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Posts posted by cyrus106

  1. > Rakta Ballistica buff, Nulifier nerf and second biggest key grind removed

    > Rep distribution is changed

    > Players ignore changes based on what they'd been whining about before and instantly start whining again


    Excuse me, give me a source on this "nullifier nerf". I see no such thing




    This update was amazing.

    They basically fixed rep farming (I'm mastery rank 17 and can now get more rep per day than I could before) but now we have to work for it?! Gasp! Seriously this update was amazing.

    Ya something's need tweaking but as a whole DE is living up to the "year of quality."


    Wait till you find out how hard they nerfed rare 5 core drops...

  2. Fixes:


    Fixed Orokin Sabotage missions not being complete-able. 

    Fixed various crashes.

    Waiting on the removal of o cells from t4 survival, the drop tables only get worse. As you guys mentioned in 15.13, "added Orokin cells to tower 3 survival". You guys never said anything about t4

  3. ^

    perhaps they put it into t4 survival by mistake?

    Somehow I doubt that, time will tell



    The mods are in "Mod rewards" not in "item rewards"

    dude, you can see the top of my mod rewards in screen shot 1(rare cores are ALWAYS at the top for me). There is NO rare 5s. If you are still skeptical count the rewards. There are 6. Boar stock, o cell 3x, frost helm, mag helm

    , boar stock, bo ornament. that's six. No rare 5s

  4. This is ridiculous, to begin with, for high rank players that have everything, T4 Survival is the mostly played mission that we can get R5 cores of, 3 Orokin cells? Are you serious? You guys want us to grind to get a key and then grind again to get orokin cells? Are you trying to get players to play the game more or what? Because after this update it seems the opposite to me and to a lot of people. And what about the rep standing amount? Split down to a half? Please... The whole game is about grinding over and over, don't make it worse.


    For people commenting please leave a comment if you want the standing and the T4 S rewards to go back the way it was before, if you have an opinion or an addition to what I said post it below.


    Thank you.

    Here's proof guys, this is t4 survival literally NO rare 5s. HOWEVER, DONT QUOTE ME ON THIS.... I got a ton of rare 5s from t4 defense today. Run t4 defense and post results to test it. I literally got 30, no joke.





  5. Results of 2 runs:


    First run, literally no rare 5s 30 minutes






    Second run 40 mins


    15 rare 5s, 3 o cells, vasto prime bp




    Confirmed, O cells are in rotation A.


    Why is this bad you ask?


    Based on how the drop rates work, rotation A had a 77% chance of dropping common items (the only item in "common" was cores, hence why t4 survival is so popular). Now that o cells are added, that rate is CUT IN HALF.

    That's right! Only a 38.5% chance to drop r5s now in rotation A!




    Sidenote: I ran a t4 defense earlier and got literally nothing but rare 5s in a 35 wave run, couldnt get a screenie due to game crash but I suspect maybe they made t4 defense the new spot....needs more testing!

  6. Bloody christ, They supposedly lowered the ducat value of multiple 50 ducat items (like nyx prime systems) to 10 ducats, and changes r5 cores to 3x o cells in t4 survival. To put it bluntly, I am &!$$ED





    O cell:



    Why are ducats relevant? THIS ROTATION C NERF WAS TO PREVENT DUCAT FARMING. And now you nerf ducat farming? UGH. I just....I don't know how to make a complete sentence at the moment


    And O cells in t4? r5 cores is the only reason I go to t4 survival. Stop doing this stuff


    edit: Going to t4 survival to get my own samples of the new drops, wish me luck

  7. Whether you disagree with the amount of buffing, it's still a buff. I wouldn't mind more(As well as a crit mod buff on pistols)


    With medallions, it may be. Depends on your luck. Feeling lucky?

    Luck....*shudders*. There is enough RNG as is, my friend

  8. This is not exactly true. These resources are easier to get since the missions you probably play on drop these rather the other stuff (aside from Argon and Oxium - which just are abysmal). For instance if you play a lot of endless void missions.... well expect to have a lot more of those 4 resources that drop in void than the rest since... well you play a lot of void missions. 

    That being said being rude and demanding things doesn't help - you could've simply said, just utilize these other resources more. A statement I could whole-heartily agree on.

    I wasn't necessarily being rude, I was being blunt. Nowhere in my post did I insult the developers, I just am a bit tired of certain resources being under-utilized. I'll edit it if you feel it's rude

  9. DE I honestly don't like this new weapon combining mechanic, it's a bit tiring. I don't want to duct-tape skanas to my boltos, this is silly. Give me a use for my piles of control modules, morphics, my 3 million alloy plates, my neurodes, my circuits, my rubedo. All my resources that I lug around. I get that the community flipped at you for the kohm for using oxium and argon, but that shouldn't stop you from using available resources for blueprints.. What am I supposed to use 3 million alloy for? ammunition? I don't even care if you make the crafting costs expensive (10 morphics, 30,000 alloy). You guys made the resources available in mass amounts, so let us use them!. 


    A lone tenno

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