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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. None of the syndicate syndanas are as good looking and epic as I hoped for really. They seem quite petite and underwhelming as oppose to the standard ones we already have. 100k rep seems a bit much as well. Why not slot something in at the 50k or 75k mark as there is currently nothing there.

    they all look crap, let's be real. Im not even being rude or nasty, they are MASSIVELY disappointing : (

  2. This is why I want you people to comment and share your ideas of what his skills could be. Read the post please.

    I did read the post. You honestly didnt give us much to work with is all I was saying. Im curious what others have to say however

  3. Fast Forward: Speeds up all allies and enemies.


    Slow down: Slows down all allies and enemies.


    Pause: Allows multiplayer games to be paused, so everyone can take a break and grab a drink.


    Time Warp: Grants the ability to skip to the next wave in defense and other similar missions. If you don't like your reward, you can rewind time and take another shot at it.

    Hope that ult is a joke. Rng would collapse

  4. shatter shield: Hell no it isnt, its a great DR skill and highly undervalued.

    Opticor: Its incredible even in late game

    Kohm: Builds have been discovered for this puppy that make it do a WHOPPING 76K dps, dunno who told you it was weak.

    Everything else I agree with

  5. so you....really didnt give us a single theme or idea of what type of frame this is, how the heck are we supposed to help with ideas? Time manipulation is a broad subject dude

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