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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. A build I use as a sort of “all rounder” is this one 

    Be warned it is a bit forma heavy, but rewarding

    Energy transfer is so I can swap on the fly, I use either resonator or pillage in place of her two, I would switch arcane blessing, but I use it to survive unlucky toxin. Rolling guard is used as my “get out of jail free card,” but I personally use adaptation. I also use two crimson shards for 200% strength, (armor strip helminth, and her night form) along with 2 amber for cast speed. Equilibrium makes it so I will never run out of energy, and the pet mods just make it overkill on energy economy. The last slot is for blue for armor, just so I can reach the 50% damage reduction goal. 
    I agree though, her abilities do seem to be anti synergetic, and the solutions are so simple. It’s a matter of DE taking a glance at her. 

  2. 27 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:


    xoris, tenet cycron <-----

    I've been playing with the combo for several years and can't think of anything else at the moment.
    stropha heavy attack used to be very epic. but the current aoe from xoris is very, very good

    Breach Surge <- havent tested this atm

    don't understand the last section. Google translate has problems with this.

    Ahhh yes yes

    I was saying Harrow doesn’t really work with explosive weapons because he can’t get headshots with the explosions

    He can still give crit chance though. I suggest breach surge with the combo, it’s very fun

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  3. 8 hours ago, (NSW)Paladin0 said:

    Thanks Malikili, that helps comfort my soul a little.  Now, hopefully, NSW won't have to wait long after Whispers drops.  The new graphics look beautiful and I don't want to sully that 1st-time experience with NSW diwnscaling.   I know a lot of players anxious to get off of NSW

    I wonder how this split wallet on cross save will affect market.   It sounds like NSW only players will be it's own sub-market while PC/PS/XB will become a new merged market.  I wonder if that will create artificial inflation or some scalping shenanigans?  Say Fusion Cores are 100p in the new merged market, but 150-200p in the NSW market, what's to stop someone from buying them all up on PS, logging over and reselling in NSW market?  I've met tons or honest players, even ones correcting too high offered plat (I've tested), but there's just as many, if not more, that would trip a hobbled Ostron for a single plat.  Lol

    Also a fellow switch player waiting for the day I can stop using switch and hop on the beautiful graphics of PC

    My guess is not much people are going to be on switch after this. I’m also guessing players from other platforms can still trade platinum to switch players, along with other items. Basically if fusion core drops on Xbox (example) because of PC, then the chances are it’ll also drop on switch simply because they have a shared market.

    Of course we’ll just have to wait and see, I’m wondering if they’ll even allow switch cross platinum trades. 

  4. 12 hours ago, Venus-Venera said:

    OK. you are relatively new here. therefore probably meant seriously.
    Ammo aura and therefore PRIMED ammo ammunition are still missing from the list above.
    and now WARNING: even in a group with a lot of people in an ez ext mission you will run out of ammo.

    or compare tenet secondary with unlimited ammo and the embarrassing aoe waste. Tenet performs much better and does much more damage and for that I only need 1 buff from Wisp. not even dmg arcanes in warframe.
    or another hardcore example: test harrow with roar+2nd skill+(unlimited ammo arcane and a dmg arcane for secondary) with kuva nukor against 20x lvl 190 elite units. Depending on the headshot crits, everyone is dead after 5-10 seconds (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)... and in the party he still has crit from 4 skill and definitely some dmg buffs from party. With my Harrow I can camp in SP Disr without CC. nothing lives there.

    Relatively new? Yea I guess so, 2018 is young for most people here. 
    The pairing I proposed is a two combo idea. You need both carrier and ammo mutation in order to spam comfortably. Then I pointed out melee and secondaries for the downtime you would spend getting ammo to convert. My personal favorite is xoris, tenet cycron. 
    Tbf I only have a Kuva Ogris, but with the above list I can keep ammo. 
    Can you elaborate on the calculations you posted? I use Harrow quite a bit (not wisp though) and he works fine with AOE. Of course, there are better options considering the anti synergy because AOE can’t get headshots, but you know… breach surge? 

  5. 11 hours ago, Synitare said:

    It should change. Telling people to stop complaining about it and just accept it isn't exactly the best way to go about realizing that change. Discussing it in the forums dedicated to the purpose of discussing things seems like a better idea to me, honestly.

    Yes, the previous post was pointing out how some people are complaining simply because they can’t speedrun it

    I’m pretty sure the reason the Devs made it a weekly boss is to cover the “content” that people have been wanting, along with some sort of “endgame” people have also been asking for. Putting that in air quotes because, you know, it’s Warframe.

    Also wasn’t telling people to stop complain, complaints are good if they aren’t whines. I was pointing out the previously mentions above. 

    9 hours ago, Voltage said:

    It was worse before, but the way it is now is still a bad deal. This is a real problem that people don't seem to care about. If I take $100 from you and give $20 back, I still took $80 from you. This kind of "we amended a bad idea with a poor solution so it's good now" mentality has happened with Regal Aya, Heirlooms, and it happened with Shards once already.

    It's been pointed out time and time again in discussions. This is tolerable in the current state, but adding 3 more shard types is just adding to a terrible foundation of a system. 

    It's not about entitlement to have something immediately, it's about having agency over your progress and a reasonable acquisition. Archon Shards are not earned in a way that represents a healthy way to earn an item, they're functionally a login reward. Even worse: everyone gets the same rewards with the same maximum progress, and said progress is purely a reflection of your account age, nothing more. That's flawed, it's broken, and it's been discussed since we first got them.

    The "pity" system DE added made no correction to the rotting foundation Archon Shards stand on, and this planned expansion of the volume of Shards just shows why that system they added accomplished nothing of value for long-term health within Shards and using them. There's nothing wrong with adding more Shard types if players could farm them at their own pace. Unfortunately though, we're still stuck with a scheduled mission that provides no way for a player to farm them. Sacrificing your scarce inventory to try and "catch up" in luck is also a poor solution. 

    The fundamental problem is that nobody can "farm" for Archon Shards, it's just a measure of whether you login once a week.

    You know, I should really reword the post shouldn’t I?

    I get what your saying I’m simply (again) pointing out how it was worse before, but of course the “compromise” isn’t much better. 
    This was when I was in my “Thanksgiving reflecting” period, bear with me, I was feeling sentimental and overly grateful. 

  6. 56 minutes ago, (NSW)Paladin0 said:

    A little off topic, bit still related.

    I agree that it appears Switch players are getting screwed in the long run.  So here's my questions for clarification: 

    1)  Primary account on Switch (LR3), but will be playing on PS going forward.  If NSW Plat is locked to NSW will there be an option to buy Plat for PS or shared wallet, i.e. 2 separate plat wallets?  Or will we be completely locked out from any type of Plat trading with other platforms?  Or if I spend all my NSW Plat will I be able to buy and use the new "shared" Plat?  In my head I'm picturing it similar to gifted vs bought plat.

    2)  If I create a PS account to use to merge, all my  Pre-Nov 24 gear/tennogen/etc will get transferred, but I will have to start progression from scratch?  How does that work for story/level locked items?  I'm specifically referring to Umbra/Umbral mods, and builds using Umbral mods (if I have to redo Sacrifice)

    Switch gameplay is already miserable, and only getting worse as game graphics get better and more "intense".  It takes up to a minute to zone into POE, up to 2-3 mins for Vallis, and everything is washed out and downsvaled graphics.  The new, but BEAUTIFUL, graphics in Whispers are going to kill load, and probably look like trash from the downscaling.  As if is I probably won't be playing Whispers until cross save gets around to us lowly Switch players

    TLDR:  I just want to play my LR3 NSW account on PS5 permanently, keep all my gear and progression, and be able to plat trade 

    1. Think of it this way

    200p on PC and 150p on Switch

    Buying a 200p item on PC will lead to 0p on PC and 150p on Switch stays

    Any platinum obtained on switch can ONLY be used on switch, it’s a separate wallet from PC, Xbox, PlayStation etc. 

    2. I’m not sure what you mean by this, but think of it as when you merge your accounts, the highest MR will be one you “keep” while everything else is combined. Progression from then on out will be from that sole account. 

    58 minutes ago, (NSW)Paladin0 said:

    A little off topic, bit still related.

    I agree that it appears Switch players are getting screwed in the long run.  So here's my questions for clarification: 

    1)  Primary account on Switch (LR3), but will be playing on PS going forward.  If NSW Plat is locked to NSW will there be an option to buy Plat for PS or shared wallet, i.e. 2 separate plat wallets?  Or will we be completely locked out from any type of Plat trading with other platforms?  Or if I spend all my NSW Plat will I be able to buy and use the new "shared" Plat?  In my head I'm picturing it similar to gifted vs bought plat.

    2)  If I create a PS account to use to merge, all my  Pre-Nov 24 gear/tennogen/etc will get transferred, but I will have to start progression from scratch?  How does that work for story/level locked items?  I'm specifically referring to Umbra/Umbral mods, and builds using Umbral mods (if I have to redo Sacrifice)

    Switch gameplay is already miserable, and only getting worse as game graphics get better and more "intense".  It takes up to a minute to zone into POE, up to 2-3 mins for Vallis, and everything is washed out and downsvaled graphics.  The new, but BEAUTIFUL, graphics in Whispers are going to kill load, and probably look like trash from the downscaling.  As if is I probably won't be playing Whispers until cross save gets around to us lowly Switch players

    TLDR:  I just want to play my LR3 NSW account on PS5 permanently, keep all my gear and progression, and be able to plat trade 

    Ohhh the TLDR clarified it

    In short, yes you will be able to play on  your LR3 NSW account on your PS5 permanently, with no strings attached, but you won’t keep the platinum that’s on it. You can also plat trade, though I’m not sure if it’s switch plat trade only while on switch. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

    My guess would be that the console version uses their PSN/XLive profile or something.

    This is exactly what they do

    They use the account registered with your console to log into Warframe. An example would be if you had your Xbox account saved on PC, and you logged in by clicking the icon on the main website. It’s instant, and doesn’t require a password. Unlike.. cough cough PC accounts. 

  8. 13 hours ago, Grimme.W said:

    The enemy's dropped ammunition is low, and the amount of ammunition picked up by the weapon is only 1. When using these weapons, I often encounter situations where there is no ammunition and I cannot pick up ammunition, resulting in death.Please rescue these weapons. When I see these weapons running out of ammunition, I feel very panicked; Looking at the lack of ammunition to pick up, I feel helpless; Watching Tenno die, I feel lost.

    Let me introduce you to Carrier+Ammo Mutation

    Or dispensary if you use that already, I recommend the above option though

    I also suggest using melee/secondary when out of ammo in order to get some sort of drops to convert.

    • Like 2
  9. 7 hours ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

    I find they’re a lot crunchier than any other Eximus due to lack of a weakpoint like a head (the MOAs can be crunchy but have the battery pack on the back).

    It’s not such a huge problem when I can shift focus to and from them as the scenario plays out (long as I avoid their effects), but they definitely stand out as feeling a lot tankier, as if I was only landing bodyshots on any other Eximus

    “Crunchier” 💀

    Great now I’m thinking of those sour lemon balls instead of rollers 

    • Like 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Synitare said:

    So Warframe is a video game, not an educational simulation of reality. The entire purpose is to have fun, and a lot of people find it fun to improve and progress in their video game. Being arbitrarily gated from doing so for no real reason is frustrating and irritating. I really can't understand why this is such a difficult concept for people to grasp.

    Jokes on you, life is a simulation. We are all in a simulation 

    On a more serious note, Yes. My post was to simply point out how it was so much worse back then, and yet those same people that wanted a guarantee tauforged are still complaining about it. 
    I too wish it wasn’t weekly, but this is something that’s not going to change. Warframe wants to keep weekly items available so people don’t rush through it all then complain that there’ “nothing to do.” 
    You know the people, the ones who would speed run through new content then complain about no content. 

  11. Those complaining about tauforged being time gated completely neglect the fact that it used to be so much worse before. It’s a guarantee at least, and it’s a hek of a lot better than beforehand. 

    You don’t get everything you want immediately, sad how it took Warframe to tell you that. 
    Edit: It seems my point wasn’t clearly mentioned, my bad ya’ll

    I was pointing out DE wanting to keep Archon Hunt as their “Weekly content” to prevent Tenno from speed running through all of it, running out of things to do, then complaining about it. I also pointed out how it was so much worse, yet people still pretend nothing changed. Of course the “compromise” is trash, but it’s a step forward. 
    Of course tauforged isn’t that much of a bonus compared to normal imo, but let’s be real here, we all love “shinies.” 

  12. With the release of cross save I can finally say goodbye to my buggy switch, and hello to beautiful smooth OC graphics. Only problem is I have some friends who will still play on switch, so I won’t be able to talk to them on VC anymore. When do you think they’ll implement this feature? 
    And before anyone says “jUsT uSE DIscOrD” one of my friends has PTSD from discord (Why, I got no clue)

  13. 2 hours ago, Traumtulpe said:

    I'm really glad to see DE take a more experimental approach to these, and while there will likely be a bunch of misses in the available stats, just the increased Corrosive proc cap alone is already enough to get me hyped! Corrosive status hasn't been useful at higher levels since the nerf, and this will not only bring it back, it will also chip away at the dominance of Slash procs - it's not exactly powercreep either, since you still need to apply the extra stacks, you sacrifice a shard slot for it, and we already have Slash anyhow.

    More variety, more options, more toys to play with - that's what Warframe needs (and seemingly will get!).

    I too am excited for more shard colors
    Of course I'm most excited for the shard ephemera finally matching my warframe

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