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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    You're not proving my point wrong, if you're THAT bored of Warframe, just play something else.


    Wasn’t planning on proving you wrong

    You just seemed confused, so I gave an explanation to try and help. Of course if it didn’t work, well guess I suck at explaining things. 

    4 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    If you're so bored of Warframe that a complete content island that has zero actual replay value besides resource farming, even then it's not exactly the best and has issues where farming resources there can make things take LONGER, makes you enjoy Warframe again that's a sign you can just... Play something else.


    Maybe… read my post again? You can bored on one aspect, but warframe has multiple aspects… which is what I was trying to point out. I guess I really do just suck at explaining things. 

    Plus the next thing you added does prove my point in the way where new things that are different add a special flavor. Much like with cooking soup, throwing in something new to spice it up. I got soup on the mind from a previous post, bear with me. 

    4 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Everytime the go to defense for Railjack is "It's not Warframe!" And everytime I'm baffled because, you don't see people get excited when FF14 or Overwatch or whatever love service game gets a huge update and the selling point it "it's nothing like the game before, in fact you'll enjoy it more if you're sick of the game you're playing this right now."

    6 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    eve the

    Also figured you meant “ever be” but the “eve” you threw in there actually works ngl

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    I still think Railjack is just a waste of resources, and every single time I hear people bat for it it's always "Its a breath of fresh air form Warframe." And I just scratch my head and tell them to just...

    Play another game, if THAT'S the appeal of Railjack.

    "Yeah I like the new expansion to the game, because it's a completely different gameplay system to what we've been building for the past X years."

    It's just baffling to me.

    And that's BEFORE the issue that Railjack objectives are just Friendship Doors but bigger and larger.

    I shall introduce you to a comment I made a while ago 


    You know I never really understood that statement

    ”Try another game,” “If you don’t like it, play another game”

    Warframe seems to be a game where you can pick and choose what you want to do

    For example, I personally hate Duviri because of the random load out, but others love it. Just because I hate Duviri, do I just play another game? No, I just play a railjack (which I love). 
    Really the only time I can see people say “This game isn’t for you,” is when some person complains about farming (not even the absurd farming, just farming in general). Even then though, you can have fun without farming.

    If you want to play Warframe… Warframe’s got you with different things. It’s the variety that matters. People get bored of the same things, railjack is a fresh flavor compared to normal Star chart.

    • Like 2
  3. 7 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

    It was a challenge Solo back then but not too bad if you had a flying fortress/tank.

    Yea always soloed, so before I could make it tanky it would constantly get destroyed, good thing it’s over now 


    7 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

    A lot of us have been playing Railjack since it was released, it's a lot different now than back then, but still fun though, can't beat the feeling of flying around in space.

    Completely agree, maybe some day they’ll have missions in railjack that isn’t simply a taxi… someday…

  4. 52 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    Crewmen were available since i started playing WF (only 18 months ago). So I still don't understand what you're saying.

    In the history of my RJ I think I lost it twice, both due to bugs where the midship doors would not open and therefore if my crew was down and could not reach the issue to fix (hull breach) I was done for. But I've run so many hundreds of RJ missions this is a very very low fail %. I run solo quite a bit as well. I'd say 50% of the time I am solo. In fact the 4 I did this AM were solo missions all back to back as a single sortie. No issues. 

    Before the Call of the Tempesari (around April/May 2021, I think) we had to suffer through railjack management. Railjack crew never existed before then. 
    Edit: Railjack came out in around 2018 for context

  5. 21 minutes ago, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

    Easy mode?

    Easier in the sense where you don’t even have to think about your railjack survival, you got crewman for that. Believe me, when railjack first came out (outside of the bugs) I struggled with ever keeping this thing alive. Not to mention the other crewmate with aimbot. 

    • Like 1
  6. 9 hours ago, (PSN)OGGrilledcheez said:

    I know this is an old post but…why would you buy the frame AFTER completing the quest? Def not for a riven when you can get them for free from sorties.

    Skipping the grind most likely, if I had the plat I would’ve done it for Harrow. 

    Not saying you specifically, but I find it funny how lately people have been bumping almost decade old threads. Isn’t this the third one this week? How do you guys find these?

  7. 18 hours ago, Lycansoul said:

    i started playing warrfame again after a long time. and I found that railjack was fun. there are bugs... i experienced it in my first 2 runs recently but i liked it. The whole idea of it is cool.

    just 2 things would make it soooo much better for me.

    1. less bugs. ie. the part where i don't know whats happening and we are in the some void and our mission doesn't end is really bad.
    2. if we could have a pvp mode where people fought railjack to railjack.... people boarding each other's ship...
      • I know this is a big ask and DE is expanding the user base by modding warframe to different platforms
      • maybe do a kick starter for it.

    Maybe not boarding, but I can see PVP between two railjacks 

    Imagine this, two Tenno crews fighting outer space in railjacks, destroying the railjack will bringing it to 2 health as usual, and it will need to be repaired. The other team, after completing this feat, can go to their “big cannon” (you know what I mean) to aim at a certain weak spot at the now slow, railjack. The weak spot will disappear if the other team can repair it in time. 

  8. 2 hours ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    Haha, in case it wasn't clear, I am familiar with coding!  Was there anything in the last part that didn't feel explained enough, or that you'd like to understand in more depth?

    What I can't tell you is whether adjusting the core ability is truly easier to do than making an augment; to know that I would need to know the nitty-gritty details of how their code is setup, as well as other details like what the test requirements are for different kinds of code changes.  While I would guess that augments are in fact a more complex and hence more costly change, it's entirely possible that the Warframe code and project could be setup in a way that actually makes augments easier to do.

    Heck, even if the code part is more costly, it could be there are enough savings in the testing and validation parts of their production pipeline for augments vs core abilities that it becomes easier in that way.  For example, if the core abilities need to be changed in C++ but augments for whatever reason can be made in the Lua scripting language, script changes can often be seen as less risky since while they can't mess up the game as badly due to having very limited access to functionality.  To be clear, I wouldn't assume that's the case, but just about anything is possible when it comes to code and project setup.  A decade worth of code will end up having a whole collection of upsides and downsides in different places that you simply can't detect from the outside.

    Ngl that was dense, anything with coding goes over my head. You explained it perfectly thanks!

  9. 1 minute ago, Traumtulpe said:

    You're late to the party, TS is already nerfed in case you didn't know. It's damage is now capped and it doesn't "nuke the Steel Path" anymore.

    Yea I was just watching this play out tbh

    OP seems to think it does “nuke steel path,” which I can’t confirm because I’m always soloing anyways. 
    I was simply pointing out the argument about nuke frames nuking is redundant, and has been long dragged out. 

  10. 8 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    This doesn't really make sense because making an augment mod that changes how the ability works requires revisiting the ability.  You have to code in the functionality that the augment applies, and whether that code lives in an augment or in the frame itself doesn't change the fact that you have to write the code.

    And in fact, doing it with an augment is actually more complex, because now you have two different versions of how the ability works to maintain and sift through in your code base, rather than just one.

    From a coding standpoint, I wouldn't be surprised if all of the "augment code" actually lived in the Warframe itself, and the mod was just a "key" that determined whether it was on or off and what numbers it used.

    I could see the mod being a key

    Would be nice if a fellow Tenno who’s familiar with coding could explain this because it really sounds like revisiting an ability is easier than augments.

  11. 2 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    I see. And then what, will you be back asking for DE to delete Saryn and Mesa? Equinox?

    For reference, Miasma does 7200 damage per cast (+Spore damage), that's a lot more than the 1500 you begrudgingly accept for TS.

    We are not doing this argument

    I will end it at a SINGLE ABILITY nuking steel path with ease and no requirement isn’t the way. Spamming it also makes that messily “1500” damage skyrocket (adding heat must etc.)

    EVERYONE can tell you Saryn falls off hard in actually killing things in steel path (though still viable if you think of her as a debuffer). She also requires a full setup on non steel path (using abilities in a specific order)

    Equinox requires you to actually damage, then doing one big boom, before repeating the cycle. Also falls of in armor, she’s the most balanced AOE DPS imo. 
    Mesa though… you got me there ngl


    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    What makes you think the coding is easier?


    Nothing, I’m notoriously bad at coding. I’m just pointing out the easier solution isn’t the best solution. If the augment changes the ability, couldn’t they tie said augment into the ability permanently? 
    This is why you don’t see me make “jUSt aDd tHIS sImpLE sOlUtiOn” because coding is harder than what people think. 

  13. Cross trading hasn’t been enabled yet, but I’ve seen a  nice drop in the price of vaulted frames. Probably because we can all share opened relic rewards, so more people are getting more prime sets, thus making it cheaper. Not complaining, I hope the same happens to glaive prime. 

  14. 1 hour ago, Ghastly-Ghoul said:

    That Voruna skin looks way too similar to Khora's Miyabi Skin. I wouldn't agree with the decision to have skins that this similar. What are they, twins? Voruna should have her own identity with the theme.

    This is left to the tennogen creators

    And I have two reasons:

    First, Malaya is the original tennogen creator for both skins, so of course they’ll have some similarities if that’s the theme they enjoy making. 

    Second, they’re both labeled (Frame Name) Miyabi Skin, which means this is intentional and goes with a certain theme. Much like with some kuvael skins, they are no different. 
    Can’t wait for more miyabi skins tbh, a Garuda and maybe Hildryn could work well. (Also love the new Harrow skin Malaya created)

    • Like 2
  15. On 2023-11-15 at 10:11 AM, Thorham said:

    Indeed. Just allow any level, sortie conditions, and steel path like enemy buffs.

    Doesn’t the level range from the enemies you scan? I never do run Helios so I can’t tell if you scan an enemy in SP, would it work. 
    This sounds confusing, I’m trying to say, does scanning level cap enemies let you use the high levels? Or does that have a cap?

  16. 2 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Considering it:

    • Deals high damage.
    • Spans a very wide area.
    • Lasts for a decent amount of time.

    It really feels like an ultimate skill, despite being Gauss's [3]. What if the Helminth version had its energy cost increased to 100, to match ultimate skills? You'd have to use Fleeting Expertise to get a spammable energy cost out of that, but that'd gimp the duration. If this isn't enough, they could also reduce the base duration.

    Would suggest base duration and maybe range

    If they’re using it on Harrow/Garuda, the  they’ll have no problem keeping up the 100 energy spam, even with blind rage. 

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