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Posts posted by Aruquae

  1. 3 hours ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

    i was reading the Q&A for cross save and i read this:

    "Any Platinum purchased on Nintendo Switch Warframe profiles will not be accessible on other platforms. On PC, Xbox and PlayStation, you will have a shared wallet, meaning that Platinum purchased on those platforms will be available across those platforms.

    You may still access and spend your Platinum while logged into your Warframe Cross Platform Save Account on Nintendo Switch. Any Items or Customizations purchased with this Platinum will also be automatically accessible while logged in on other platforms. However, you must log in via the Nintendo Switch to spend any Platinum specifically purchased on that platform."

    if i was on PC with my Nintendo account, would i be able to buy Platinum on PC?

    are accounts staying "platform" based or will accounts be made universal? aka will i still be a (NSW) Account, will accounts stay tethered to their original systems?

    Seems very specific, yet some gaps are seen
    My guess is it will be like Fortnite, in the sense where NSW can't have platinum used in any other platform, but other platforms can share their source of platinum
    Make sense or should I elaborate? 

  2. On 2023-10-27 at 10:44 AM, Hexerin said:

    Don't really care what incarnons are added, I just want to see the charge system redesigned. Headshots give 3 charges, body shots give 1 charge, charge capacity increased by 300% across the board. This keeps headshots the same charge value, but allows body shots for slower charging.

    There is nothing worse than going against enemies that moves far too fast, or simply just doesn’t have a specified “head.” Or the head just doesn’t count (looking at you Lephantis)

    • Like 3
  3. 21 hours ago, TeaHands said:

    Xaku Prime will obviously release with Taxon Prime. They both have X's AND A's in their names. Bulletproof case you can't argue


    Makes sense

    and the phrase “Daikyu Prime XXL” includes an X, and an A

    Which obviously means we’ll get Daikyu Prime with Xaku, and it’ll be triple the size of the bramma 

    • Like 4
  4. On 2023-11-19 at 10:42 AM, SneakyErvin said:

    Yes please, more Eximus versions. And while they are at it, can we please have Steel Eximus Stronghold Path?

    Energy orbs, everywhere!

    edit: Or does Eximus Steel Stronghold Path sound better? Steel Stronghold Eximus Path? Eximus Path Stronghold Steel? Eximus Path Steel Stronghold? Path Eximus Stronghold Steel? That last one sounded like some crazy japanese TV game show.

    Ngl I think Steel Path Eximus Stronghold has a nice ring to it


    On 2023-11-19 at 2:06 AM, Sporthand said:

    Can DE spawns:

    Eximus Sentients

    Eximus Acolytsts

    Eximus Juggernaut?

    Why don't they have more Eximus units nowadays?

    Would love it, it also wouldn’t blow up my switch

    As Eximus stronghold sorties don’t do that 👍

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Tsukinoki said:

    I think you're confusing "high" with "long".
    Red light has the longest wavelength between peaks of visible light, meanwhile blue light has the shortest wavelength between peaks of visible light.

    The height of said peaks doesn't matter when it comes to colour, just the distance between the peaks is what determines what colour our eyes see.


    Further red light has been proven to have a very low impact on the eyes, in so much that it won't disrupt night vision to nearly the same amount as a comparable amount of blue/white light will.

    Further it has been proven that blue light can have a negative impact on your circadian rhythm and can have negative impact on sleep quality, which is why being on a phone, computer, or watching TV late into the evening can have a bad effect.  Red light doesn't have nearly the same impact.

    Finally it's been proven that glasses tinted to remove blue light can actually drastically reduce eye strain and make for a more comfortable experience when spending long amounts of time on a computer, its why gamer glasses make so many claims of blocking blue light.


    If you want to talk about the emotional impact of red vs blue that is a completely different discussion, but from the perspective of eye strain, comfortableness, and negative impacts on the circadian rhythm blue light is categorically worse than red light.

    I love when I try to implement my knowledge

    And it ends up being wrong, dang it

    I think I messed up when talking about the colors red and blue. I wasn’t referring to lights (when tbf I was supposed to). 
    Thanks for the correction

  6. 1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

    And yet, the pain of red is nothing compared to the absolute agony of pure white.


    I swear if I had a cent for every time my eyes were burned by a pure white website, I'd be swimming in cash.

    Aight you got me there

    Just the website logging you out introducing you to light mode is enough to make you a billionaire. 
    Edit: Granted you’ll be a blind billionaire, but you can just pay people to be your eyes at that point. 

  7. 3 minutes ago, TeaHands said:

    Last Resort, don't blame me if your speakers explode from this mighty roar



    Max volume headphones for dramatic effect 

    But now I can’t hear anything when I tried replaying it

    Hmmm it was loud at first, but that was probably just a fluke… I wonder why everything is silent 🤔

    • Like 2
  8. 29 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:


    Oh lmao, literally almost ALL of these things are not only abandoned by DE, with Necramech having the dubious reward of community wanting them to be in regular missions but continuously cockblocked by DE, but Open World's were released with bounties where it's just regular missions but on a huge tileset.

    Yet again ignored the entirety of why I named them. I advise reading it again. Thoroughly this time. 


    30 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:


    This was hated even more than Railjack.

    See above in case you still didn’t read. I’m giving you the benefit of the doubt thinking you can actually read. I’m not sure though…


    31 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    You tried to bring up K-Drive? Freaking K-DRIVE of all things?

    Oh god, that's is genuinely hilarious.

    Hey @Skoomaseller this guy tried to bring up K-Drive as a 'Spice of Flavour' in Warframe.


    Yes, oddly enough I like K-Drives, which is why Yareli is my second most used Warframe. Bugs aside, hoverboards are fun imo. Seems like you, yet again, can’t read. 


    33 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    I merely posted that I did not like Railjack, pointing out my issues that I have with it. So far you're the only one that decided to answer to me, repeatedly, with all the tired defenses that has been given my way as to why Railjack is good with them being basically 'Its NOT Warframe' which makes me wonder why people are still playing this game if a mode being completely unlike the core gameplay is such a draw.

    Yes and that was a major mistake on my part, I can see why nobody bothers responding to you. And my riddle is still not answered. What’s Warframe built around? Or to use your words, what’s it’s core gameplay? Seems like you definitely didn’t read my post or anything for that matter. 
    Is it so hard realizing things you don’t like can be liked by other people?


    35 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Besides Yarelli and Titania, those literally just function as regular Warframes. Hell Gauss, by his design, actually looks into the movement of Warframe and makes a Warframe that's basically "Hey kiddo wanna be rewarded for interacting with the movement system of Warframe?!".

    Titania is Arch Wing mode, but in a regular mission and not the clunky Arch Wing missions, while Yarelli literally has to have several rounds of overpowered buffs compared to her original kit for people to not clown on her for having K-Drive baked into her kit.


    Wanted to add Garuda too, but sadly not sure anyone else plays her as the 2hp tank. 
    Playstyles is why I added them, adds what I’ve been emphasizing, which is diversity. The sheer difference in kits and missions is what makes Warframe… Warframe. And I guess you’re too stubborn to answer my riddle. The only “core gameplay” these all have in cmon is farming, and maybe (emphasis on maybe) hoard shooting. 


    38 minutes ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    I still can't believe that you want to use K-DRIVE as a positive to defend Railjack.

    Yea… I find K-Drives cool, sue me. 
    Completely missed my point entirely 😔

    I see you’re simply not the Tenno I thought that would be able to have a civilized conversation with bias aside. 
    Not worth my time trying to convince the stubborn. 

    • Like 1
  9. 57 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:



    And because I like the sound of my own digital typed-out-in-my-head voice, I’ll explain why

    The color red has a high (if not the highest) wavelength compared to other colors. This means looking at red for too long makes your eyes hurt your eyes, or makes it uncomfortable to look at for long periods of time. 
    Tldr, red hurts, blue calm

    • Like 2
  10. 13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    As a guy who at one point was stuck being the 'Engineer' for several public missions straight, and then the one time I didn't and it failed the mission, that's not a good aspect. In fact the whole 'teamwork' of Railjack is probably the worst aspect because what it essentially becomes is that everything in the game is a Friendship Door and your on a Sortie Spy mission where if one guy doesn't decide to fix the ship, the whole mission fail.

    Thanks to my Great Eye of the Obvi, I realize you don’t like railjack. Then that begs the question, why are you in a railjack appreciation post? I named a few aspects, they’re not an aspect you like, but still. Pointing out the “teamwork” part too; I end up soloing most of the time anyway, and teamwork isn’t needed. A fun part of railjack is the teamwork it creates. You should also notice everyone who had a role in my example enjoyed what they did. You clearly didn’t, so that doesn’t contribute to anything in said topic. 


    13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Cool, just the 'feel'

    Hey wanna see back the gameplay where one player is stuck on a S#&$ty turret section for the whole mission while another guy gets to play Warframe, that's the best Railjack will ever look, even then it was all pre-made animations.

    Bugs and more bugs, that’s all you see in it isn’t it? “Star Wars feel” should’ve been self explanatory. Flying around shooting smaller ships with a giant warship. Sabotaging “bases,” and hijacking enemy ships. That’s the “Star Wars feel” I was referring to. You know… things you see in Star Wars? Not a fan of it, but even I know the basic concept of Star Wars. It also seems like you completely misunderstood my thought about Railjack being Warframe. Your bias really makes you irritating to talk to, but I understand that. In terms of ego, we do need to disagree in order to keep said ego. Don’t worry, I’m no different


    13 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Sure name them, and then we can see how many of them are barely tolerated by the community and Devs by large by how little attention is given to them.


    Let me guess you were gonna say Orphix weren't you?

    Ngl I completely forgot Orphix existed, yea no screw Orphix. Touched that once just to get Lavos and never touched it again.

    I would name them, but your standards on the “little attention” given to all of them by DE makes it so that everything in the entire game isn’t valid. We all know DE abandons every single new content, though Voruna (for some reason) is an exception (not complaining though, just odd how much love they put into her compared to… everything). For some reason you’ll most likely take my silence for not knowing any. I’ll leave a few and you can find out what I mean: Necramech, K-Drive, Open World (all of it), Archwing, Duviri, and certain missions that seem completely odd compared to the normal nodes (I’m looking at you Hijack). Even certain (more interesting) Warframes add that “special flavor” that adds diversity to the game such as, Baruuk, Yareli, Titania, Gauss. Notice the differences? Almost all of them are different (minus the warframes being warframes). The only similarity with all is that they are all in Warframe, thus making them all a part of Warframe. 
    Also didn’t answer my riddle: What is Warframe built around? 
    Once you can answer the riddle, only then can you define what is “Not Warframe”

  11. 1 hour ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    So what's the aspect of Railjack, just sitting in a turret section? Because that's what the big Railjack ship is, a big boring turret section where you you occasionally have to go into another turret section to slowly charge an attack to destroy a crewship?

    It doesn't even help that Railjack is just, a completely different gamemode that doesn't actually add anything. You see in a weird harness to do a turret section, that's all.

    And even when it was 'More In Depth', congrats you decided to add in the only place where you have to micro manage everything, whereas the rest of the game doesn't. Why have a completely different gameplay experience that you'll never ever do outside of it, and be proud of that? No idea, but that's probably why Hijack is so popular huh?

    Ohhh, so I did explain it well. You just refuse to see my reasoning. Ok phew, there’s still some redemption in my explanation.
    I would say the aspect of railjack is the “Star Wars” feel, when you fly around in a ship, board and hijack other ships and become a pirate in space. Another aspect could be taking care of the ship. The roles in railjack are important and push team play. My sister likes being the engineer, while my friend enjoys being the pilot. I personally like hijacking other ships and making them into our own personal “fleet.” 
    Micro managing? Well I do like micro managing, so I guess I added that without saying. Granted the only micromanaging I can see is repairing it, and checking health, but that becomes obsolete when you have a crewman. 
    Well if we’re talking about completely different game modes… I can name many if not literally every single thing in Warframe that can fit under that. Railjack is no different. The only thing they have in common, is that they are in Warframe, and actually have Warframes. (With the exception of Duviri, but screw Duviri) 

    Edit: Didn’t see your example about the hitman, but riddle me this: What is  Warframe built around? 


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