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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. The idea just came to me. Sorry, Loki players.


    I'm gonna be the greatest Prime

    My helmet's lookin' beast

    (I'm afraid the Ember master race)

    (Has already been released)

    I won't be tied to an event

    My content stands alone

    Run the Void to get my parts

    From the comfort of your home

    (You know, I think I'll just buy the pack)

    Not being seen is the new black

    No one playing Nova (It wasn't a nerf!)

    No one playing Valkyr (She's still great!)

    No one playing Rhino (He's balanced!)

    Loki everywhere (Can't see any!)

    Maximum Efficiency (I knew it)

    Spam Invisibility

    (I think it's time you used more than)

    (Just one ability)

    Why would I do that?

    They're just a waste of Energy

    (If this is what the playerbase is like then)

    (Count me out)

    (Playing Solo for my sanity)

    (No Loki Primes about)

    (These people between them have just one mind)

    Oh, I just can't wait to be Primed!

    Everybody play me

    Everybody press 2

    Best frame ever

    Sorry Ash, it's true (NO SKILL!)

    Let every Tenno 'cross the world cry out

    For every new Prime makes them wanna shout

    Phat loot is what this game is all about

    Want to Buy Loki Prime, price or get out

    Want to Sell, PST price or get out

    Want to Trade Loki Prime...

    (Loki Prime)

    Plat or get out!

  2. Honestly, I think DE might need to start consolidating weapons (like have all the Bronco variants together as one item) because otherwise that weapon list is going to get crazy.

    We've already got potential solutions in equalising Mastery or alternatively disabling Focus for PvP, but weapon consolidation could work for Mastery as well.

    No need to lose any either; they'd just need to make the variants like skins and give the weapons themselves more Mastery.

    All sorts of ideas...

  3. Look at my frame, isn't it neat?

    Wouldn't you think that my grinding's complete?

    Wouldn't you think I'm the one

    The one who's maxed everything?


    Look at my mods, rating untold

    How many Trick Mags can one Tenno hold?

    Sort it by dupes and you'd think

    Sure, they've got everything


    I've got Riplines and Slash Dash a-plenty

    I've got Spare Parts and Regens galore

    You want Ammo Drums?

    I've got thousands

    But who cares? No big deal. I want cores


    I wanna see a full page of mods

    I wanna max, wanna max Serration

    Grindin' Xini for that

    Whaddya call it? Oh, stance


    Levellin' up, you don't get too far

    Mods are required for killin', survivin'

    Makin' it look like a

    What's that word again? Dance


    Up where they farm

    Up where they grind

    Up where they run Hieracon till they're blind

    Dark Sectors taxed, wish I could max

    All of my mods


    How much you bet that I don't get

    My Shock Absorbers?

    What is the fee in tower keys

    For Spoiled Strike?


    Betcha in chat it's on sale for Plat

    Bet they don't wanna trade for my stuff

    Void runs goin', sick of knowin'

    That my loot's duff


    I'm ready to go with the other Tenno

    Pimp out my Soma and cleave some Corpus

    What's a Vault run, and why's the loot

    What's the word? Rock


    Where's my Shell Shock?

    And my damage mods?

    Want so much power I feel like a god

    Stopped in my tracks, wish I could max

    All of my mods

  4. So what is your plan to level the playing field for people who started the week after the pvp style dark sectors come online?


    Balance the maximum.

    Don't have the Brakk yet? Tough luck, son--go and farm it.


    Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because you don't have something obtainable is acceptable.

    Not hitting Rank 16 while others can because there's literally nothing more you can get is not.

  5. It wouldn't be a problem if a system like Focus wasn't going to exist AND if there wasn't going to be direct PvP content.[/quote

    It still isn't a problem with the focus system and no one is pricing you to do PVP. Again I doubt it's that much of a significant difference.


    Game systems are meant to be balanced.

    Otherwise I might as well go back to playing WoW, walk straight back into those unranked battlegrounds and get decimated by yet another Conquest-capping Arena player while wearing only crafted and Arena gear.

    "Nobody's making you play that content! ...hey, why is nobody playing that content? What a waste of time and money spent developing it!"

  6. people reach a higher mastery level just a bit quicker than others, so what? I don't entirely see how what other people do significantly affects you. All you're going to need to do is just wait a little longer. We already do waiting in this game so it shouldn't be a massive shock to the system.


    It wouldn't be a problem if a system like Focus wasn't going to exist AND if there wasn't going to be direct PvP content.

  7. Is there any evidence that the mastery system will have any effect on other systems in the future? Maximum mastery potential doesn't currently mean anything. Again, decisions about removing mastery from weapons should probably come after mastery reform.


    Just Focus so far. And honestly, it only has to affect ONE system that directly contributes to player power for it to be a problem.


     I find that idea horrible as it devalues the items and could hurt the people who spent time lvling them.


    How so? It doesn't touch the items themselves at all.

  8. All I care for on this topic is equalisation of maximum potential Mastery between all players, because of the potential impact of the Focus system on future PvP content--such as the Solar Rail MOBA-style fighting. If Focus is a game-changer, then I want to know the playing field is level at all times and not that there will be months where sections of the community will have access to power levels other players simply can't access.


    I don't care for the items themselves. I myself have the Gorgon Wraith and Dex Furis; I would like for all removed, retired and exclusive items to have their Mastery stripped from them--or if it'd be too much hassle to take it from each account, I'd like for all players to have means of acquiring the Mastery credit for said items (such as clantech research or a Market blueprint to simulate levelling those items from 1 to 30 without needing the items themselves).

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