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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. Oh right. We are all soooo concerned for the new player that we want to restrict what they use for their own good. We shouldn't allow new players to have any fun until they slave in the mines of mercury for at least 200 hours, then they are allowed out into the light of day.

    No need to be rude. He has a point. rank 0s shouldnt have rhino prime and boltor primr. Just give them a mastery rank requirement, simple solution

  2. Apparently most of that unencrypted data is outdated so it would be hard to use to prove my points. Still don't see why people are defending this nerf though. It doesn't benefit them in any way.



    You're exactly correct. Trading does suck, but its there and its the only alternative to getting platinum without spending money. I've had my fair share of getting ripped off when I was new to trading but after a while I started to get the hang of it. Since then, I've never had a problem with platinum. I don't have a lot of it (have 0 at the moment) but if I spend my day trading, I could easily net around 100+ platinum with the mods and items I have.


    I think there's only been one or two people who said they "might" leave. No ones threatening anyone. We're just sick of these awful nerfs that shouldn't be implemented in the first place.

    The most recent one is 15.13, thats pretty recent if you ask me

  3. Cyrus106 here. I was originally just a lurker, but after 2 years of playing I wanted the game to improve, so I posted heavily discussed topics such as this one


    Anyway, I've seen my name thrown around since I was namedropped on the Devstream #45


    So I figured I'd at least make an official introduction topic.

    Greetings! I am a volt main(yep) I love making absurd speed builds such as combining sprint boost zephyr and volt. I am the leader of the clan UFSB and have been around since Update 1. See you on the flipside Tenno!

  4. With the ingame economy and trading system as it is right now, trading just plain sucks. Only so many people understand what to do to make a decent profit.


    It's a lot of "Let's exploit the person who doesn't know the prices!" game.

    This is untrue. I have made tons of plat without scamming a single person.

    Think about it.

    10 plat minimum per trade is my personal rule. I get 20 trades a day so 200 plat minimum. 200x5 days == 1000 plat. People new to trading think they MUST sell the rarest item to make profit. Newsflash, you dont

  5. How exactly am I supposed to get this data if its all encrypted? This is all general information that could be right or could be wrong. What I do know is, and with information from DE changelogs from patches, is that the old drop rates from T4 survival has changed. You can't argue that it hasn't because it has and there's proof floating around the forums if you look for it. In addition to that, the new rates found on starchart missions are considerably lower considering packs are now exclusive to Rotation A where as they use to be in ALL Rotations A through C.

    Thanks, I'll add that into my main post.

    The information is just general knowledge and is by no means completely 100% accurate. Most of the information is from Warframe wiki pages and other people on this forum.

    You must not have leveled up many mods to understand why they're so important. The fusing energy process is a mess which is why we need these cores.

    The unencrypted data is available on reddit, so saying we "don't know the drop rates" is a poor arguement. I'm sure Delirin can agree with me, as some of you insist on defending these awful changes
  6. i used the warframe builder the other day to see how awesome i could get my dread that i was building. my build used 2 forma and i was able to make a pretty epic build. it all fit with the catalyst and 2 forma, so when i got my bow i immediately forma'd it twice and slapped a potatoe on it. but the build doesn't fit even though it's the exact same setup. when i was experimenting on the builder i was kinda just going through the motions so i don't know if i missed anything.




    i added a dash polarity and a v polarity,(don't remember the names) i used maxed point strike, maxed fanged fusilade, maxed hammershot, maxed sawtooth clip, maxed shred, maxed vital sense, maxed thunderbolt, and i was supposed to be able to use max serration but i need to level it 4 more times but i only have 2 capacity left

    Um. if the 4 capacity is needed, and you need 2 more energy, then you put the mod on a polarity. It only uses 2 energy then. Also, thunderbolt on Dread is terrible, just friendly advice. Shred is terrible because dread already has puncture. Sawtooth is just generally bad.


    Try this



  7. As I posted previously:


      Let's look at why this "re-inclusion of R5 cores" might actually be waaaaay worse than running t4 survival:


    Drop rate of high level survival missions on star chart:


    +2000 Credits Cache,1,COMMON, 14.2% (estimated)

    +2500 Credits Cache,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated) 

    +Steady Hands,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)  

    +Stabilizer,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Power Throw,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)



    Let's add R5 core packs into that, assuming they are also categorized as "common"


    100/7 rewards = 14.2% (the old rates of rotation A in high level survival)


    100/8 rewards(Add the r5 core pack) = 12.5% chance. in rotation A


    Why is this terrible?


    The old T4 survival rates were 77% (they were the only "common" drop in rotation A). By including O cellsx3 in the "common" type, rare 5 packs were cut in half: 38.5%.




    Now here is my simple, proposed solution to end this once and for all.


    It's very simple. 
    Remove all the credit caches and junk from rotation A, and change the rates to this
                          Rotation A
    5x Rare Fusion Core     77%
    Steady Hands              7.6%
    Stabilizer                      7.6%
    Power Throw              7.6%
    There you have it! The old Core drop rates (77%). Problem solved. People Farm Pluto survival and are happy

    This is my proposed drop table change for Tier III star chart


    OLD                                       Rot A      Rot B     Rot C
    2000 Credit Cache                 14.29%    -            -
    2500 Credit Cache                 14.29%    -            -
    4000 Credit Cache                  -              -            5.26%
    5000 Credit Cache                  -              -            5.26%
    Uncommon Fusion Core        14.29%    -            -
    5x Rare Fusion Core              14.29%    -            -
    Steady Hands                         14.29%    -            5.26%
    Stabilizer                                 14.29%    -            5.26%
    Power Throw                          14.29%     -            -
    Credits 2000                                      - - -
    Credits 2500                                      - - -
    Credits 4000                                      - - -
    Credits 5000                                      - - -
    Uncommon Fusion Core                    - - -
    5x Rare Fusion Core               25%    - -
    Steady Hands                          25%   -           5.26%
    Stabilizer                                  25%   -           5.26%
    Power Throw                           25%    - -


    They need to be higher. Let me give you MY proposed changes.


                                         Rotation A

    Uncommon Fusion Core ---

    5x Rare Fusion Core 77%

    Steady Hands            7.6%

    Stabilizer                    7.6%

    Power Throw              7.6%



    There you have it! The old Core drop rates. Problem solved

  9. Today's update doesn't inspire any hope of change. R5 core pack being a chance drop in tough survivals, but I keep seeming to get more and more copies of Steady Hands. I wonder what the percentage is.

    Let's look at why this "re-inclusion of R5 cores" might actually be waaaaay worse than running t4 survival:


    Drop rate of high level survival missions on star chart:


    +2000 Credits Cache,1,COMMON, 14.2% (estimated)

    +2500 Credits Cache,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Fusion Core,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated) 

    +Steady Hands,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)  

    +Stabilizer,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)    

    +Power Throw,1,COMMON,14.2% (estimated)



    Let's add R5 core packs into that, assuming they are also categorized as "common"


    100/7 rewards = 14.2% (the old rates of rotation A in high level survival)


    100/8 rewards(Add the r5 core pack) = 12.5% chance. in rotation A


    Why is this terrible?


    The old T4 survival rates were 77% (they were the only "common" drop in rotation A). By including O cellsx3 in the "common" type, rare 5 packs were cut in half: 38.5%.


    Now tell me....which is better? 38.5%? Or.....12.5%?

  10. And I was indeed strenghtening your argument; my sarcastic tone was referred to this supposed return of cores to their previous drop.


    However I don't want to sound too pessimistic now, We still need to test this for good.

    Ah, sorry I misred. And yes, I will go out and take screenshots of my 10 or 30 minute runs. I hear Palus Pluto is good supposedly

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