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Everything posted by Mr.NoodleHair

  1. Can't new players already play with their friends by doing normal star chart missions? Instead of adding pay to skip, why not just streamline the older quests? Introduce them earlier in the starchart 🤷‍♂️
  2. rip to the endless fissure missions, you will be missed! Good to know the rivens are being addressed, though!
  3. My crackpot theory is DE learned from Duviri and knows not to make the same mistake of trying an update that's way too big. And decided to split their upcoming update into two: Whispers in the Walls and Warframe 1999. I say this cause the transition between the two was seamless and Albrecht has an IBM computer to access the giant statue.
  4. I actually like this idea a lot! It would make Narmer a greater threat if they're capable of putting veils on Liches and Sisters. Plus, I wouldn't say no to more Narmer tilesets, cause I love their aesthetic
  5. I play railjack regularly! It's a fun game mode. The crazy amount of credits and endo is a wonderful bonus too.
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