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Posts posted by (PSN)Stealth_Cobra

  1. Seriously, what's the point of gathering 1500+ Antitoxin Injector Fragments per match when you only need like 1000 ONCE to afford a single item in the entire game that uses said fragments.

    Doesn't help either than the Antitoxin Injector is only used in the Jordas Verdict Raid, which most people don't enjoy running  and the people that care about it mostly already have the injector built. Plus the raid already feature a section so you can farm said injector fragments, so it's unneeded.

    Meanwhile, we have a new item requiring massive amounts of an extremely rare resource that litterally doesn't drop in most infested missions.

    So yes, just replace the vast majority of these gazillion green globes with Mutagen Samples, so that we clanmates will naturally acquire thousans relatively easy and be able to contribute to funding the new gun while farming the new frame ... Problem solved.

  2. 1 minute ago, Callback said:

    I still want to give "decent" rewards.  Decent doesn't have to be unique.  It still serves plenty of purpose if it's split into the "mandatory" portion (weapons and mods for progression) and the "bonus" portion (really nice free gifts you would otherwise have to pay for.)

    "you'll slowly catch up" is false.  You never catch up.  By the time you reach day 300 everyone else is on day 600's reward.  You are no closer to caught up than when you started.  That's the problem.


    And this is not directed at you, but based on what you said.  It takes a minute each day to log on and off.  So the people who only do that 1 minute each day stay on top of the login counter.  Meanwhile the people who binge 3 months at a time for 8 hours a day, then take another 3 months off to recover, who are MUCH more dedicated to the game in terms of overall playtime and commitment, are the ones punished.  Being at the top of the login counter does not represent dedication.  People arguing that it does are wrong.  They are completely unrelated.

    People have different definitions of "dedication" when it comes to warframe. So many people claim that MR means nothing ,ignoring the fact that it takes an insane amount of effort to collect, build, and level every single weapon this game has to offer. Likewise, logging in everyday is still quite a feat of dedication and focus, so to speak.

    I have nothing against people who binge warframe new content every couple of months. Heck, I would probably do that myself if the game wasn't build so you can miss so much stuff by going inactive... That said, warframe is a game where primes and relics constantly get retired, void trader items come every couple of weeks, events bring mods that often takes years to make it back into the regular loot table and login rewards need you to log in daily to get them. Before that, we had sortie seasons, another way to force players to be somewhat active not to miss gun parts and so on.

    My point being, Warframe isn't a game where you can be a completitionnist and not log in regularly. Could this be improved . Yes. Would this broaden the appeal of the game to a bigger fanbase that aren't obsessive compulsive collector nut like myself. Defintively. Is DE going to do it, probably not.

  3. You know the worse part about this... The new mission type drops roughly 1500 essentially useless antitoxin injector fragments on every single mission attempt at getting a nidus part ...

    I mean, how hard would it have been to basically turn all those useless fragments into mutagen samples. That way , it would be quite easy to acquire large amount of the stuff, and you would be essentially killing two birds with one stone, so to speak. A team of four clanmates would run the mission together for a couple of hours and would be able to fund a huge portion of the sample costs.

    What makes no sense is to ask your fanbase to go to a totally unrelated mission node and farm a ressource that doesn't even really drop from enemies (only from containaires and pots ,from what people are testing)... And acquire ridiculous amount of the stuff.

    Besides, Injector Fragments shoudn't even drop anymore once you built an antitoxin injector, Nobody needs more than one antitoxin injector, and said fragment have no other use.

  4. Gonna have to disagree on that one , for the most part.

    The whole point of a daily login system is to reward people that , well, play daily.

    If you stop giving "decent" rewards after let's say 300 days so people can catch up and nobody's left behind, the whole system no longer has purpose.

    It takes like a minute each day to log on and log off, not such a big deal. I usually log on as part of my daily routine, even if I don't feel like playing warframe. Helps DE keep their numbers up and pretend the game is more active than it actually is, too.

    If you felt behind, it's not such a big deal anyway, as you'll slowly catch up and get the items, just later than other people do, I'm 30 days late or something when it comes to daily reward, since I do forget to log on or leave home every now and then... Do I care, well not really ? I'm still getting the cool items, I'm just getting them later than someone that logged in every single day since the login system was reworked.

    Sure, in a couple of year, it might suck for new comers that see it will take them 4 years to get the new, somewhat cool gun that was just added to the daily login system. Maybe then will DE have to figure out a way to maybe remove filler things like caches and make it so a new player gets a significant upgrade every 25 days or something, instead of every 50/100 days like it is currently... But for now, it's fine as it is.

  5. 15 days of consecutive sorties now, a single riven, two lenses and 12 Endo. RNG is rng , right , I get that I got a bad "roll" on mine, but streaks like that shoudn't even be possible.

    I mean, just spent half a month playing this game daily for a single riven mod.

    CHRISTMAS EDIT : After 16 days of consecutive sorties , Santa DE just gave me a second Riven mod... Just kidding, got a built forma...

  6. Honestly, at this point, I'm wondering if this thing isn't just some sort of "diversion " thing to distract us from the fact they just added 100+ new riven mods to the "riven" drop table, dilluting the drop chances to being nearly impossible to ever get the mod you wanted without increasing actual riven drop percentage chance , meaning we'll keep getting endo every single day with even less chance of getting the mods we really wanted, thus pushing us to buy them for heavy plat prizes and making DE big bucks.

    Plus the fact we still have 15 Riven Slots even though there's now 200+ potential riven... A number that will only get worse once melee riven get into the drop table, meaning DE is double dipping making us pay 20 plat for future riven slots.

    But we're all taking and making a big fuss about a single mastery fodder gun with inflated reaserch costs that will obiviously be fixed before next devstream because DE doesn't want a million people spamming the twitch with "fix this" comments... Just like they will "kinda" fix the Nidus drop rate before next devstream, but you can bet they won't change a single thing in regards to the Secondary Riven , because that's where the real money is.

  7. MR23 here with 1700 Hours Played.... That's the equivalent of working 40 Hours a week for 10 months playing the game.

    I actually only have 230 Mutagen Samples.

    My clan of 70 ish members, mostly inactives, will require a whopping 45000 Mutagen Samples if we want to fund reaserch, and we're only a 100 Member clan tier...

    Doesn't take a rocket scientist ot figure out this number is totally absurd and disconnected from reality.


  8. Still don't get why all warframes don't get innate vacuum by default. Everyone's happy, nobody's wasting a mod slot, you're free not to use sentinels, to use kubrows and kavats and players miss less ressources pickups. Everyone's using it anyway, might as well make it default and be done with it. It's a fast paced space ninja game, not a "slowly collect boxes scattered in every room simulator".

    And for those that say "well, use sentinels". The whole point of universal vacuum was to allow the fanbase to use something other that carrier. It worked in some regards, now people are using other sentinels , but most people aren't using kubrows and kavats precisely because they are still "inferior" to sentinels in many ways.

    For Kavats and Kubrows to be truly an alternative to Sentinels, DE needs to bring universal vacum to pets AND to bring a few missing utilitiy features, like for example the mod that allow sentinels to fully recharget the user's shield when it gets depleted, coolant leak and so on.... At least make equivalent mods for the pets so your companion choice is defined by each animal's attacks and skills and not by utility mods not avialable on all categories. I can't tell you how many times I equipped a Kubrow and Kavat for a couple of missions only to get back to sentinels because I was losing utilitiy mods like Medi Ray, Shield Recharge, Vacuum, plus that crap about curing generic decay every couple of days.

  9. Look, I know I'm not the first , nor the last to bring this out, but imho this is still a top priorty issue.

    First of all, thanks from going back and removing Nitain from the drop table, thanks for making the exilus pre-built... Those are steps in the right direction. Also, thanks for shortening survival and excavation missions, these are small tweaks that help make sorties less of a chore.

    That said, I still feel like alot of issue remain with the current sortie system, which I will try to detail .

    1 - The Endo "Problem".

    Let's face it , there's nothing most sortie runners hate more than endo. The fact that you get endo roughly 80% of the time doesn't help either... You can do your daily sorties every day of the week and get endo every time. What this accomplishes is discouraging even active veterans from doing sorties.... Really, it reminds me of old destiny, where you could repeat the same raid every week in hopes of getting what you needed, yet get coal every time... Well, endo is pretty much your daily dose of coal, unwanted, unneeded, a reminder that you just wasted an hour of your life doing hard missions for what accounts to nothing.

    The problem is that while 2000 Endo might seem good on paper, the fact that you have to complete three somewhat long and tough mission for an underwhelming reward is annoying. Asides from that, most veterans and players have a comfortable stockpile of endo... In a sense, they don't need the endo, making it futile.

    The "new, exciting thing" in sorties is riven mods. It's what people want... Then there's the fact there's alot of riven mods already (80+), meaning even if you roll a riven, you might not get the weapon you want either... Then there's the fact you intent to retire/rotate secondary mods, meaning you're basically relying on RNG to give you rivens before they get removed...

    2 - Lack of rewards during individual missions.

    You have to clear three missions for a chance at getting a single reward. At the very least, each mission should have a chance at getting rewards. Likewise, why is it so that unlike in regular missions, you don't really get rewarded from what you accomplish in sorties ? If I survive 15 minutes in survival against lvl 100 enemies, the least you can do is give us 5 minute rewards like in every single survival node in the star chart... The fact that you can't, for example , get ivara parts from SPY sorties also makes no sense... If I'm forced to do three high level missions every day, at the very least give me the rewards I would get from clearling a regular mission.

    3 - System to avoid multiple endo in a row not yet implemented.

    You talked about this in your devstream, yet it's still not implement. Make it so...

    4 - Still too much clutter on the sortie drop table.

    Why not move lenses out of sorties and put them somewhere else . Alerts, invasions, end of mission rewards, void, whatever, just get that stuff out and make more room for Riven Mods. Also, remove the 2k Endo, heck remove the 4K endo too and make endo alerts more frequent to compensate.

    5 - Three consecutive missions, why ?

    It's not more challenging , just more tedious. We could have a single , tougher mission every day and it would be more than enough. Doing three missions that have no payoffs until the very end sucks.

    6- Why can't we get a token system already.

    This has been discussed for over a year. Just give us a sortie token system... That way, it's no longer about RNG... You do your daily sorties, gather sortie medaillons or whatever they are called, then turn them into exactly the items you want. That would give people clear goals (like saving X amount of tokens to get a legendary core, for example), would motivate people to stockpile them and would remove pretty much all of the issues people have with the current system... Want a riven mod for secodary... Well, just do a couple of sorties this week and exchange them for one... Want a catalyst ? Do X sorties ? Need a Greater Zenurik Lens, you know what to do.


    Honestly, every day I log in , do my sortie, get endo and I wonder why I even bother playing warframe anymore. This creates frustration, anger, makes me feel like playing something else. Getting riven is pretty much the new endgame for MR23 players like myself, and with the current system, I have no power to influnence my account's progression, as I'm entirely reliant on a daily slot machine to see if I can get something I need.

    This is exactlly why I quit Destiny, and this might be what gets me to quit Warframe. Tying account progression to RNG should not happen. Riven mods are the new meta, and making it so that dedicated players that bother logging in every day to do their daily sorties consistently get rewarded with stuff they don't need if frankly a tremendous waste of everyone's time.

    My Sortie Drops since War Within on PS4 -

    Endo Endo Endo Endo Lens Endo Endo Lens Endo Riven Endo Endo Endo

  10. It's about time to move the lenses out of Sorties. Put them somewhere else ... alerts, invasions, nightmare mode, spy missions, heck, there's tons of mission types that give crappy rewards... Getting lenses would be great in these situations.

    Besides , it would be cool to be able to farm specific lens on in a reliable manner... In turn, this would mean more of your gear would have lenses equipped on them. What the point of having a huge arsenal if you're always using the same gear since it's the only gear that has lenses on.

    I mean, there's like 370+ different things in this game can can have lenses equipped on, they could give lenses by candy and people would still have stuff to put them on.

    Endo also needs to be removed from sorties imho... Especially if you start adding secondary rivens in the mix... At one point we'll have litterally 300+ different rivens in the game, these need to be acquired in a somewhat reliable and easy manner... Just make endo alerts more frequent and increase the payoff to 500 endo per alert or something...

  11. They have an outside contractor artist with a proven track record that's been releasing hits after hits for months, making people shell 160+ Plat on what is basically useless cosmetic items... They don't even have to pay him a salary as an employee... And the guy brings in big plat for the company... Most WF vets bought the majority of his skins because, let's face it, they looked awesome.

    And they "fire" him over minor differences in in terms of his design... Mainly DE making the original Ignus's Ember design worse in all regards, making the artists defend his vision, which we can all agree was justified considering the alterations are mostly for the worse.

    Yes, Ignis should probably have bitten the bullet and let DE do their alterations without complaining , but he's a freelance artist with a proven track record, which gives him a certain amount of credibility and , at the very least, the right to argue about stuff like this. He cares about his designs, which is to be expected from someone that designs freelance skins better that the ones designed by people paid 40 hours a week internally.

    What really gets to me is we're talking about an email argument here... Seriously, it's one thing to fire an internal employee because he's constantly nitpicking in meetings and acting like he owns the place, but we're talking about impersonal emails from a guy that works on a contractual nature. There's tons of ways DE could have handled this that would not result in telling the guy they would no longer need their services...

    They have the final word anyway, they could have just said "We understand your concern and respect your artistic integrity, that said we retain the final creative decision, and we consider our version better for engine and branding reasons. Hopefully this will not tarnish the relation we have been having over the years. We appreciate your creative input and effort tremendously. Hopefully we can resolve this creative difference and continue working together in the future".

    We're talking about an email argument, there's no reason why this would escalate in what basically is "you're fired"... Unless the DE artist team were startign to feel threatened by Ignus's art and they wanted to "get rid of the competition", so to speak. Honestly, that's what it sounds to me... A bunch of artists scared of losing their jobs since most of the actual art is now done off house by contractors and tennogen creators. Guess they have to show who is boss and push out the "competition" every now and then, to show they still pilot that ship and it's not run by the fanbase.

    What sucks is that most of the DE deluxe skins are rather meh, honestly. Excalibur Proto wasn't exactly gorgeous, Nxy's Deluxe looked bad, Saryn's Deluxe looked like a deformed orchid, Nova's Deluxe looked like a fly monster thing... And chroma's upcoming deluxe is kinda meh. All in all, De doesn't have a particularly flawless track record when it comes to their deluxe skins.

    In any case, enjoy losing 165 plat every few months from most of your fans, DE, I'm sure adding a rooster fin on Ember's head was worth it... So was winning an email argument.

  12. Don't think DE is listening... Since pretty much day one the fanbase has been asking for these changes:

    1 - A Higher life pool for the operator / maybe some shield so they can take a hit.

    2 - A visible energy meter and more energy, so they can chain attacks instead of doing the void blast, void dash combo and being out of energy to use your void laser.

    3 - Faster movement speed , sliding and better mobility so that they don't feel like walking at a snail's pace compared to warframes.

    4 - Your warframe's energy not being lost upon the operator dying (this they ended up fixing, thankfully, because it made operators near useless).

    Right now , Operators are pretty much a novelty you use strictly for kuva farming, and even then, you basically stay in warframe form as long as possible , then switch to operator only to grab the cloud or break a guardian's guard...

  13. 19 minutes ago, Gunstray said:

    Last datamine showed they increased the reward drop of 2000 endo.


    Can;t find it atm but Im surprised nobody called them out on it.

    That would explain alot. When War Within came out on PC, I got four or five riven mods in my first week. When War Within came out on PS4, I got endo , endo, endo, endo, lens, endo...

  14. The whole server space issue seems bogus to me. It's mods with four random stats, not thousands of lines of complex code or anything...

    Besides , maybe DE should have thought about this server issue before releasing Riven mods.

    It's even more dishonest when you take into account the fact that we're supposed to get Secondary and Melee Riven sooner than later. Are we really going to have 15 slots when there's litterally 300 different weapons in the game ? Are we going to have to pay 60 plat every time we want to have three more rivens ? If server space is such an issue, why release more ?

    Honestly, if your server can't handle people having 300 different riven mods, don't release riven mods for 300 different weapons, plain and simple. Either improve your riven code so they take less space on the server, or keep them solely for Primary Weapons... And it's dishonest to make a cool system where you're supposed to get mods to make bad weapons better, yet limit your space to keep such mods in your inventory.

  15. Riven are a cash grab, plain and simple. They want "collector" items that sell for high amounts of plat and motivates old timers to spend real money on something else than cosmetics.

    Distributing them in sorties is to make efficient farming of them impossible, instead you have to rely on RNG... A first layer of rng in getting a riven (20% chance every day, meaning you should in theory get one every five day, which is a bad average)... Then there's another layer of RNG to determine what weapon and the MR requirement. Considering there's roughly 90 Primaries and Sentinel Weapons, you have a small chance of getting a riven mod for a weapon you care about. Then there's the layer of rerolling the thing randomly until it has potable stats, which takes hours of kuva farming... And that's not counting the tedium of putting multiple formas on each of these weapons to make them able to afford the inflated Riven mod costs... And now you pay for more slots, a hefty pay too (20 plat per slot, that's unnacceptable imho).

    Now, DE wants to either remove Primary Riven and Replace them with Secondary Riven in sorties mere months after they were introduced , or have both at the same time... In both case, we're screwed. If Primary Riven are removed, they will raise in plat prices to absurd levels, and if both are still avialable simultaneously, this will dillute the pool of possible riven even further... Imagine how fun it will be to try and get a Dread Riven when you're have one chance out of 300 possible mods for primary/secondary/melee weapons. You'll have no choice to purchase it from trade chat at inflated prices... That's their plan,I guess... Kinda like Arcanes...

    Worse part it, it's pretty clear that most people don't particularly like Riven mods to begin with. Getting them is a chore (sorties are boring and you can't farm them), getting Kuva is booring (repeating the same kuva syphon routine over and over gets old extremely fast) and overall, the effort required to get a mod you want, reroll it like you want, forma your weapon is simply no fun at all. It also breaks any semblance of balance this game had, making mastery fodder guns even less likely to be used by players once they get riven for weapons that kick &#!... The fact that , after the lukewarm reception of Primary Riven, DE is anxious to release Secondary and Melee riven makes it clear to me they don't care about balancing, fun or anyhing other than making plat off us.

    You know what that reminds me of ... Old Destiny... God I hated being forced to do a stupid raid every week and pray to RNjesus. I've been doing sorties every day since they were out on PS4 and I got 4000 Endo, 2000 Endo , 2000 Endo , 2000 Endo and a Greater Zenurik Lens.... It's not fun whatsoever to log in every day to get a chance of getting a riven mod for a weapon you like and be rewarded by endo.

    As a MR23, I've never been so close to quitting the game. A whole year of waiting for a quest that was over in less than an hour, a new grind intensive system that's a cash grab and no new meaningful content to keep me occupied, why am I playing this game again ?

  16. 1 hour ago, Littleman88 said:

    26,000,000 registered users.  Key word: registered.

    Active?  Probably between 1 and 5%, just as a guess.  Two years ago we had an info graphic and like... not even one in three registered Tenno had crafted a Warframe if I recall, and I'm pretty sure people sticking around to play crafted more than one so the ratio was in fact even more abysmal.  With the pseudo-landfill development model Warframe experiences, I doubt the retention rate has improved much.

    Just shooting people, it's an alright romp, not the best, could be better.  All the other systems are just layered on seemingly without much thought though.  Can't really nominate this game for much besides "grindiest non-Korean Korean grinder."

    Don't have global numbers, but if we look at the PS4 numbers from trophies , there's currently only 18.4% of the playerbase that have played more than ten hours... That means 81.6% of PS4's registered users aren't what we would call active users active users by any stretch. If you can't be bothered to play a free game more than ten hours, you're not part of the userbase imho, even if technically, you're a "registered loser" and PR will try to spin it like you contribute to making warframe survive. Heck, perhaps you did contribute by being suckered into buying a 900 plat bundle with a cool looking frame, then you quit immediately after or something... The market is made to trick new users into making impulse plat buys after all.

    Then, there's interesting statistics , like the fact only 4.4% of the userbase have put a forma on their gear. That means 95.6% of players have not put a single forma, hinting at a very solid player drop after the ten hour mark, and way before any endgame activities come into play. That percentage is also corroborated by other low percentags (Only 7.6% users have made a Kubrow, which is a story quest early in warframe, only 7.4% have completed more than ten void fissures, 5.8% have cleared the sedna boss, 5.7% have cleared the Uranus Boss...

    This imho makes it pretty clear than roughly 5-7% of the userbase sticks around past the "honeymoon" period. If you extrapolate on other platforms based on these numbers, you could say that out of 26 million registered losers, 1.8 Million losers are actually what we could call "active losers", in the sense that they played , cleared most of the starchart and did some of the endgame activities...

    Then you have to factor the players in this category that played, but aren't active anymore, and it's possible you end up with a much reduced % even still, although it's hard to track at this point, since there's not really that many trophies for newly introduced features, and there aren't trophies beyond the ten hour mark to quantify the number of hours played. I would guess out of the 5/7% of players that were mentionned before, only 2% are active players that hunt the newest primes and keep up to date with new stuff being released.

    Most free to play have the concept of "whales". Whales are the registered loosers that actually fund the game. They are usually the 1% that does most of the transactions, buys most of the stuff and keep the game afloat. I'm fine with warframe catering to these people, but I feel like they are kinda missing the boat on that one. People have been complaining about the new user experience for years, there's a reason why 81.6% of the userbase doesn't stick around, and perhaps that's what the team needs to take a hard look at.... Cause when the whales get tired of farming yet another prime, repeating sorties and buying cosmetics waiting for a new story quest the will complete in two hours , I'm not sure the new users will be there to pick up the slacks.

  17. The truth...



    Seriously though, judging from my understanding of freudian slips, either she thinks we're losers (which sounds about right xd), or she thinks Geoff is a Loser (which also sounds about right considering the fanboyish hideo love letter he did previously)... Or maybe she thinks of herself as a loser not worthy of being on stage after the Hideo thing or something... That is unless she meant Loourns !

  18. Yeah, balance needs to happen...

    It's stupid that DE think it was imperative to nerf bladestorm, yet it's pefectly fine to leave Simulor, Sonicor, World on Fire, Hall of Mirrors in.

    I've been seeing more and more Synoid Simulor users lately, usuallly they combine it with Hall of Mirror Mirage or World on FIre Ember, killing litterally everything in their wake while the rest of the team hunts for the few stragglers that aren't instantly killed by their billion vortexes.

    Likewise, as much as I love and use Sonicor, the fact is you can just speedrun the whole map unloading clips after clip in the general direction of enemy groups and watch everything die and every crate and pot explode giving you loot.

    I'm also sick of world on fire. Again, some people complained about bladestorm, but it was limited to 18 targets at a time, took a long time to cast and forced Ash to be stationnary, in effect making it impossible to speedrun... In contrast , world on fire is aways on, killing enemies all over the map with no effort and leaving scraps for the rest of the team.

    For so long I was a bow user... I would get way more kills using bows than people using automatic weapons and launchers and stuff.

    Nowadays, it's near impossible to use bows or other single target weapons in  public games... It's just people running and opening vortex all over the place, blowing everything to pieces. You end a mission , and you see that the simulor mirage has dealth 75% of the damage and kills, and you're like... Man, that sucks.

  19. Gonna have to disagree with that.

    While mastery rank isn't perfect, it's a fine system to give an impression of progression and some short , medium and long terms milestones to achive for new players.

    The fact, for some reason, you want to use a single frame and set of weapons is your own choice, and it's definitively not something that's common for players. Most people, at the very least , feel like trying new frames, new weapons with cool mechanics and will gradually, organically level up their mastery rank while doing so.

    As you showed by your stats, it's pretty easy to hit MR5 just by completing the starchart and sticking to a single loadout setup, so It's not like the game actually forces to you develop a gazillion weapons to unlock the story content.

    Asides from that, at MR5, you have access to most of the features this game offers. At MR8, you have access to the majority of weapons this game has to offer, and MR8 is somewhat easy to attain trough casual starchart clear and developping a few frames and weapons. My casual PC account is almopt MR11 already and I only clocked about 200 ish hours into it... Not hard to reach said milestone.

    There's a few endgame weapons locked by medium Mastery Rank (MR12-13 weapons), but those are mostly improved versions of existing weapons aimed at the more hardcore Warframe players. Likewise there's riven mods that can roll higher mastery rank ratings, but you can in these case sell them for lower MR versions.

    After MR13, the rest of the MR ranks are mostly for braggings rights and convience, allowing you access to more mod energy on rank o weapons, giving you more syndicate rep per day and a higher void traces cap, plus a higher amount of trades per day, all features designed for more active players who spend more time playing the game... It makes sense really, if you have MR23, you're a Warframe vet and you spend much more time playing the game, thus you'll be happy to have stuff like more loadout slots, more trades, and so on...

  20. 6 hours ago, xiaodenden said:

    I like the idea of having a built forma (certain better than a forma blueprint) as a sortie reward.  I have a good stash of forma to do whatever I want, but I recognize that there are players old and new who need and want more forma.  I'm all for players having multiple ways of getting forma even if I personally don't need it.  It would be even better if it's a bundle of three build forma to sweeten the deal a bit.

    At least a built forma is still better than Nitain Extract or Exilus Adapter blueprint in my opinion.

    Disagree with the Exilus Adaptor. Only a handful of my frames have exilus adaptors on. Farming 50K Simaris standing to get the a single blueprint, then having to use two built formas plus an argon is such a pain.

    Sorties should give fully built Exilus Adaptor quite often. I have 25 or so frames than need an exilus adaptor as of now... This is coming from someone that has a stockpile of 20 Reactors, 20 Catalysts, 20 Ish Formas... Numerous lenses and so on. Exilus were added late into the game, they hardly ever come in as rewards... And we deserve an easy way to get them other than paying plat.

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