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Posts posted by Man_In_Suitcase

  1. 24 minutes ago, Rulbiem said:

    I miss and aura on the terrain (just like Equinox's Mend & Main) or a particle effect aroud Nekros (like when Ember's World on Fire is toggled on). Something that tells me (and actually tells to every player on the mission) that my Desecrate Mode is on and ready to make some loot.

    Chances are they'll add a toggle fx when once they feel it's complete. Don't forget, what was shown wasn't finalized.

  2. Well since the recent change to AoE explosions not affecting headshot multiplier anymore, this a change I'd very much welcome. Needless to say some launchers would need to be balanced *cough* Tonkor *cough* getting direcly nerf'd. Mind you that wouldn't be such a bad thing if that meant the Ogris and other neglected launchers rotting in the recesses of our lisets once again got to see the light of day.

    Although I fear that Banshee's Sonar would become the new meta because...


  3. Since his rework, Volt has become a firm favorite. Reasons being that Volt can be built for pretty much any role...

    Want a buffer for speedruns? Check.

    Want a frame that CCs for 50m and gives constant Overshields for 25 energy? Check.

    Need a defensive shield that has no damage cap and not even the Bombard's AoE can penetrate? Check.

    Want to get your sweet revenge on all those times Grineer Shield Lancers have knocked you back? Check. 

    Ivara is another favorite, and what both these Warframes have in common is that they are both versatile and wholly satisfying to play.

  4. 8 minutes ago, pewpew. said:

    i dont know what you guys are talking about i think my lil buddy looks nice 


    I swear, that thing is trying to give you a high five.

  5. 12 hours ago, AM-Bunny said:

    Yup. I have two changes I would implement. Firstly, I think semiauto weapons should have an easier time with the bubbles, although this has been discussed since Nullifiers were introduced. I have an idea of how I would do this though, which is my second change.

    Basically, the bubble decays too slowly. If you're fighting a really low level Nullifier, and you shoot 10 rounds of your fully modded Soma Prime into it -- even though more that's enough to pop the bubble, you have to wait like, a solid two seconds for the bubble to shrink and then pop. Waaaaay too long.

    I think there should be a threshold if you continue to do damage to the bubble as it shrinks - perhaps after inflicting 200% of the bubble's health - then it would pop instantly. This would make them much less annoying to deal with, and also give semiauto weapons a fighting chance.

    IIRC the Synoid Sim could once pop Nullifier's bubbles in a near instance and any level, which what you're proposing sounds like that effect should apply to all weapons once the bubble takes X amount of damage which I completely agree with. However the SS got the nerf hammer when people clicked on that it could not only deal good CC, but trivalize Nullifiers at the same. So whether or not DE would even consider reimplementing this mechanic on a larger scale seems quite unlikely to happen now.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Cyborg-Rox said:

    61% crit chance on a weapon with 11,4x crit damage? Time to finally Catalyze and Forma up this badboy!

    Wielding this thing now is gonna cause a nuclear apocalypse wherever I go c:<


    (Ps: Yes, I tested, it does give you 61% crit chance, not 1.6%)

    As much as I'd love to try this and basket in the glory of kitty crits, I cannot help this sinking feelin' that this'll get nerf'd into the ground soon. I hope to clem they don't touch it.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Fluttershy_I said:

    I suppose that's fair, I guess the title is a bit misleading, and that is my bad and I apologize for it ^.^ I just really wanted an all out discussion on other people's opinions, and that's what I got (for the most part)

    Either that guide is a bit outdated, or I'm blind as a bat (could be both)

    Idd is it. So go to your OP and press Edit next to Quote, and you'll see the rest, unless you are actually blind...


    jk :P


  8. 1 minute ago, Fluttershy_I said:

    I would, but I'm entirely not sure what to change it to, as this title seems to make the most sense, and If I'm honest, I'm not entirely sure how to edit titles

    The fact you've used "nerf" in the title, rather than overpowered or balanced suggests that you went off on the deep end by the title alone, which has now set the tone for the entire thread, making you look like either a troll or forum no0bie which I gather is the latter here.

    This may help;


  9. 27 minutes ago, (PS4)Deception_Pharo said:

    the combo card for primal fury is hard to pull off and they never had problems, seems like they haven't read other posts by people complaining about it.

    Agreed. Futhermore is seems that they don't even know that Wukong's Ult is make up of combos not just a single, which also kinda proves they haven't throughly tested his Primal Fury at all. They are already somewhat cluncky to pull off, and the more melee speed you have that more difficult his ult becomes to use.

  10. With the Specters Of The Rail update imminent, I have been pondering, will selling prime parts become less in demand now that we'll have Void 2.0? Of course this is just more or less speculation at the moment as this won't impact trading fully until a week or so after the update, and we're still a little confused on how it all ties together with us being able to manipulate RNG for a chance at those "rarer parts."

    So I'm wondering if anyone else has given any thought to how this overhaul may affect trading in terms of making platinum through prime parts, without forking out IRL money for it. Could this update potentially have adverse effects on how we all make platinum by selling buying prime parts? Thoughts please!

  11. Actually Conclave kills don't count towards any kills in our profile which is a little daft, as I've ranked up quite a few weapons just by pvp. Another thing that bugs me is that Kubrows don't accumulate any kills either, my raksa has 622 million exp, but no kills lol. Will we every get profile 2.0 I wonder...

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