself.

    I'm in the former group. This particular argument is going to go nowhere. At least with the issue of balancing gameplay systems like Focus, there was the possibility of a compromise.

    I can't see any chance of one here. The arguments are too diametrically opposed.

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