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Posts posted by Yezzik

  1. If an Auction House fixes the problem with failing to get into someone's Dojo to trade with them because of Strict NAT issues, then it'll be worth it for that alone.

  2. So its not a good thing. Ppl may go invasions but its for the reward and not for farming brakk anymore.


    Don't run invasions if you're hunting the Brakk.

    Get your Mark there and join a farming group in Recruiting, then run five-minute Survival missions with them until the G3 spawn.

    THEN, and only THEN, go back to Invasions to get the Mark back for whoever lost theirs.


    That way the Invasions stay around for as long as possible for other farmers to get their Marks.

  3. Look at the results of the survey pls. Invasion is among the least favourites. Doesn't that makes brakk harder to get with less ppl going for invasion and getting the mark?!?!?


    It's actually a good thing.

    It means each individual Invasion is around for longer to allow the farming groups to refill their marks more often.

  4. But wouldn't a nerf be a major slap in the face (or kick in the balls, depending on how big the nerf would be) to the people who worked hard on the gradivus event?


    Oh please. A hundred invasion runs for a guaranteed weapon is nothing compared to what it takes to get the Brakk now. I couldn't even begin to tell you how many missions I ran, how many G3 spawns I had, how many times the host panicked and bailed rather than get bolted and I got kicked back to the starmap, how many times someone screwed up and we all died, how many times network issues broke the group apart on our way to extraction...


    What I can tell you is that out of ten Brakk parts, only the tenth was the Barrel.

  5. You can buy/build the same frame more than once. Auto-Hiding the female frames just because you have all of them might interfere with anyone who may have been planning on building another of a frame they have.


    I used that as an example of being able to manually pick and choose which things I wanted to hide, not as an example of the Market auto-hiding things for me.

  6. I would much rather it if the Market didn't show me things like, say, Colour Pack Alpha--things I can buy only once and already have. This would serve both my purposes and the developers' as well, as then my eyes would be drawn more to the things that remained on the list.


    The ability to manually choose specific things to hide would also be useful, as I have no reason to even see things like the Female Warframe Pack since I have all of them, but the game still displays the Platinum cost instead of ticking it off as acquired.

  7. You arent trying to help everyone here.


    So you're telling me you wouldn't feel a benefit if there were less need for topics such as this one?



    Again, you missed out, your reason for missing out is not relevant or important to the nonissue at hand.


    Did I type a word about why I missed out? Not in that post I didn't. Please stop projecting your feelings toward other posters onto me.


    Edit: Damn copy-paste highlighting. Is there a way to fix that without retyping?







    There have been no connections made between focus and mastery by DE.






    "Mastery Rank 4? You can install four Focus powers." I have found no evidence of what the cap is, or if there is one at all.




    Edit=I just realized a very easy balance. DE could just constantly keep count of all weapons, and maybe even release in batches so that the max Mastery Rank is achievable by everyone at the same time. Problem solved in an easy manner.


    That would work for me.

  8. Even without event exclusives and founders stuff you can still hit rank 15.


    Look, I'm trying to work toward a compromise here--one that removes any and all present and future gameplay-affecting differences due to exclusive or removed items--so that the only arguments that can be used against your kind are "we want the cosmetics too." And yes, that means I'm trying to stop the potential Focus whining too.


    I'm trying to help everyone here.


    Sure, we can all hit Rank 15 now, but there was a time when only people with every single Mastery-granting item in the game could. Now imagine the future of this game--the Focus system directly causes Mastery Rank to affect player power, which means periods of time where differences in maximum potential Mastery cause gameplay imbalances.


    Yes, I know this game's imbalanced as hell, but it doesn't need to be any more so.


    And if Focus is an important enough system, there could be weeks where the additional power from reaching a new rank gives Founders a dramatic edge over everyone else. Did they pay for that edge? I don't think they did. I see the screencap of the Founder page brought out every time someone wants to rub salt in peoples' wounds, but I don't see anything on that picture saying "buy this to stomp noobs in the face."


    Anyway, the developers are trying to bring more PvP and competitive PvE to Warframe. A key part of both of those is gameplay balance, not giving people an edge because they paid for it.




    So yeah, how to fix this gameplay-wise is:


    Plan One: Either remove the Mastery from removed and exclusive items, or (if DE can't remove Mastery from player accounts) give us all a means of earning that Mastery. Maybe a piece of clantech research or a Market-bought blueprint that we can research to give us the credit for levelling one of those weapons or Excal Prime to Rank 30.


    Plan Two: Dex items for each of the three Founder items, but have them share Mastery credit with their Prime variants. I don't know if that's possible, but it gives Excalibur fans a Prime-level frame to look forward to and allows DE to provide Prime-level stats for them without having to buff standard Excalibur.

  9. There's ways of fixing the one issue--gameplay.

    Sadly, I have no idea how doable some of them are.

    Idea 1: Remove all Mastery from removed items. This only works if DE can remove it from the accounts of those who've levelled those items, and people don't like having things taken away from them.

    Idea 2: Fancy Founder/CBT-only skins, and release the items into the Void. The Proto skin would have worked here.

    Idea 3: Dex Excalibur, etc, but it shares Mastery with its Prime counterpart. I don't know if that's even possible. Either way, it gives Excal fans a Prime-kinda visual upgrade to hunt down so they don't feel like they lost out.

    Idea 4: Give all accounts the Mastery for levelling removed stuff. To stop this from front-loading newbies to Rank 3 or so immediately, maybe make it clantech so they need to get the blueprint and build it like the Bolt Release.

  10. So in other words, 97% chance to not get what you're after each time you try and get it is good.


    The RNG system needs an overhaul. Removing credit caches from the Void or neurodes from the G3 (wishful thinking on that part) won't cut it.

  11. I wonder... what is the development team's official stance on how many times a player should be denied a specific item because of RNG before it's officially declared "broken" and therefore in need of fixing?


    Knowing how many times the developers believe we should be reasonably expected to not get what we're after would help a lot when it comes to further debating the merits and drawbacks of the current RNG system and whatever might hopefully replace it in the future.

  12. Make sure that every major RNG system has a NON-RNG counterpart, which can offer the same rewards. The non-RNG counterpart should either be based on challenge or progressive grinding - neither of which should be easy. In some cases, they should take longer "for the average player" than the RNG solution, but have the guarantee of sustained progress.


    This ALONE would fix almost everything.

    If I knew that running, say, ten thousand anti-Grineer Invasion missions would guarantee me the Brakk even if circumstances continue to conspire to deny me the Barrel component time after time after time, I would run those missions.


    I have no idea how long it'd take me to perform such a feat, but at least I'd always be making visible progress. Every minute spent in those missions would be one minute closer to that weapon, and would be tangible progress, instead of the current "sorry you didn't luck hard enough this time, try again lol" of the current system.


    RNG in general is a horrible design decision, and hurts both players and developers alike. The players who get their gear quickly have no further need of whatever content the devs spent countless hours and a hell of a lot of money creating, which means that content is wasted on them from that moment on.


    Meanwhile, those of us who can't ever get what we're after because RNG keeps messing with us only end up driven away from a game we'd like to play. We end up driven further and further toward games that don't keep yanking the carrot out of reach.

  13. See, I'd love it if the whole Brakk was a reward for running, say, 10,000 Invasion missions for the Corpus as a safety feature.

    It'd take me God only knows how long to get, but at least I'd know there would be a reward guaranteed were I to put in the time and effort.

    This RNG and its "you get nothing, better luck harder son" is doing my head in.

  14. I forget the number, but on one of the livestreams where Steve talked about focus, he named six (6) focuses in which Tenno could level up and gain experience in. He stated that his goal was to have a focus unlocked and/or equipable every two (2) mastery ranks.


    6focuses x 2ranks-per-focus = 12 ranks




    Interesting. Focus is sounding more and more like a limited hotbar into which you can place a bunch of skills you'd ideally really want, rather than the talent tree system I envisaged it as to start with.


    Seems a bit redundant, though, given the devs also talked about wanting to add in generic abilties any frame could use--unless this is how they plan on doing it.

  15. Increasing drop chances solves the other problem.


    A simple increase to drop chances will fix the problem for some people, but others will still have the problem because there will always be people who keep rolling 1 (for example) no matter how many times they hurl the dice. What's needed more is less RNG as a whole--whether that be by making more stuff tradeable so players can trade more of what they do have for what they want (Brakk parts, helmet blueprints, etc), or progressively scaling spawn rates and the like so that the G3 become more common the longer someone goes without seeing them and eventually their arrival is a certainty.

  16. If I had to guess, I'd say hundreds of invasion runs and tens of G3 spawns.

    Don't know how many spawns exactly, but it was nine spawns that dropped Brakk parts that then ended in a successful extraction.

    Don't know how many times the host panicked and aborted when they showed up (or when they themselves were downed), leading to me getting booted back to the starmap.


    I wouldn't mind so much if I could trade the parts I have gotten so far, because then I could build the weapon for myself and hopefully help out people who might have the opposite problem to me--lots of barrels but not much else.

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